Chapter 166 Ergan, Jun Limo's anger

"Jijiji, die, die, a delicious dinner is coming to this king's mouth!" Not only did the corpse king burst into gloomy laughter, the white and cold teeth and the red blood The eyes looked even more terrifying at this time.

Feng Liuli did not hesitate, raised the Liuli sword and joined the Tiger Dynasty to attack the mutated corpse king quickly.

The corpse king seemed to have an insight into Feng Liuli's moves early in the morning, the blood-red figure flashed, and he suddenly floated a few meters away, still looking at Feng Liuli and the tiger king who had fluttered in the air, showing a cold smile.

The gloomy smile looked at the bottom of Feng Liuli's eyes, but it was indescribably scary and irritable.

"Roar!" The Tiger King roared once again, his majestic and majestic body attacked the blood-red shadow impressively, and the pressure belonging to the super divine beast was released without reservation.

In the stone house, the atmosphere was surging, and the moment the electric light passed the stone, the entire stone house was suddenly filled with a fierce and murderous arrogance.

The powerful aura released between the Tiger King and the Mutated Corpse King swung wildly like a howling sea breeze.

With a loud "bang", the Tiger King suddenly fell into a disadvantage, and the Tiger King's deterrent power was immediately suppressed.

Feng Liuli looked at the Tiger King in horror, full of anger and astonishment in her heart. This Corpse King was indeed a formidable opponent.

From the beginning of entering this tomb, Feng Liuli knew that there must be a powerful guy. When she really met this guy at this moment, Feng Liuli really couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

"King Tiger, are you alright?" Feng Liuli turned to look at King Tiger, and asked with concern.

"Master, I'm fine, get out of here, this corpse king is really above me, my strength is suppressed and can't be used!"

I don't know why, since entering this tomb, the strength of Tiger King and Binglan has been suppressed. Although the pressure released is still the supernatural beast, but it is much smaller.

Feng Liuli didn't understand, and Tiger King naturally didn't understand either.

"Jijiji, don't even want to leave any of you, just cook my delicious dinner, Jijiji..."

The eerie laughter came cold and faint again, and Feng Liuli was horrified for a while, and her heart was full of fear. Pull out cool pull out cool.

"Dream, Shou die!" Feng Liuli's white figure suddenly leaped into the air, and the strong spiritual power immediately waved towards the corpse king.

The powerful spiritual power of the acquired realm was not suppressed at all, and Feng Liuli violently attacked the corpse king on the opposite side with all the powerful white power, leaving no room for it.

"Jijiji, it's only you who will die!"

The mutant corpse king showed a cold smile at the figure in front of Feng Liuli, and then a more powerful momentum attacked, and immediately attacked Feng Liuli. He is about to take action against Feng Liuli.

Because the more powerful momentum came out, Feng Liuli intuitively felt panic, that powerful force was so terrifying.

"Master!" Bai Hu, who was beside him, became anxious when he saw Feng Liuli's painfully distorted face, and was about to slap the mutant corpse king fiercely.

Between the light and the flint, a majestic and cold voice suddenly came from the entrance of the cave in a hurry.

"Evil animal, dare you!"

As that icy and arrogant voice came out, a black figure flashed and landed steadily in front of Feng Liuli.

The black figure's body suddenly exploded with a powerful force that attacked the mutant corpse king, and the powerful purple spiritual power was continuously swept away.

"Zilong, kill it!" As the black figure drank coldly, another purple light flashed across the stone house.

"Ow!" Under the purple light of a loud noise, I saw a huge purple dragon attacking the mutant corpse king at the moment.

When she saw the black figure descending like a god, Feng Liuli was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of her mouth raised a touch of excitement and excitement.

A pair of beautiful colored eyes looked at Jun Limo without blinking.

Yes, this black figure who just appeared at a critical moment is not someone who is being attacked, it is Jun Limo who Feng Liuli has been looking for.

"King Tiger, help them!" Feng Liuli's cold voice suddenly said to King Tiger.

The tiger king let out an angry tiger roar, and immediately joined the team that beat the mutant corpse king.

A super-divine beast Tiger King, a super-divine beast Dream Purple Dragon, and a spiritual master Jun Limo, the combined force of these three suddenly hit the mutant corpse king on the ground a little dizzy.

At this moment, Jun Limo vented all the anger in his heart, and fiercely attacked the mutant corpse king in front of him, attacking, attacking!

Jun Li's ink hair was flying, a black robe fluttered in the wind, an incomparably handsome face was flashing with angry flames at this moment, and the bottom of his dark eyes was even more murderous.

God knows how angry and worried he was when he saw that this mutant corpse king was going to harm Feng Liuli.

"Jijiji, you can't do this, it's unfair to use three to one!" The mutant corpse king couldn't bear the fierce attack of two beasts and one person, and suddenly said.

"Beat, hit me hard, in the eyes of this young master, this young master is fair!" Jun Limo's arrogant and cold voice suddenly came out, and he continued to lead the tiger king and Zilong to fight the mutant corpse king.

No matter how powerful the mutant corpse king was, how could he resist the attacks of so many powerful forces.

"jiji...jiji..." Under the repeated bombardment, the mutant corpse king suddenly weakened, and was suppressed by Zilong and Tiger King step by step.

The phoenix glazed eyes can't help but be a little surprised, why the tiger king is so powerful in this tomb, but this purple dragon seems to have nothing at all, why is this?

Feng Liuli squinted her eyes slightly, her eyes that were as cool as water kept moving back and forth on the dreamy Zilong and Tiger King, but after watching for a long time, she could not see why.

Jun Limo glared at the mutant corpse king with a gloomy face, and the dark light radiating from his body made Feng Liuli's heart tighten.

"Kill me!" Jun Limo coldly ordered to Zilong and Tiger King, his dark eyes were cruel and bloodthirsty.


Suddenly, the sound of dragons and tigers roared in the entire stone house, with a powerful momentum hitting the mutant corpse king.

The purple and yellow rays of light were intertwined, and the two equally powerful super divine beasts knocked the mutant corpse king to the ground with just one blow.

"Jiji..." The mutant corpse king fell heavily to the ground, his red eyes flashing with unwillingness.

How is it possible, it obviously won't lose!

"Zilong, break it for me!" Jun Limo's dark eyes were like a black mist that made it impossible to see through, but there was an icy aura of anger around him.

It seems that as long as it is a little closer, it can be completely frozen.

"Yes, master!" The icy voice of the dreamy Zilong came from the sky above the stone house. With a roar of "roar", the powerful body suddenly flew down into the sky.

At the moment when the mutant corpse king had no time to react, the dreamy Zilong spit out a powerful dragon breath. Suddenly, the turbid dragon breath immersed the mutant corpse king.

When the stone house became quiet again, the mutant corpse king had long since disappeared, and only a faint smell of decay was still floating in the air.

In the stone house, Jun Limo hugged the woman in his arms tightly, buried his entire face between Feng Liuli's neck, and absorbed the fragrance of Feng Liuli with a big mouthful.

Bing Lan and other students also came to the stone house at some point.

"Let go of my master!" Tiger King shouted at Jun Limo when he saw his master being eaten by a man in black.

"Zilong, seal its mouth!" Jun Limo's face darkened slightly, he glanced at the furious Tiger King with disdain, and gave a cold order to the dreamy Zilong.

The purple light flashed and suddenly turned into a human figure and stopped in front of the Tiger King, with a cold and cold look on his face like Jun Limo.

"Hey hey, brother, my master is your master's man, so this isn't eating tofu. This is the reunion of the couple after a long absence, so let's not bother!"

Tiger King listened to Zilong's words and couldn't turn his back. Come, a pair of wild eyes can not help but exude a surprised light at this moment.

It turned out that this somewhat dangerous man was actually the man of his master!

On the other hand, the students of the First Empire College on the side didn't say anything when they saw Feng Liuli being held tightly in Jun Limo's arms.

There were a few boys in the crowd with a hint of disappointment in their eyes, but they were too weak compared to such a powerful expert, and they couldn't help but not bother about it for a while.

"So many people are watching, let me go first!" Feng Liuli looked at the gazes cast by the people around her, and couldn't help but coughed twice and pushed Jun Limo slightly.

"What are you afraid of, it's not that they don't know our relationship, but they want to kill me these few days, hmm!" Jun Limo said more and more vigorously, holding Feng Liuli, but he didn't want to separate.

After a while, Feng Liuli was finally let go by Jun Limo, and Jun Limo raised an excited and satisfied smile, completely different from the murderous aura she had just now.

"Okay, let's go, I don't like it here, my heart feels so fluffy!"

Feng Liuli looked at Feng Liuli, frowned slightly, and there was a bit of disgust in her eyes.

Jun Limo looked at the look of disgust and boredom in Feng Liuli's eyes, and suddenly understood, a teasing lazy smile appeared on his face.

"My young master almost forgot, my family's Li'er is the most afraid of those ghosts and gods. Well, that's the case, this young master will reluctantly take Li'er out of this ghost place!"

Listening to Jun Limo's words, Feng Liuli Immediately, he glared at Jun Limo fiercely, and there was a sense of resentment in his heart.

This is good, everyone knows that she is a coward, and she is afraid of the disgusting things that ghosts and gods say, which is really shameful.

Yun Junfeng, Ling'er and the others who came with Feng Liuli couldn't help but stare at Feng Liuli in disbelief.