Chapter 168 Come Out

"Silly girl, what are you thinking, you are my girl, and I am willing to do this!" As if he could see the emotions in Feng Liuli's eyes, Jun Limo reached out and stroked Feng Liuli softly. .

"But for the sake of correcting your mistakes when you know your mistakes, this young master will reluctantly accept your feelings, and be nice to this young master in the future!"

Jun Limo smiled happily, and his eyes were no longer there. It is not as dark as ink before, but it is shining with moving brilliance and infinite gentleness.

"Why hasn't the Tiger King come up yet, will nothing happen down there?" Bing Lan on the side couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Feng Liuli couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, something happened between the Tiger King and Binglan that she didn't know about. Otherwise, why would Binglan be so worried if the Tiger King didn't come up for a long time at this time.

However, listening to Bing Lan's words can be regarded as a reminder to Feng Liuli that the Tiger King has indeed been down for a while, but he has not come up yet.

The expression on his face suddenly became a little dignified, and he wondered if something happened to the Tiger King in the water, or if he encountered some powerful monsters!

But after thinking about it, Tiger King is not weak, and he is a super beast. Ordinary beasts and zombies can't help Tiger King at all. After this thought, I let go of my mind.

When everyone was anxiously waiting, only to hear the sound of "crashing" in the river, and the Tiger King had already exposed his head.

"Master, there is an exit below!" As soon as

Feng Liuli heard Tiger King's words, a light flashed in his eyes, and the rest of the crowd also showed excitement and joy at this moment.

"Let's go!" Jun Limo hugged Feng Liuli tightly in his arms, and jumped into the cold river in one leap for life.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help jumping into the water one after another. The icy river water was not as cold as before. The river water there became bone-chilling cold because of the cold water. This is the normal kind of cold.

Moreover, the river water here does not have the rotten smell in the tomb, and it becomes much fresher and cleaner.

Jun Limo took Feng Liuli to swim for a while, but he didn't mean to end at all.

Feng Liuli couldn't help thinking in her heart, no wonder the Tiger King didn't come up after waiting for a long time. It turns out that this river is actually so long, but I don't know where the end of the river leads to.

Feng Liuli didn't need to exert much force, her entire body was held in Jun Limo's arms, and the cold coldness dissipated a lot in time.

Everyone probably swam two incense sticks in the water, and when they were about to swim with cramps in their legs, finally, the bright light in front of them suddenly brightened up.


"Clap la la..."

With the sound of water rising to the surface one after another, everyone showed a smile on their faces, looking at the blue sky, smelling the faint fragrance in the air suddenly I felt a moment of relief.

"My mother, I finally came out. I will never enter such a terrible place again!" Yun Junfeng took a deep breath of greed as soon as he breathed in the fresh air.

"Me too, me too, this ghost place is really scary, I will never come again!" Ping Wei on the side also had deep fear in his eyes.

This journey is really too thrilling, even if they are courageous on weekdays, they can't help but look scared at this moment.

If this happened all of a sudden, there would be no one who knew it. How sad it would be.

What's more terrifying is that it is very likely that your corpse will become the perfect lunch or dinner for those zombies and mutant corpses.

Then they themselves will become the same things as those disgusting things.

Thinking of these, the bottom of everyone's heart can not help but a burst of disgust and overturned.

"Damn, it's so fucking exciting, oh, it's cool!" Apart from the fear and dissatisfaction in the hearts of the students of the First Academy, Tiger King and the others couldn't hide their excitement.

Zilong didn't know when it was still taken back by Jun Limo, and Feng Liuli naturally understood.

Jun Limo's identity is a special existence on the entire Eastern Continent, and Jun Limo's feeling to everyone has always been mysterious and unpredictable, let alone how this young master of Tantric Buddhism cultivates.

And unless Jun Limo was at a critical juncture, he always regarded himself as a congenital spirit, but this time, in order to save her in the tomb, he showed his true strength.

"Let's go, it's getting late, it's almost time, we should go out too!" Li Zhan has always been the most calm one.

Glancing at the sky above his head, he frowned and said to the people soaked in the water, and then he first swam towards the shore.

The rest of the crowd immediately followed Li Zhan and swam towards the shore ahead.

For everyone at this moment, the important thing is not to go out, but to be able to leave here quickly, and then take a good rest.

These two days, no, strictly speaking, today has really exhausted everyone.

Feng Liuli followed Jun Limo back to the shore. The long skirt on her body was soaked by the water. At this moment, it was hanging on her body coolly. When the wind blew, she felt a biting chill invade.

A warm spiritual force was immediately sent into Feng Liuli's body, and immediately Feng Liuli's whole body exuded a sense of relief.

After half a column of incense, the clothes on Feng Liuli were air-dried by Jun Limo.

A few people around have almost rested at the moment, so they plan to continue on the road.

With more experience on this road, everyone seems to have grown a lot, and there is also an increase in strength.

What treasures, what magical beasts, and all sorts of messed up things have all been left behind by Yun Junfeng and the others. The most precious thing for them at this moment is life.

After leaving the tomb, there was no one who dared to approach the super divine beasts with Tiger King and Binglan, and they never encountered any movement along the way.

However, Feng Liuli's face was not very good along the way, the brows on her forehead were tightly locked, and she kept thinking about something.

Maybe even Jun Limo couldn't stand it, so he couldn't help but stopped and looked at Feng Liuli and asked in a puzzled way: "What's the matter, you left that tomb, but you have been frowning, what is it that you can't figure out? Is it?"

Who is Jun Limo, how clever, seeing Feng Liuli's hatred and bitterness, he knew that there must be something else in his heart.

Feng Liuli raised her head and glanced at Jun Limo, her face still full of incomprehension. After a long silence, she walked towards the front and said to Jun Limo on the side.

"Is there anything unusual around you when you dug the entrance to that tomb?"

Jun Limo listened to Feng Liuli's question, and then looked at Feng Liuli's solemn look before frowning slightly.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I still can't think of a reason, and suddenly shook his head and said.

"No, I'm sure there's no one around. If there is someone, I'll definitely find out, and I think there are only a handful of people who are stronger than me and can't be found by me, it's almost impossible!"

Feng Liuli listened to Jun Limo's words, His brows furrowed a little tighter. If what Jun Limo said was true, who would be the one who sealed the entrance to the tomb and cut off their way?

Could it be that some zombies can't be ghosts, Feng Liuli couldn't convince herself in her heart!

"What's wrong?" Jun Limo asked impatiently when he saw Feng Liuli still frowning.

Feng Liuli raised her eyes and glanced at Jun Limo, her eyes were cold and cruel, and she took a deep sigh before she said it more seriously.

"Did you know that after we descended into the tomb, the group of small zombies that had just been dealt with wanted to exit the tomb, but there was a sound at the entrance of the tomb!"

Feng Liuli paused and looked at the grave with a solemn gaze. Jun Limo also saw a dignified and ruthless icy aura in Jun Limo's eyes, and Feng Liuli continued to speak.

"That sound was because someone or something blocked our way back, so it was because of this that we had to move forward, and because of this, I met you, now you But do you understand?"

Feng Liuli explained to Jun Limo for a while, the expression on her face was particularly sluggish and solemn.

If it was said that some ghostly thing blocked their back path, Feng Liuli really had some disbelief in her heart.

But if it is artificial, it is located in the center of the Yin Yang Mountains, and ordinary new disciples definitely do not have the strength to enter the center.

Even if he had this heart, he would have already been killed by the high-level monsters or those strange things that came out on the road.

Then the final result is nothing more than one kind. There is a very powerful opponent who not only knows that they are in, but also wants them to die in it, so the hole is sealed.

Such an act is nothing more than hatred against someone in their group.

And Feng Liuli believes that no one but herself will attract such a powerful opponent. It is because of this that Feng Liuli will have a headache at this moment, and she is thinking about who put her in such a predicament.

Jun Limo listened to Feng Liuli's words, and the expression on his face was also very ugly, and the depths of his eyes were even more cold and evil.

Feng Liuli's words are nothing more than obvious, that is, someone wants to kill her, and even said that someone wants to kill her, but it is because there is no chance to shoot.

So that person blocked the entrance to the tomb, in order to block the way for everyone to retreat, and the tomb was full of crises, and when the time came, he would not care about that person.

And now that Feng Liuli is still out safe and sound, and is still alive and well, then that person will naturally not give up, and will definitely kill Feng Liuli again.

When he thought that someone had rushed to kill Feng Liuli right under his nose, Jun Limo's aura suddenly turned cold, and he was even more careful in his heart.

No matter who wants to kill his woman, he will find out that person in advance and let that person die without a place to die. This is the end of offending him, Jun Limo.