Chapter 169 The end of the experience, the return

The experience ended here. When the elders standing at the exit of the Yin Yang Mountains saw the middle school students who came back safe and sound, they all smiled gratified.

Especially when everyone's eyes fell on Feng Liuli, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in their eyes.

They looked at Feng Liuli, who was clearly the same as before, but upon closer inspection, they found that Feng Liuli was even more beautiful than before.

Especially the skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, ruddy and delicate, and the pair of bright and dazzling glass eyes are even more sparkling and agile.

The elders are all smart people, and they all understood at a glance. It seems that Feng Liuli's experience gained a lot from this trip.

Suddenly, several elders nodded towards Feng Liuli and walked over. "Congratulations to Miss Feng, Miss Feng is worthy of being the direct disciple of Dean Likong

, her talent is indeed outstanding, and he will definitely be more powerful than Dean Likong!"

Smart, it seems to have benefited a lot!" All

the elders said their words, and I said congratulations to Feng Liuli, Feng Liuli has always been calm and calm, and faced several elders in the same way. with a smile.

The whole body turned out to have a mature and stable alternative temperament.

Jun Limo on the side looked at the girl who suddenly calmed down a lot, and touched her nose a little uncomfortable, feeling a little unhappy about the annoying origin of these gangsters.

"Li'er, I'm hungry and tired!" Jun Limo looked at Feng Liuli unhappily and said.

Little did they know that the man who was so noble in the past, who was like a god and made girls crazy, looked at Feng Liuli with a look of grievance at this moment. What a blow.

It was just such a picture that all the girls around at the moment looked over.

How could Feng Liuli not know the unpleasant emotion in the eyes of the man in front of her, she smiled lightly, and said softly to Jun Li Mo: "Okay, let's go back to the academy now to find something to eat, and then have a good rest!"

"Okay!" Jun Limo responded immediately, his lazy and evil face was full of doting smiles, but his whole body still exuded a noble aura, isolating everyone from the outside, as if such doting and tenderness were only the same. For the phoenix glaze.

When the girls saw that Jun Limo's expression was hurt again, they cast their envious and jealous eyes on Feng Liuli.

"Humph!" Then Jun Limo snorted coldly at several elders who were full of coquettish smiles, and left with Feng Liuli arrogantly and disdainfully.

After the elders watched the two ancestors leave, they wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and complained straight in their hearts.

The young master of the four tantric sects acted exaggeratedly, which really gave everyone a headache.

But they couldn't move the young master. After all, the four esoteric sects were mysterious and unusual, and on the Eastern Continent, it was the most mysterious place other than Yuncheng.

And this young master Jun is still a friend and guest of Dean Likong. Naturally, they will not be neglected. Of course, no one in the academy knows about this matter.

They were also ordered by the dean, so they knew that this noble and arrogant, but lazy and wicked handsome man was actually the young master of the esoteric sect, Jun Limo!

Seeing that the two were already far away, the elders just began to worry about the students of the college returning to the First Empire College.

Early in the morning, Feng Liuli, who came back from the Yin Yang Mountains and slept comfortably, got up early, left the dormitory and headed towards the Zhaixing Pavilion at the rear.

Along the way, I heard a lot of things about Shi Fei.

There are rumors that the eldest Miss Shijia has been making up classes for those students whose families are poor and under-appreciated these days, hoping to help those students.

The other thing is that Miss Shi Jia is not as cold as before, and now Shi Fei is enthusiastic and has a very narrow sense of helping those who see injustice.

Others say that the cold Miss Shi Jia was just because she was afraid of too many people approaching and hurting the other party, so she used indifference to alienate everyone, but now she has figured it out, so it is different from before.

In short, the first thing Feng Liuli did when she got up and walked in the academy was hearing various versions of Shi Fei.

And no matter what kind of version it is, there are good words, no bad words at all.

In the end, some of this situation was beyond everyone's expectations, and some did not understand why the students of the entire First Empire Academy had just left the academy for a few days.

Or what kind of things did Shi Fei do to make things clear while Feng Liuli was away these past few days.

But no matter what kind it was, Feng Liuli was very disdainful of it, full of disdain.

Feng Liuli turned a few corners and immediately came to the park outside Zhaixing Pavilion, but she didn't know that a sinister and vicious gaze swept past him, full of bloodthirsty color.

"Feng Liuli, sooner or later, I will let you die in my hands, and let you know that you offend me so badly, hum!" The man glared at Feng Liuli's back, and just said coldly.

The sinister eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, and even more so, with monstrous anger, she didn't believe it, if Feng Liuli's reputation was mistaken by the First Empire Academy.

She really wanted to see how this slut turned around and what happened to Likong's direct disciple. She was disdained and despised by everyone, and she still had to be kicked out of the First Empire Academy. Can't help it either.

The man turned and left with sinister eyes, leaving only a momentary full of murderous aura.

When Feng Liuli suddenly felt that murderous aura turned back, there was something strange around her, she frowned and turned around and continued to walk towards the Star Picking Pavilion.

The Zhaixing Pavilion still maintained its original appearance. When Feng Liuli walked into the Zhaixing Pavilion, she saw that graceful and graceful figure.

A smile appeared on Feng Liuli's cold face, and she called to Li Kong respectfully, "Master, I'm back!"

Li Kong turned around, smiling and warm eyes looked at the girl at the door that was as cold as a bright moon. .

I saw that the girl was becoming more and more cold and noble, arrogant and arrogant, and a pair of glass-like eyes exuded a dazzling light, like the stars in the sky, and she was smiling at herself at the moment.

And the unique temperament exuded from the girl's body made Li Kong stunned for a while, and then she smiled in relief, but that smile was unparalleled like a thousand-year-old snow lotus blooming.

Feng Liuli looked at the gentle man who was getting closer and closer. The man in front of him seemed to be a pine and cypress, with a faint fragrance, and he seemed to be the green bamboo in the depths of the clouds, full of elegance.

Thinking that a gentleman like this made Feng Liuli like a game, but he couldn't help but be amazed and respected in the bottom of his heart.

"Master is a little more handsome, but I don't know when there will be a mistress!"

Feng Liuli's faint voice floated and fell into the ears of the long figure in the star picking pavilion. A brighter smile comes.

"Li'er, I haven't seen my teacher for a few days, and my appearance has become more and more beautiful and refined, but I don't know which son in the world is worthy of being a proud disciple of my teacher!"

Li Kong smiled faintly, gentle and elegant, and there was a tinge all over his body. The indescribably comfortable temperament made Feng Liuli unable to help but love it.

I haven't seen him for a few days, how could Li Kong not be able to perceive the strength of Feng Liuli, but at the first glance back, Li Kong has already seen through it, and now looking at Feng Liuli, he just smiled faintly.

"Master is really making fun of the disciple. The disciple's progress is due to the master's guidance, but the master is also a big one. Since he has accepted Li'er, Li'er is naturally worried about the master!"

Feng Liuli listened to Li Kong's words, and said again After hitting Tai Chi back, there was still a cold and sly smile on his face, and his glazed eyes were full of smiles.

Speaking of which, Master Likong is indeed not small, and since birth, he has been quite outstanding in cultivating one.

He stepped into the realm of the acquired spirit at the age of sixteen, and entered the realm of the innate master at the age of twenty. He was once the first genius in the mainland with a high reputation in the Eastern Continent.

However, with the outbreak of Jun Limo later, the first genius of the Eastern Continent finally abdicated and gave Xian Xian to Jun Limo, and at this moment, the real first genius of the Eastern Continent is Feng Liuli.

However, Likong entered the spiritual realm at the age of twenty-three, and after entering the spiritual realm, he could keep his face young, so so far, Likong has been one hundred and sixty-eight years old.

The face of Li Kong has always remained the same as when she was 23 years old, but she has never found a woman to warm the bed for more than 100 years, and Feng Liuli always feels that something is not normal.

What's more, Feng Liuli always thought that her master would not be someone who couldn't do anything in bed, so she instantly rejected it when she thought of it.

How could such a handsome and gentle master be someone who can't live in bed, absolutely impossible!

"You little girl, you are good at not seeing people in a few days, hum!" Li Kong pretended to be angry and glared at Feng Liuli, and then asked Feng Liuli in his seat.

"It's been a good time in the Yin-Yang Mountain Range, but what troubles did you encounter?"

Feng Liuli respectfully stood aside, although she usually doesn't care about the red tape, but in front of Likong, Feng Liuli still Very well behaved.

First, she sincerely worships Likong as her teacher, and secondly, she respects Master Likong very much.

"It's nothing else, it's just the things in it that made me afraid to write, my heart was straight, and I encountered some difficult things, but it also gave me a lot of gains, and it was even a balance!"

Feng Liuli said lightly . With a faint smile on his face, there was not the slightest complaint or disdain in his eyes looking at Li Kong.

Li Kong nodded, and his heart couldn't help but warm, knowing that this sensible little girl was afraid that she was worried, so she said it so lightly.

But others don't know it, but he understands that the outer circle of the Yin Yang Mountains is more than enough to deal with the new students, but it is not enough to deal with the disciple he cares about.

So Li Kong naturally understands the sweat and blood behind the understatement, and doesn't break it, just smiles with satisfaction.