Chapter 212 Abducting the Divine Beast

"The poison in my hand is precious. If you want it, I can't bear to give it to you!" Feng Liuli rolled her eyes at Ouyang Ling, turned and walked to the tiger's side and squatted down to check the tiger's injury.

Because of Ouyang Ling's sword, the tiger was seriously wounded, and fell to the ground dying. A pair of eyes that were originally fierce and fierce were rolling their eyes at the moment, and they were already venting too much and not breathing much.

Feng Liuli looked at the fierce tiger who was still arrogant just now, and was dying in the next second, and suddenly became a little interested, the corners of her lips were flying, and a pair of glass-like eyes stared at the fierce tiger lying on the ground, and said with interest: " Hey, let's discuss whether or not you want to, as long as you obediently accept me as the master, I will save your life, how?"

Feng Liuli looked at the tiger calmly, her voice was soft and shallow, as if she didn't care at all. .

Standing beside Feng Liuli, Ouyang Ling could hear clearly, with a look of depression in his eyes, but it just returned to normal in an instant.

For her, the woman in front of her had already surprised her all the way, and she couldn't help but believe it when she heard such words, without the slightest suspicion.

The fierce tiger had already lost his mind due to excessive blood loss, and now he could not help shrinking when he heard Feng Liuli's words, but his eyes were full of hatred and staring at Feng Liuli, showing an uncompromising look.

Looking at the hatred in the tiger's eyes, Feng Liuli didn't take it seriously, she just got up with a faint smile: "Well, since you don't want me, I won't force you, as the saying goes, a twisted melon is not sweet, even if it is me Forcing you now, you will still betray me in the future, I might as well save my mind, rest in peace!"

After Feng Liuli finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing that Feng Liuli was going to leave, the tiger felt a little anxious after weighing it in his heart, and a weak voice suddenly shouted at Feng Liuli: "Wait a minute!"

"Why, do you regret it?" Feng Liuli heard the tiger's voice behind her, a bright light flashed from the bottom of her eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but it disappeared quickly, she turned to look at the tiger and raised her eyebrows.

"You said, as long as you recognize you as the master, you will save my life?" Tiger asked Feng Liuli with full of uncertainty.

I think it is also a magical beast at the peak of the beast, but it has been guarding this crystal tower because of its responsibility. At this moment, it almost lost its life. If it can, it really wants to go out and see the outside world. I want to see what it's like outside.

Thinking of this, the tiger's eyes filled with hope, looking at Feng Liuli with anticipation.

Feng Liuli smiled and nodded cherishly: "That is, since you recognize me as the master, I will naturally save you, but the ugly words are ahead, if you dare to betray me, then don't blame me for being ruthless, and then you will definitely let it go. You can't be annihilated forever!"

Speaking of the back, Feng Liuli's expression couldn't help being extremely cold, and her glazed eyes looked coldly and thinly at Tiger Road.

"Okay!" Tiger nodded cheerfully.

Now that I have decided to recognize this woman as my master, there will be no betrayal in the future.

Live and die together from now on!

Seeing Tiger's readily agreed, Feng Liuli was suddenly in a particularly good mood. Unexpectedly, as she originally thought, she really abducted the Tiger. Thinking of this, Feng Liuli laughed.

I don't know what the city owner of Yuncheng thinks when she sees her breaking through and abducting and contracting the beasts guarding this crystal tower. When she thinks of this, Feng Liuli's heart is extraordinarily excited and happy.

In fact, everyone outside the crystal tower was really startled at this moment.

Looking at the picture on the screen above the crystal tower with disbelief, they didn't even dare to think that this woman not only severely injured the guarding tiger, but also instigated and threatened the tiger to recognize her as the master. Save the tiger's life.

No one has dared to do this for hundreds of years, and even the candidates selected by the saints in the past have never done this, let alone dared to do so.

However, Feng Liuli did not care about these things at all, on the contrary, she was very interested in being able to abduct the monsters in the crystal tower.

Jun Limo looked at the dazzling woman on the screen, and his heart was soft. This woman, he loved and hated it, he really loved it miserably.

Under everyone's attention, Feng Liuli made a contract with the Tigers in such an open and upright manner, and dignifiedly included the Tigers into her mythical beast team.

What excited both Feng Liuli and Tiger was that, unexpectedly of this contract, Tiger immediately advanced from the beast of the beast at the peak of the beast to the early stage of the super beast. This undoubtedly made the tiger, who had been silent and had not been promoted for many years, excited again. , full of excitement.

"You will be called Huaban in the future, okay?" After the contract was completed, one person and one tiger were extremely happy.

"Yes, my master!" Huaban said respectfully to Feng Liuli.

Feng Liuli nodded with a light smile, she was very satisfied with the piebald, she suddenly remembered that she also has a super mythical beast tiger, she couldn't help laughing: "I forgot to tell you, you have a companion named Tiger King, and I will introduce you to you at that time. I think it's easy for you to be brothers since you are of the same kind!"

"Master means, you have a tiger king as a contract beast?" Huaban said in disbelief, with a look of surprise on his face.

After the contract, what was originally dying has become alive and well, and the scars on his body have almost healed at a surprisingly fast speed, which is surprising.

"Yes, Tiger King is also a super divine beast!" Feng Liuli nodded in satisfaction.

At present, there are more and more super divine beasts in her hands. In the future, if it is not a divine beast or above, she will definitely not be in the contract, and the stronger the team behind her, the more convenient it will be to enter the western continent.

"Congratulations on getting another powerful monster!" Ouyang Ling sincerely congratulated Feng Liuli, watching from the initial surprise to the later shock and dullness.

"Thank you!" Feng Liuli smiled and nodded.

"Okay, Huaban, leave, we're going to pass the seventh level!" Feng Liuli looked at Huaban.

"Well, master, be careful, the guy in the seventh level is no less powerful than me!" Huaban exhorted Feng Liuli, and then disappeared into the room in an instant, leaving only Ouyang Ling and Feng Liuli.

The two looked at each other and then walked towards the seventh level.

The last three levels became crucial for the two of them, and the two of them walked very carefully at every step. Although Ouyang Ling couldn't help in terms of strength, he was only able to do it properly, and every time he was under Feng Liuli's command The next move will cause serious injury to the opponent.

After another short half-day, the two helped each other from the seventh level to the ninth level.

When it came to the last level, Feng Liuli and Ouyang Ling were full of solemnity except for the excitement in their hearts.

The last stage of the selection of the previous saints was very difficult, not to mention the countless casualties. Now it is not easy for the two of them to survive until now. The two looked at each other and firmly moved towards the ninth. Close the door and go.

With a clear sound, the door of the ninth floor was finally opened, and eighteen bronze figures could be clearly seen in the ninth floor.

Feng Liuli watched intently, and when she saw the eighteen bronze figures appearing in front of her eyes, the bottom of her glazed eyes quickly stained with a dreadful color, and she frowned.

Unexpectedly, the last floor of this crystal tower turned out to be the Eighteen Bronze Human Formation.

Feng Liuli scrutinized the eighteen bronze figures in front of her, and they were made up of eighteen men. Each man was dyed with copper-colored skin, making people think from a distance that they were eighteen bronze statues. The powerful momentum conveyed by the bronze man made Feng Liuli not dare to underestimate it.

This powerful aura was even more elusive than the previous Eight Passes, and Feng Liuli's brows furrowed a little tighter.

As expected of the ninth level, it really isn't something ordinary people can pass.

"Feng Liuli, do you think we can pass this level with such good luck?" Although Ouyang Ling has grown a lot more courageous along the way, his strength has already broken through from the innate realm.

But even so, she couldn't help trembling when she saw the eighteen bronze figures in front of her, and the fierce aura floating unscrupulously in the space had already shocked her.

"It doesn't matter if you can't pass through. Since you've come here, it's absolutely impossible to back down. This battle is a must!"

Feng Liuli's eyes were deep, and she narrowed her eyes as she looked at the eighteen bronze figures in front of her. One after another, bloodthirsty rays of light shattered out, with amazing momentum.

She has never been defeated without a fight. She is finally going to be a big success now, and she is only one step away from success. How to back down and be a turtle with a shrinking head is not her style of Feng Liuli.

"Okay, that's right, my aunt will give her life to accompany the gentleman for the time being. I will try my best to help you later. Be careful yourself!"

Ouyang Ling took a deep breath, and turned to Feng Liuli suddenly and solemnly. He said, the aura of the whole body is noble and extraordinary. At this moment, Ouyang Ling is more noble and respectable than ever.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!" How could Feng Liuli not know what Ouyang Ling meant, but she definitely wouldn't use other people's lives to fulfill herself.

Although this battle is a must, but she must fight beautifully.

Thinking like this, Feng Liuli's white figure flashed, and immediately floated in the air in front of the eighteen bronze figures, exuding a powerful aura, a peerless face that was arrogant and contemptuous like jade.

Outside the crystal tower, when everyone saw the picture that appeared on the screen, they couldn't help but sweat for Feng Liuli. Unexpectedly, the ninth level turned out to be the Eighteen Bronze Formation.

This 18 Bronze Man Formation is not easy to deal with. Even if you look at the entire Eastern Continent, there are very few people who want to deal with this Bronze Man Formation. Perhaps there are only Yuncheng City Lord Yun Tian and First Academy Dean Master Li Kong. Or Su Mufang, who has just been promoted, can give it a try.

And the strength of Feng Liuli and Ouyang Ling, if they want to fight against the Eighteen Bronze Formation, is undoubtedly their own death.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Feng Liuli and Ouyang Ling had entered the Eighteen Bronze Man formation and began to fight.

This battle is destined to be earth-shattering. In the end, Feng Liuli will finally realize her wish to become a new generation of saintess in Yuncheng. If she loses, she can only find a way to enter the tenth floor of the crystal tower to find out the whereabouts of her parents!