Chapter 213 The Holy Maiden of Cloud City

The powerful energy fluctuations swept away in a time, and the whole room trembled. Even Jun Limo and others outside the crystal tower felt the trembling of the earth. Everyone knew the crystal tower without thinking. How the last battle within the world was earth-shattering.

The fusion of water and fire, the powerful spiritual power hits one after another, making people unable to open their eyes because of the dazzling eyes!

The eighteen bronze figures automatically formed a large formation, standing in eighteen different corners, attacking Feng Liuli and Ouyang Ling in the formation.

Eighteen spiritual powers attacked from all directions, and they automatically formed a huge vortex when they reached the middle.

One after another spiritual power formed a huge sky net that shrouded Feng Liuli and the two of them in it, and he wanted to break free, but the more he broke free, the more bound he became, unable to struggle with the powerful spiritual power net.

At this time, the foreheads of the two were covered with thin beads of sweat, and the huge pressure from the whole body deeply suppressed the two, making them unable to break free, and the light in Feng Liuli's eyes dimmed even more. points, clenching his teeth tightly to resist.

When everyone outside the crystal tower saw the situation on the screen, they couldn't help but get anxious.

"Destroy the sky and destroy the earth, go!" Feng Liuli shouted angrily, and the aura of destroying the sky and the earth suddenly rose to the sky, and the Liuli sword scattered with astonishing rays of light, whistling towards the eyes above her head.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

After three loud bangs, the powerful giant net collided, and although not all were destroyed, it still collapsed a small piece of the world.

Feng Liuli saw the timing, and immediately took Ouyang Ling and the two to fly up from the small collapsed world, and instantly escaped from the giant net of the Eighteen Bronze Formation and fell outside the formation outside. .

When the eighteen bronze figures saw that the two people who were trapped in the middle had already escaped in an instant, they were shocked and their expressions changed.

At first, I thought it would be easy to deal with these two women, but I didn't expect that they would break through. At this moment, I felt that I had underestimated the strength of the other party.

The eighteen figures gathered again, re-weaved into a huge vortex, and the big formation once again moved under the cover of the two fleeing.

Feng Liuli was in a hurry. She had always known that Yuncheng's formation was powerful. She had also experienced Yuncheng's formation in the Nancheng competition before. However, this time the Eighteen Bronze Man formation was a bit more powerful than Yuncheng's formation. The momentary effort made Feng Liuli unable to resist.

"Damn, I'm so mad at me, I can't believe I can't break through!" Feng Liuli was completely annoyed by the provocation, and roared violently, the anger around her body became even more arrogant, and she rose from the ground, bringing With amazing momentum.

The glazed sword in his hand is waving frantically, waving a strong spiritual momentum like a storm is coming.

Powerful fluctuations of spiritual power swept in, with earth-shattering momentum and a loud bang, but the Eighteen Bronze Man Array was not destroyed in the slightest and remained intact. Feng Liuli and Ouyang Ling The combined force cannot break through again.

The look on Ouyang Ling's face was particularly ugly. Although he was ready to die, he was still a little unwilling to be like this. The powerful fighting spirit swept over, and the whole world seemed to tremble. sink.

It means a storm is coming!

"What should I do, I can't break through at all!" Ouyang Ling looked at Feng Liuli with a solemn expression, and his eyes were full of worry.

At this moment, the expression on Feng Liuli's face was not much better than that of Ouyang Ling. Seeing the amazing power entwined around her, her heart trembled violently.

Unexpectedly, the 18 Bronze Human Formation was so powerful. Even if she and Ouyang Ling worked together, it would be difficult for her to resist such a powerful barrier of power, and her face couldn't help but look awkward.

"Let me think about it, I don't believe that I can't break through!"

Although Feng Liuli's face was ugly, she was not ready to retreat at all, and her mind quickly turned, thinking about how to deal with the Eighteen Bronze Man formation.

Seeing Feng Liuli like this, Ouyang Ling was not in a hurry to rush, and his heart could not help but calm down and slowly waited for Feng Liuli to think of a way.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in my mind. Although it was said that contracted beasts could not be summoned in this crystal tower, it did not say that combat skills could not be used. The powerful contracted beast combat skills had the power to destroy the world, let alone the earth. Ordinary masters can compare.

Feng Liuli had also used the combat skills of the natal contract beast Phoenix before, and now facing the attacking giant net of the Eighteen Bronze Human Formation, she did not know that the Phoenix combat skills would not be useful.

Thinking like this, Feng Liuli immediately moved her hand, and the white figure leaped up like a phoenix with wings outstretched.

Holding the glazed sword in his hand, he did not pay any attention to the powerful imposing pressure conveyed by the surrounding eighteen bronze figures. The huge energy and spiritual power were released from the whole body again and again, and the stream continued. As the spiritual power poured out, Feng Liuli's slender white figure suddenly turned crimson.

The people outside the crystal tower were still worried about Feng Liuli, but now they saw the scarlet light entwined around Feng Liuli.

The fiery energy like magma was continuously circulated and released, but Feng Liuli was still unaware, and was still immersed in the dream state she was in every second.

On the screen, the blood-red wings slammed, as if a huge wave of energy suddenly roared.

Suddenly, a icy roar broke through the bloodthirsty red shock, with an astonishing aura: "Phoenix combat skill - the covenant of death, break!"

Before the roar, a peerless face was blazing hot. The magma is exposed, it is stunning, and the brilliance is coquettish.

The Covenant of Death is a combat skill of the Phoenix. It needs a lot of spiritual power to use it once. Before, Feng Liuli was rarely used, and even now, I dare not use it easily. It is too important, so she will fight to the end even with all her strength.

The powerful Death God's power shattered from the ancient horizon, and rushed straight towards the Eighteen Bronze Human Formation around Feng Liuli.

That's why people never even thought about how powerful Feng Liuli's move was. However, when they felt that the powerful pressure from all directions had already exceeded the realm they had predicted, they panicked. I looked at the power of death coming from all directions with confidence.

"This...what the hell are these things?" The Eighteen Bronze Man exclaimed, his normally calm eyes full of horror.

"Boom..." A violent shaking sound sounded, and most of the rooms on the ninth floor in the crystal tower were suddenly destroyed. The eighteen bronze figurines saw that the situation was not good, and they fled away one after another.

However, it was still unable to resist the strength and speed of the Death God's power. Several figures had already been affected, and they seemed to be seriously injured at this moment.

This amazing power was not only shocked by everyone outside the crystal tower, even Feng Liuli himself was stunned, and his heart was full of unbelievable light.

Although there is no way to summon the phoenix, what I didn't expect is that the phoenix's combat skills actually possess such a powerful power. Although it consumes some spiritual power, it does not affect Feng Liuli at all.

With the serious injuries of several of the 18 Bronze Figures, the formation of the 18 Bronze Figures could no longer be formed.

However, even if the eighteen bronze figurines couldn't form a formation, the strength of each bronze figurine was still heart-stopping. Even if they fought alone, Feng Liuli didn't have much confidence that they would be able to retreat.

What's more, there is still a Ouyang Ling at the moment, Ouyang Ling's strength is too low, once a bronze man is confronted, he can die in just one move.

Here is the gap between the masters and the underachievers, Feng Liuli knows the bottom line, and naturally begins to feel troubled.

"What are you still doing, fighting!" Ouyang Ling's face was cold, as if he knew that he would not be able to escape this battle after all, and it was already God's favor to be able to get to this point. When Liuli spoke, she was already facing the challenge.

Feng Liuli wanted to stop her, but she was already greeted by several bronze figures around her, and she was already inseparable.

It was another melee and slaughter, and the scarlet light shone on the entire ninth floor, with an astonishingly terrifying aura.

In a short while, Ouyang Ling was finally defeated by life-and-death resistance, and was slapped to the ground with a deep slap, and he couldn't get up again.

However, those bright eyes were full of hope, looking at Feng Liuli who was fighting against several big bronze figures in the distance, she died peacefully, and a faint smile spread out from the corner of her mouth.

For her, this battle has exhausted all her strength, but she has learned a lot and understood a lot, so this life is enough.

Feng Liuli watched Ouyang Ling collapse in front of her eyes, but she couldn't move when she wanted to step forward, and her stunning face was pale.

In the end, she was the only one left in this battle.

In a short while, although using the phoenix combat skills consumes a lot of spiritual power, because there is a spiritual orb in Feng Liuli's body, the consumption of spiritual power is quickly replenished, and he is no longer afraid of the attack of the bronze man.

After two incense sticks, all the eighteen bronze figures were brought to the ground by Feng Liuli, while Feng Liuli was also bruised and panting. While winning the final victory, her heart was extremely heavy.

At this moment, the happiest person is the Chinese people waiting outside the crystal tower, especially Jun Limo and Renault. Seeing that the woman they love in their hearts actually won the game and passed the level, let alone how proud and excited they are.

Feng Liuli packed up her mood, glanced at Ouyang Ling, who was lying on the ground, and bowed deeply. This bow was out of respect.

No matter what happened in the past or what happened in the future, at least at that moment, Feng Liuli respected and admired Ouyang Ling.

He left the ninth floor with heavy steps and walked towards the top floor of the crystal tower.

The door on the tenth floor of the crystal tower has just opened, and a few dazzling characters "Congratulations on becoming a new generation of Yuncheng Saintess" come into view!

At this moment, Feng Liuli breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart, her perseverance over the past few days had finally been fulfilled, and her heart was suddenly settled.

The white figure floated down and flew towards the outside of the crystal tower. At this moment, a black light flashed outside the crystal tower. With a warm big hand, he hugged Feng Liuli tightly in his arms, just about to scream. , a familiar breath came from the tip of the nose and stopped.

I only heard a low whisper in my ear: "Li'er, I will never put you in danger in the future, and I will never let go of your hand again!"