Chapter 214 Falling in love with this domineering man

Seeing Feng Liuli breaking through one level after another in the crystal tower, going through life and death hardships, outside the crystal tower watching Feng Liuli break through a level, every time she is injured, her heart is even more tangled, as if there are thousands of ants. Climb again.

If it weren't for the fact that the identity of the Saintess of Yuncheng was really too important for Feng Liuli, Jun Limo really wanted to find out the people who broke through the barrier in the crystal tower, so he would take them far away and be tied in the middle for the rest of his life.

"Okay, we will never be separated again in the future!"

If there were any worries and entanglements in the past, there are still some that can't let go, but after experiencing the dangers and hardships in the crystal tower, especially the scene in the fifth level, Feng Liuli She deeply understood that she was deeply in love with this domineering man.

Hearing that Jun Limo was so nervous about herself, Feng Liuli only felt the warmth in her heart, like the sunshine in March, bright and warm, and a big smile evoked on her face hiding in Jun Limo's chest I mean, amazing.

Jun Limo lowered his head and saw the stunning and shy person in his arms at a glance. Suddenly, the dark and jade-like eyes were dyed with a few strands of deep darkness. Liu Li's attractive cherry mouth has the urge to do some tricks.

However, when he thought that he was in a public place at the moment, he was forced to endure it.

He wouldn't let so many people watch a free good show.

The two flew to the ground, and suddenly everyone stepped forward to congratulate them, and there were naturally many old acquaintances among them.

Seeing Feng Liuli being held in Jun Limo's arms one by one, although they were unwilling, they were also full of blessings. They could see that Feng Liuli also liked Jun Limo. In this case, they did not Logic kicks in.

Sometimes you don't have to have someone to like someone, as long as that person is happy and happy.

"Congratulations to Miss Feng becoming the new generation of saintess in Yuncheng. However, since Miss Feng has become a saint, she will marry the young city master in the future!" Elder Yuncheng took the lead and said.

As soon as this person said, the scene suddenly became quiet, no matter who could see it, this Miss Feng Liulifeng and the young master of the four esoteric sects are one family, and standing together is even more talented and beautiful. The beautiful woman was about to be separated, and I couldn't bear it.

"I'm afraid the elder is wrong. There is no reason for this young master's woman to marry someone else. This woman was made by me early in the morning. Whoever dares to grab it, my Tantric sect will definitely sweep it

away!" Jun Limo's cold face As soon as he suffocated, the dark bottom of his eyes was even more icy and fierce, and the light in his eyes passed over the crowd lightly, making people suddenly feel cold all over.

"Young Master Jun, what does this mean? There are rules before the selection. To be selected as a saint, you need to marry the Young City Lord of Yuncheng. Could it be

that Miss Feng wants to regret the marriage!" Naturally, Yun Cheng couldn't hold back his face, and shouted sharply.

Not to mention this Elder Yuncheng, even Yun Tian, ​​the Lord of the City of Yuncheng, and Yun Jing, the Lord of the Young City, could not help but frown slightly when they listened to Jun Limo's words, and raised their eyebrows.

It has to be said that the two still admire and take fancy to Feng Liuli. It would be good if such a woman could become the wife of the young city master of Yuncheng, but at this moment, I didn't expect such a sudden appearance, which was a bit surprising.

But what place is Yuncheng, how can others be allowed to run wild.

"Yes, the rules set by the city master early in the morning, could it be that you want to repent and fight against my Yuncheng!" Yun Tian's face was also full of anger, and he looked at Feng Liuli and Jun Limo dignifiedly.

"What about repentance? I don't want to come here with such rules. I came to participate in the selection of saintess just because the crystal tower can know everything in the world, but I definitely won't ruin my happiness because of this. That's the case. , let's go!"

After Feng Liuli finished speaking, she glanced coldly at everyone in Yuncheng, pulled Jun Limo and turned to leave, her steps were decisive, without the slightest sluggishness.

Although she felt a little lost in her heart, if she found her parents, she would have to use her life's happiness in exchange for it, and she still couldn't do it.

Parents have been so long, and nothing will happen in a short time, but she has gathered the four spiritual beads and headed to the Western Continent to find them slowly.

However, the happiness of a lifetime is only once, and it is a lifetime's fault to miss it. She Feng Liuli will never allow her happiness to slip away from her side.

The happiest person at this moment is Jun Limo, with a smile on her face. I didn't expect this little girl to care about herself so much. How can this make Jun Limo not excited or excited.

If not so many people were still watching from behind, he really had the urge to hug this lovely little girl tightly in his arms and kiss it, to vent the joy in his heart at the moment, full of of joy.

The people behind them looked at the two who had just left, and they couldn't react. They didn't expect that they would win the game and become the Saintess of Yuncheng, but they turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia.

This kind of human world is like this. For a time, everyone stood in the same place, how happy and sad, some people envy Jun Limo, some people are obsessed with Feng Liuli, some ridicule, some abuse, some contempt, some praise, some amazing .

In short, such two people are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Bold, what place do you think my Yuncheng is, do you come as soon as you want, and leave as soon as you want?" A cold and angry voice came from behind.

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo stood up together, and turned around with a disdainful face, showing no emotion at all. They glanced at the angry elder Yuncheng, and said coldly.

"Why, Yun Cheng is planning to detain the two of me, but that's the case, this young master really wants to see why Yun Cheng is detaining the two of me!"

Jun Limo's icy face flashed with murderous spiritual power, looking at the elder Yuncheng opposite, full of bloodthirsty coldness.

"Hmph, just because she is the saint of my Yuncheng!" Yuncheng has always been highly respected in the Eastern Continent. When has he ever been so angry, and yet was so ignored by others, whoever saw him in the past respected and loved him. Plus, it's maddening at the moment.

"Cut, Auntie Ben, a saint from Yuncheng, doesn't even want it. If you want to force Liang to become a prostitute, you don't need this saint from Yuncheng. If you want to detain us, then it depends on whether you are qualified enough!"

Feng Liuli was cold . With a drink, the cold and peerless face was dyed with a few strands of frost, with a fierce momentum, and it was also unrelenting.

"Okay, as expected, she is indeed the future saint of my Yuncheng. That being the case, the city lord will definitely not do that kind of thing. Since the saint has someone she likes, then let it go, but since it is a pass and a choice There is no saying that the saint who came out has given up, you two come back!"

After a moment of silence, Yun Tian, ​​the city master of Yuncheng, spoke first, his voice was neither warm nor hot, neither rushed nor slow, still calm and majestic, inaudible. With the slightest emotion, a pair of deep eyes gave Feng Liuli and Jun Limo a deep look.

The two looked at each other when they heard Yun Tian's words, and just walked back towards their own.

Everyone did not expect that the City Lord of Yuncheng would compromise like this, and no one could figure out the situation for a while.

A selection of saintess came to an end. At midnight, after dinner, Feng Liuli and Jun Limo sipped tea leisurely in front of their small courtyard, occasionally looking up at the twinkling lights in the night sky. Stars, very comfortable.

Suddenly there were slight hurried footsteps, and within a moment, they came to the two of them and said respectfully: "Your Highness, Young Master Jun, Lord City Lord, please!"

Hearing the report, Feng Liuli and Jun Li Mo couldn't help looking at each other, and saw a few strands of puzzlement in each other's eyes, but he got up quietly and followed the entourage forward.

After a while, he got out of the small courtyard and got on the prepared carriage, all the way towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Along the way, the two also asked Yuntian what was going on with them, but the people who came didn't seem to know. For a while, the two of them were not in a hurry. They sat in the carriage and rested quietly, and no one spoke.

After a while, he finally arrived at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. Jun Limo leaned forward slightly, got off the carriage first, and then carried Feng Liuli out of the carriage. The two walked into the City Lord's Mansion side by side, and immediately there were enthusiastic followers. Come forward to meet.

"I have seen Your Highness the Holy Maiden, Young Master Jun, the city lord ordered the two of you to come and go by yourself, please come with me!" The attendant said respectfully to the two of them, and then led the way in front of him, Feng Liuli behind him He Jun Limo followed slowly, looking at the scenery of the City Lord's Mansion from time to time.

After a while, the entourage who led the way had stopped at the entrance of a small courtyard, turned around and respectfully said to Feng Liuli and Jun Limo: "The city lord is inside, Your Highness the Holy Maiden and Jun The young master please, and the little one will be sent here!"

"It's time for work!" Feng Liuli nodded to the entourage, and then walked into the small courtyard side by side with Jun Limo.

As soon as you enter the small courtyard, you will see the flowers and trees in the courtyard, which are very delicately decorated. This small courtyard is also different from other small courtyards, with an elegant and unique flavor.

After walking through the courtyard and taking a few steps forward, I saw a lake with a small bridge of white magnolias on the lake. The lake looked particularly beautiful from a distance.

The city lord's mansion in the night is even more unique. Although it is night, the light emitted by various gadgets that are as bright as day is extremely dazzling, and the lake is also dazzling.

At the end of the Magnolia Bridge is an elegant pavilion. At this moment, the pavilion is shrouded in light gauze, and the faint light is released, with a faint scent of tea, and the fragrance of tea is overflowing!

Inside the pavilion, a tall and straight figure sat upright, the two stopped and looked up.

"Come here, come in and sit!" The man in the pavilion didn't look back, but said.