Chapter 215 Looking back, things are different

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo looked at each other and walked towards the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

The two stood still in front of Yuntian, carefully looking at the Lord of the City in front of them.

"Sit down!" Yun Tian didn't lift his head, and said softly, not caring about Feng Liuli and Jun Limo's scrutiny, his tone was light, without the majesty he had in the daytime.

The two sat down, their eyes still falling on Yun Tian, ​​thinking about the purpose of Yun Tian letting them come over and over again in their hearts.

Yuntian didn't speak anymore. For a while, only the scent of tea was left in the pavilion. It was silent and the fragrance of tea wafted far away, and the surroundings were quiet.

After a long time, Yun Tian just raised his eyes to look at Feng Liuli and Jun Limo, and said aloud.

"Before, I also loved a woman sincerely, and had the happiest and happiest life in my life. The sky didn't go as planned, and the lovers couldn't get married. Time passed, and looking back, the past was like the wind, and sometimes it was really true. I miss being young and frivolous in the past!"

Yun Tian Youyuan's voice was neither low nor high, neither rushed nor slow, as if it was a top-notch wine, with the heaviness of life and the accumulation of life, fragrant and fragrant.

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo could even sense the helplessness and lament from Yun Tian's words.

The two people who love each other can't stay together for a long time and stay together until they grow old. How helpless is this? At this moment, what the two of them see is not the most powerful and powerful master on the mainland, but a flesh-and-blood man with pain. A man with tears is a laity.

"Hehe, what did I tell you all this?" Yun Tian suddenly laughed lowly, his handsome and steady face was full of gloom, he laughed at himself, and continued, "I know that you are here to participate in the selection of the saintess. In order to enter the crystal tower, I can let you in, but you have to promise me three conditions!"

Hearing Yuntian's words, Feng Liuli and Jun Limo were taken aback for a moment, as if they did not expect Yuntian to agree to enter the crystal tower so readily.

The two looked at each other, then looked at Yun Tian and said, "I don't know what the conditions are, if it is possible, we will naturally agree!"

Yun Tian took a deep look at Feng Liuli and said, "Since you won't marry me Yun Cheng Young City Lord, then you must recognize me as a godfather and become a person of Yuncheng. This is one of the conditions, and the second condition is that you must come forward to help Yuncheng when there is something wrong in the future to help Yuncheng solve the crisis!"

Feng Liuli Looking at Yuntian, seeing the serious look in Yuntian's eyes, and recognizing the man in front of him as her father, it's not bad to think about it. After all, she really can't marry the young city owner of Yuncheng. Since there is such a situation Turnaround is naturally good.

As for the second condition, there is naturally no problem. Let's not talk about how powerful Yuncheng's strength is in the Eastern Continent. Even if something really happens in the future, as long as she can help, she will naturally come to help.

Thinking of this, Feng Liuli immediately nodded to Yun Tian, ​​and replied cheerfully: "Okay, no problem, I promise you, then what about the third condition?"

Seeing Feng Liuli agreeing so readily, Yun Tian was stunned for a moment. , said with a smile: "The third condition, the city lord, has not yet been thought out, and I will tell you when I think about it in the future!"

Feng Liuli raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Yuntian.

Yuntian seemed to know what Feng Liuli was thinking, so he shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't let you do bad things like killing people and setting fires. The city lord disdains what those villains do!"

"Okay, since that's the case ! , I promise you it is!" Feng Liuli breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Yuntian's words, and smiled, a pair of glazed eyes flashed with dazzling brilliance, and the whole face looked extremely agile.

Yun Tian looked at Feng Liuli deeply and muttered in a low voice, "You and she really look alike!"

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo are both good players. Although Yuntian's words are very low, they can still be heard clearly. Feng Liuli can't help but suppress, what kind of person can make a man like Yuntian fall in love so much. .

"Okay, let's go, tomorrow I will arrange someone to pick you up to enter the crystal tower. If you have anything to do, just give it a direct order. From now on, you will be the eldest lady of Yuncheng!" Yun Tian finished speaking, facing the Feng Liuli and Jun Limo shook their hands, motioning them to leave quickly.

Feng Liuli and Jun Limo didn't say much, thinking that being able to enter the crystal tower is better than anything else, and nothing else mattered, so they got up and said goodbye immediately.

Yun Tian watched the two figures, black and white, leave like this. His eyes were dark and full of longing. If time went back to the past, would he still choose this way and miss a lifetime with his lover!

"Luo'er, this should be your granddaughter, she is too similar to you, but she is happier than you!" Yun Tian whispered, looking up at the sky, it was dark and silent.

The aroma of tea in the pavilion is overflowing, and it is long and long, but it can't resist the murmur and sigh!

Time has passed, and looking back, things are right and wrong, so be it!

In the early morning of the second day, someone came to pick up Feng Liuli and Jun Limo into the crystal tower. Because no one could enter the crystal tower except the Lady of Yuncheng and the city owner, Jun Limo naturally stayed outside the crystal tower. Wait, only Feng Liuli is left in.

Feng Liuli had already passed the level before and entered the tenth floor directly. With the approval of the City Lord of Yuncheng, she easily entered the secret room on the tenth floor with the token in her hand.

There is a tower in the middle of the secret room, and a crystal ball is inlaid on the top of the tower


Feng Liuli stared at it for a while, thinking about whether this crystal ball can really know everything, she couldn't help supporting her forehead, and finally decided to go forward and try it.

In any case, at least it has to be verified first.

At the moment, regardless of the 3721, he put his hand on the crystal ball, closed his eyes, and began to feel slowly.

Because the entourage gave Feng Liuli a note written by Yuntian before he came, Feng Liuli now knows how to use the crystal ball to inquire about the information he wants.

Sure enough, after a while, the short blank in my mind disappeared, and a faint afterimage appeared. Only a phantom image shattered from the ancient times, and a low and old voice came slowly.

"What do you want to know?"

"Tell me the whereabouts of Feng Tiancheng of the Feng family and his wife Su Hanyi!" Feng Liuli closed her eyes tightly, only to hear her tightly pursed pink lips open and close. The tone is firm, with no questioning.

After a while, the phantom sounded slowly, as deep and old as ever.

"The mirror image shows that they are in the East China Sea domain of the Western Continent!"

East China Sea domain?

Feng Liuli raised her eyebrows slightly and looked into the mirror image. Sure enough, she looked around, and in front of her was a sea of ​​green and serene, boundless and boundless, and then two images of familiar and unfamiliar figures came from the bottom of Feng Liuli's heart. A shock.

In my memory, those two familiar figures were her parents, Feng Tiancheng and Su Hanyi, who had disappeared for a long time.

Knowing that her father and mother are now staying in the East China Sea area of ​​the Western Continent, Feng Liuli breathed a sigh of relief, but in an instant, her brows wrinkled again, and she continued to ask with her eyes closed.

"Didn't you say that you can know the past and the future? Today, I want to test whether the rumors are wrong. If you really have the ability, tell me where the eagle is, and whether it came to this world, like me Average!"

"Yes, he is also in the Western Continent at the moment, but you are not lucky, he is suffering a great disaster at the moment, and if no one solves it, I am afraid that time is running out!"

Feng Liuli has been listening to that old, low voice. When she heard that sentence, she was in great trouble and time was running out. She opened her eyes suddenly, and then closed it tightly. She asked anxiously. With unprecedented panic and deep worry.

"He is the young master of the temple in the Western Continent, and he is being persecuted by the leader of the temple. Go!" A low and old voice sounded weakly, the words fell, light and shadow flashed, and all the mirror images and phantoms disappeared.

Feng Liuli suddenly opened her eyes and stared blankly at everything in front of her. She didn't expect Gu Ying to really come here, but she was poisoned, and she didn't expect him to become the young master of the temple in the Western Continent.

The temple, the most hated existence in her life, thinking that such a person has become the young master of the temple, Feng Liuli couldn't help feeling distressed, how disgusted Lone Ying should be with such an identity, and was persecuted by her own father.

Thinking like this, Feng Liuli couldn't sit still any longer, and hurriedly flew down, out of the crystal tower.

As soon as Jun Limo below saw Feng Liuli come out, he glanced at the inexplicable bloodthirsty and cold expression on Feng Liuli's face and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, worried: "What's the matter, what happened, why is his face so ugly!"

Feng Liuli lifted it up He glanced at Jun Limo, looked into the pair of eyes full of worry and distress, and breathed a sigh of relief, his heart could not help but calm down a little, but the expression on his face was still unsightly, he looked at Jun Limo and said anxiously. "Mo, how about we quickly gather the four major spiritual beads and head to the

Western Continent?"

Jun Limo replied almost without thinking when he heard Feng Liuli's words: "Okay!"

Looking at Jun Limo, who is full of love and affection, Feng Liuli's heart warmed, and suddenly she became more stable, looking at Jun Limo with a smile: "You don't ask me to go in such a hurry. What are you doing?"

At this moment, Feng Liuli didn't know if she should tell Jun Limo about Lone Ying, but thinking about their unusual relationship now, it would be right to tell him about Lone Ying. He planned to talk to Jun Limo in detail on the way to find the Four Great Spirit Orbs.

"There's nothing to ask. When you want to say it, you will naturally say, I believe you!"

Jun Limo fondly placed a light kiss on Feng Liuli's lips. At this moment, the light in his eyes is as warm as water, as warm as March.

Feng Liuli just stared at it so fixedly, thinking about how this man made her unmoved, didn't like it, didn't love it, and only such a man would make her fall in love, thinking about it was a warmth in her heart.