Empire, History and Leaving

__________ POV Narration__________

As the meeting happened in the royal palace, underneath it the archaeological and research team of the Revolutionary Army was hard at work, trying to sort through the influx of information they now had.

Thanks to Enel's power, they were able to move everything from Baltigo before the Marines had even stepped on it.

Larthy and Robin both spent day and night sifting through all of the information that they could.

The two of them had barely gotten any sleep since the Baltigo incident. They were somewhat shaken by what had happened.

Larthy, as the one that had been left in charge of the base, was the very last to leave the island. Robin tagged along with her, despite the insistence that he leave first due to the importance of her knowledge and heritage.

The two of them were fortunate, or unfortunate enough to witness it. The attack that had completely wiped Baltigo off of the world.

It was as if the people on that island had incurred the wrath of an angry god.

They were both far enough to not be harmed by it, be it a stroke of luck, or Dragon giving them a boost as he passed by them, at least they were safe.

Dressrosa was their destination, their blimps parked around the island and hidden in docked ships with the help of their associates that had already been waiting there.

It was a great failure on their part, being followed to their base so easily. Thankfully they hadn't truly lost anything.

Robin was visibly concerned for Enel, only calming down after Dragon also arrived at Dressrosa...

Though finding out about him losing a limb made her feel even more worried in a sense, at least she knew he was alive and relatively safe in the hands of Shanks, who had saved him.

The problem for her was the people that arrived with Dragon... The other marines that had been pronounced dead at Baltigo.

She didn't interact much with them, as she didn't trust them one bit. Even if it looked like the Government had betrayed and tossed them aside, she still didn't think they would start actively working against it.

She had no way of knowing that Akainu and the others had been doing just that for quite a while, not long after Garp's imprisonment.

To her, they were the people that had destroyed her home, baring Fujitora, as he was a new Admiral, and had little relation to that particular incident.

She understood that their powers could be helpful to the Revolutionaries, but that didn't mean she had to like them or even attempt to converse with them.

It certainly didn't help that the marines, didn't quite accept being labelled as Revolutionaries.

Fujitora was the only one that didn't seem to particularly mind, as he had only just been convinced to join the Navy, only to be almost murdered by the government they served.

Still, for the most part, the marines didn't even know of her presence there, as they also mostly kept to themselves.

Aokiji did try to speak to her, even after noticing that she was slightly afraid of him.

Larthy was not stupid, she took notice of that and made it clear that she didn't quite appreciate his presence in her study room, so she asked Sabo to boot him out.

She also made sure that Robin was guarded at all times, just to prevent anything from happening.

Aokiji didn't protest much, as he felt he wasn't exactly welcome there.

Kizaru mostly steered clear of Robin, either out of an odd feeling of guilt or simply not caring enough.

Akainu's situation was a bit more complicated. After learning more about the Ohara Incident and the Government's intentions behind it did he start feeling guilty for his actions.

But he was not stupid, no apology would ever change what they had done, so he also decided to steer clear of Robin for the most part.

The former Fleet Admiral knew all too well that he had done many deplorable things in the name of his justice. He had killed and maimed many, maybe even those that didn't quite deserve it.

Still, apologising simply was not a choice, in most cases, there was no one he could apologise to.

So, he simply decided to turn his guilt into rage, and that rage into a spear sharp enough to pierce through the World Government.

He had also decided to try and avoid any more needless loss of life from that point forwards. Especially from his Marines, which led to the conflict that was happening when Enel entered the Throne room.

Now while the argument was raging on above, Larthy and Robin felt that they were coming closer and closer to answering a few of their questions.

"The Great Kingdom... It feels like a mistranslation almost..." Larthy said as she shifted through a few papers, her bloodshot eyes tiredly scanning through them as she did so.

"Maybe, some parts are missing, even with this much information gathered," Robin said, her eyes looking much the same as she kept herself busy, scribbling ideas in her notebook.

"It can't be helped. Some Poneglyphs have long since been lost, some pieces will obviously be missing..." Larthy said as she put the papers down and sipped on some sugar-overflown coffee.

"Still, with all of this information gathered in one place... It's safe to assume that the 'Great Kingdom' was actually the 'Great Empire'..." Robin said as she leaned back on her chair and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Indeed... A coalition of three powerful kingdoms, their kings united, ruling together... Not a conventional empire, but one nonetheless." Larthy said with a satisfied smile.

She felt that such a discovery had finally put her on the right track. That she was now finally able to continue the research of the people of Ohara.

Robin was much the same. She felt that she was steadily getting closer to the truth. But the more he found, the more she realised that she was unable to answer.

Their discoveries spoke of three kings. Three men with godlike power ruled over that great kingdom.

One was described as a Free Spirit and the personification of the Sun. Robin was quick to connect that with the legend of the Sun God Nika from Skypea.

He was also described as the God of Liberation. To Robin, it made sense that the great kingdom was ruled by an incarnation of such a powerful figure.

It was even stated that his powers altered reality itself to the user's imagination. Larthy and Robin couldn't help but stare at that description in wonder.

'To think such powers actually exist in this world... Or, existed, I guess?'

But Nika wasn't alone as a leader of the 'Great Empire'.

Besides Nika, there was the King of Hearth, his powers weren't known or explained much, but he was said to be on par with the other kings. Meaning that he stood at the top of the world.

And finally, the one with the most destructive power was called the King of the Skies. Or, the God of Thunder, Raijin.

He was said to be able to make an island disappear by merely waving his hand once. Still, there were few texts about him, nowhere as many as there were about Nika.

The only thing they understood about him was that he was dangerous, just as the other two were.

From the other texts, they also understood that the Empire was in possession of Pluton, and could use it at will.

It was also said that the Empire had made a pact with Poseidon and that it was technically also in the Empire's possession.

It was obvious to the two archaeologists that the Empire wielded great power, and was obviously the greatest power at that time.

What wasn't truly documented in the information they found was how the Empire fell.

But they thankfully learned a bit more about the ancient weapon Uranus...

They learned that it went by another name as well. But they didn't quite know what it did, nor did they have any description of it.

The name used to refer to Uranus was 'The Eyes of God'.

Larthy couldn't help but think it was a bit underwhelming.

'There were plenty of people being called gods... But I guess you can't really judge something properly with just a name.'

That was a summary of most of the information Robin and Larthy had managed to piece together.

Robin had noted down the large talking points, planning to give them to Dragon later.

"I think this is it for now... I don't know if we'll be able to find out much more from these scripts. We've already interpreted them all anyway..."

Robin said as she slowly started closing her eyes and laid her head on the desk. She seemed to want to rest badly.

"Maybe... But we can just look over everything again... Maybe we made a mistake somewhere that might clear some other stuff up..."

Larthy was still willing to keep going, her body still energetic as the sugar she constantly ingested helped keep her blood pressure high.

Robin almost rolled her eyes when she heard that.

"Why are you this driven? I understand the wish for more discoveries, but putting your health at risk won't do you much good..." Robin wanted to know more as well, she wanted to know more than anyone else.

But she knew that rest was important, and she was a patient person.

At this point, Robin saw Larthy as a close friend, someone that she could trust. Especially after the Aokiji situation, so she also cared for her safety.

"... I want to be of help, I guess..." Larthy said as her tired eyes looked back at her desk.

"I've always detested the World Government and the corruption they allowed to fester..." The head researcher said as she shook her head slightly.

"Both of us lost our families because of that corruption... I first lost my family, then I lost Mother Olivia."

Robin looked at Larthy with a bit of sympathy, the two of them seemed to share a similar story. They both started talking about their experiences, and their lives up to that point.

It was rather obvious as well, that Larthy cared a lot about archaeology, but she only cared about it because she wanted to continue Olivia's legacy and to use it in order to take down the World Government.

That was why she had joined the Revolutionaries in the first place anyway. They readily accepted her as well, as she knew poneglyphs to a decent extent.

Larthy was a bit disappointed though.

'The more time we spend preparing, the more we realise that the threat we are facing is bigger than we anticipated...'

The revolutionaries had made steady progress by themselves, but they were always too far off from reaching the World Government. It was disheartening to someone like her, even if she was a patient individual.

But then Enel arrived.

And within the strings Enel was weaving, the Government started slipping more and more, and the Revolutionaries progressed at astronomical speeds, aided by both his strength and cunning.

'Maybe Enel is the key for this after all...' At that point, Larthy was considering joining Enel.

She was sure Dragon wouldn't mind it either, as there were more that could read poneglyphs now, she had plenty of students ready to take her position.

Besides, Enel was an ally of the Revolutionary army, so it wasn't likely to be an issue...

Even if the scene at Baltigo made Larthy a bit scared, she knew that something big was coming. And she wanted to be there when it happened.

She wasn't a strong fighter per se, she only had a rather weak Armament Haki, and some reluctant mastery over Observation.

She didn't spend much time training, as she was more of a bookworm, but that was fine enough.

'I want to at least aid him in some way... If he truly is the one that will bring about the downfall of the Government...'

Larthy mused over these thoughts as she continued speaking with Robin. The two of them learn more and more about each other.

Robin herself was finding the experience quite cathartic, as it had been a while since she could just unload her feelings.

It was all going well until someone ended their heartfelt moment with a knock on the door.

"WHAT!?" The irritated voice of Larthy echoed out the hallway as the door opened slowly.

Sabo's smile shook a bit as he walked in.

"Sorry for bothering you two, but you should start packing up now. We're leaving soon..." The Chief of Staff said as he arranged his hat a bit.

"Leaving? Where to? We've yet to even settle here properly..." Robin said as she walked over to Sabo.

"We're going to the Sky Islands..."


Hope you liked the chapter! I wanted to upload this yesterday, but wasn't able to finish it, caught a pretty shitty cold, so no gym for me either

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