Chapter 11

Inside the dimly lit room, there were different puffs of smoke going up. The place was condensed with the scent of cigarettes. There were several men in black suits and well shaved haircuts.

George's heart was pounding yet he braced himself to stay in the room as he awaits the most dreaded gangster in the neighborhood.

Looking anxious yet unwilling to leave the dangerous den, he bit down his fear and replaced it with the greed for what he was going to gain.

"What brings the famous George here at my den? I thought you weren't interested in the contract anymore" A voice asked from behind him.

He looked back to see the much-awaited Mr Santiago. He switched to his flattering mode as he flashed a large grin on his face.

"Of course, I am interested, Mr Santiago. You don't have to bother about that because Mona is already yours. There were just some minor hiccups that have been taken care of" George quickly said.

"Minor hiccups? And what could that be Mr George?" The icy voice continued.

"That…the hiccups…I mean that she was just a little stressed after the graduation so she needed to rest. You know exam stuff and other things. It made her stressed"

"That's all?"

*Yes, Mr Santiago. That's all."

"And you said she is still intact?"

"I swear Mr Santiago, she is as pure as the morning dew that falls directly from the sky" George replied. He trust his daughter would never mess things up.

He knew the only friend Mona has was that rich brat that always seems to encourage her to disobey him. But he was sure there were no boys around her

"Let's say I believe you, what would be the proof that she would be present on that day?"

"I will bring her personally. She won't escape anywhere. I am her father"

"That's what you said the last time and you fled with my money," Mr Santiago said with a chuckle.

"I promise you this time will be different" George reassured.

"Alright. Then read this contract. If you are okay with it, then we can proceed"

George's heart was finally at rest. All that remained for him was to convince him to take Mona back as previously agreed on. He was willing to sign any contract as long as he agreed to take Mona back.

"Are you agreeing to take her back, Mr Santiago?" George asked anxiously. He needed the money to pay off his gambling debt.

"Take her back…hmm" he slurred as he puff a whiff of cigarette in the air." Thank your lucky star your daughter is quite beautiful."

George grinned. Of course, his Mona was very beautiful. She can even pass the score for a movie star. She got the beauty from her mother who was the prettiest girl in their neighborhood.

His mind was full of glee as he read the contract. He didn't read the contract. His eyes were only on the hefty amount of money for the exchange for his daughter.

His eyes almost fell off his socket." Mr…Mr Santiago…is this amount for real?"

"What? Is it too much for her?" Mr Santiago asked with a raised brow.

George swallowed hard at imaginary spittle. That's a whopping fifty million dollars! Isn't it a bit extravagant? Is Mona worth that much? These people are filthy rich!

"Not at all, Mr Santiago. Nevertheless, I am speechless by your generosity towards my daughter"

"She is worth it. She earned it" Mr Santiago said, laughing hard. He stared at George with a meaningful gaze unknown to him.

"Worth it? Of course, she is worth it and I promise you will enjoy every bit of her" George emphasized.

It took him a lot of action and wits to get back the approval of Mr Santiago again. He wasn't going to let this opportunity slide. His debtors were scrambling to sell him out including his daughter.

Instead of being sold off, he decided to use his daughter as a bargain to gain his freedom. Luckily, she would be pampered by Mr Santiago. He told her he would marry her and let her stay overseas.

Lucky Mona!

But he was greatly disappointed when Mona didn't show up that day. He searched frantically for her everywhere but it just seems like she vanished into thin air.

It wasn't until two days ago he saw Mona's friend and followed her. George found out that Mona had been living with her friend after the graduation party.

He hadn't talked to her yet but he knows the perfect method to bring her back willing or unwillingly.

George turned to the generous Mr Santiago with a grin and without checking the terms and conditions of the contract, he signed it without a second thought.

"What else would he ask for as a condition? I trust Mona won't disappoint so there is no need for reading this" he thought as he signed the contract.

"Mr George, did you perhaps read the conditions attached?" Mr Santiago asked.

"It's just a waste of time. After all, I am going to deliver her to you pure and intact. There is no need for me to be worried"

"Oh! That's right, I guess?" Mr Santiago chuckled.

George swallowed hard again before plastering a wide grin on his face. He looked at the smartly dressed old man beckoning one of the men in a suit.

"Bring the suitcase, Dragon" Mr Santiago ordered one of his men. The man walked over briskly and placed the suitcase on the table. He swiftly opened it before stepping aside.

"Mr Santiago, this…."

"This is twenty five million dollars in cash. I am giving you half of the payment because I trust you and I hope you won't break that trust. The remaining balance would be given to you once you deliver the girl"

"Twenty five million…dollars?"

"Yes. I realized her worth and decided not to be greedy. But there is something I would have suggested before you take the money" Mr Santiago said with a smirk.

"And what's that, Mr Santiago?" George asked nervously.

"Why don't she undergo a test by my doctor to ascertain her purity. It's better safe than sorry, what do you think?"

"You don't need to be worried about that. I know my daughter. She doesn't have a boyfriend or even hangs around guys. So don't you worry, Mr Santiago. Like I said she is still very pure" George hastily tried to convince him.

"Just wanted to sound a warning to a friend. You know I don't tolerate mistakes, right? Let's just say…I hate mistakes and even more so the person that commits them"

"There would be no mistake, Mr Santiago. I will deliver her to you in one week" George promised.

George would never let go of this great opportunity before him. How could he wait for another day? The money was right before him and they wanted him to do a rain check?

Not possible!


Mr Santiago watched as the man struggled with the suitcase he was carrying. After the man had left the den, Mr Santiago quickly took out his phone. He shook his head and made a quick call.

"Sir Benedict! It's all set…be ready to receive the particular beauty you demanded and she is pure. Don't worry…I hope the money is ready?" Mr Santiago said over the phone.

"Haa! Trust me, Sir Benedict, she is a smoky hot beauty and a fierce-looking kitten from her pictures. You will surely love to play with her before sending her off"

"She will be delivered straight to you once the test has been carried out. Don't worry, she would be untouched…just like the way you like it! Hahaha!"

There was loud laughter as Mr Santiago finished the call with his customer.

These people in the neighborhood are always greedy, especially the fathers. They don't care to know what their daughters are really used for. All they cared about was the huge money given to them.

"Boss, what do we do about this man?" One of the men asked.

"He won't run this time…he is eager to fulfil his part of the bargain. Just keep an eye on him and if you find the girl, keep track of her activities"

"Yes, boss!"

"Good. Let's go for that Vienna beauty" Mr Santiago stood up slowly.

"Boss, wouldn't it have been to our advantage if we kidnapped her instead? We won't have to pay the father"

"Yes it would but it will also label us as kidnappers but with the legal consent of the father, it would be less risky for us. We cannot be apprehended by the police either" Mr Santiago explained briefly.

Though the henchman couldn't understand his logic, he still nodded in response.

"Assist Mr George in whatever to get that girl. Even if it means kidnapping her, got that? Sir Benedict is already on my neck" Mr Santiago said as he walked out of the den.

He needs about ten girls to seal the deal for this month. But it seems getting an innocent girl these days is very hard.

He was really lucky to come across the gullible Mr George.