Chapter 12

George was so happy to have such a huge amount of money in just one night. He pondered on how a person could be so filthy rich when he was struggling to stay alive and even have to resort to begging.

"I wonder how these people make their money. Imagine he just threw away twenty five million dollars like it was nothing! I am so glad I have a beautiful and well behaved daughter"

"Thanks to Mona I got to see millions in my lifetime. But I still need to get that brat so I can get the remaining balance of the money"

"But what would I do with so much money?"

George continued to talk to himself as he walked toward his house. He felt it would be a waste to just spend the money like that. Maybe he should gamble with it? Twenty five million can result in billions!

With that in mind, he decided to take a turn back to the gambling house. If he could place a successful bet on the money, he would surely become a billionaire overnight!

After which he can get a comfortable house and various cars. He would be able to enjoy himself as he pleases. George's head was already filled with the different things he would be able to do with the money.

On his way to the gambling house, he came across his friend, Greg. He wanted to hide from him but it was too late, Greg had already seen him.

"Hey, buddy! Where are you going with a briefcase? Do you work in an office now or are you some sort of bodyguard?" Greg asked with his piercing gaze on his friend.

"Err… work? This is not mine. I just want to deliver it to someone on behalf of my boss" George lied.

"Your boss? When did you start working for a boss? You traitor!" Greg whined.

"I will tell you all about it when we meet tomorrow. I have to hurry" George replied.

"I am also heading to our usual spot. Let's go together then. Who did your boss wants to give it to? I know everyone in that den. I could give you pointers" Greg offered.

George was at loss for words. He didn't know what to do. Should he tell his friend? Maybe he could give him pointers but what if he sets him up? No, he wasn't ready to risk his hard-earned money! So he devised a means how to get information from Greg.

"Greg, you said you are very knowledgeable with the gambles right?"

"Of course I am. I just don't like playing though but I give pointers on how to win. I only receive ten percent of your wins"

"Ten…ten percent? That's on the high side!" George replied.

"It's not high at all. Go to another gambling den and ask how many percent they charged. Some take up to twenty percent" Greg said.

"But ten percent is on the high side!"

"Do you want to place a bet? If you are the one placing it I can do it for five percent as my friend" Greg offered.

"It's not my bet but it's for my boss. He doesn't like coming to places like this so he told me to do it instead of him" George continued lying.

"Your boss? Then I will stick to my ten percent" Greg refused.

"You are my buddy, please do it for me so I can have a percentage too" 

"Alright. Alright. I will do it as a friend. So how much is your…boss willing to spend?" Greg asked.

"It's a very large amount. It's about twenty five million dollars" George whispered.

"What? Twenty five million?" Greg exclaimed as his eyes nearly bulged out.

"Hey! Stop shouting! Do you want me to get robbed?"

"Sorry. I was startled by the amount you called just now. That's huge, buddy!"

"How much will it fetch me?"

"Actually, the ones on the ground now can only fetch you twice the amount you offer but by next week there is a rumour that a wealthy man would be coming to the den and will be offering one billion dollars for a game of fifty million stakes"

"What!!! Are you sure?" George asked wide-eyed.

"Of course, I am absolutely sure. I can't lie to you, buddy. I am only telling you because you are my friend. There are so many people laying stake against it next week" 

"So what should I do?" George asked with greed in his eyes.

"Well, it depends on your boss. If he agrees, he just has to give me a thousand bucks so I can keep a space for him. Then I will let him know when the man comes" Greg replied.

"Oh…okay. I will let you know as soon as I speak with my boss. Or let me just go and speak to him now" George turned around to leave.

"I thought you wanted to give the suitcase to someone in the den?" Greg asked, raising his brows.

"Err…yes but this information seems very important. I think I should just relay it to him straight away" George said as he waved his friend goodbye.


When George got home, he went straight to the basement of his apartment and hid the money far away. He would have taken it to the bank but he was afraid.

The only place he thought he would be safe was his basement. After all, no one would guess. He sat down to think 

He had a sleepless night because of what his friend had told him. Should he do as his friend suggested? What if he loses? That means he would still remain in debt!

But if he wins, he will be a billionaire! That was his aim! He would pay off his debts and still be rich! He wondered what he should do.

The more he thought about it, the more his mind was leaning towards taking the risk. Well, it wouldn't be a risk. After all, his friend would have given him a win. All he had to do was to give Greg a thousand bucks and everything would fall in place.

Thinking about him becoming a billionaire in a week's time, George dozed off in the basement. He had a wonderful dream where that becoming a billionaire and he was busy enjoying his money. Even Mr Santiago was bowing to him.

As he was smiling broadly, his eyes darted towards a very beautiful woman who was approaching him seductively. She came closer to him and sat on his lap. His body was on fire as he got ready to kiss the girl.

His mouth was already an inch closer to the girl's own when his mouth suddenly hit something hard.

"Ouch!" He shouted as he woke up from his dream.

He was holding a piece of hard steel while lying close to the suitcase on the floor.

Did he just kiss a rod in the basement?