Chapter 19


Mona began running frantically towards the exit. She was lucky to find her way. She tried not to think of the possibility of being caught by them.


She had thought she could escape from here but it was obvious she was going to fail miserably. What to do?


She was still holding the phone tightly so she could call as soon as she get out of the den. She didn't even get to tell Ella where she was.


How are they going to find her? Mona knows that Ella must have been searching for her. If only she had told Ella where she was.


Did she just take that risk of being caught? So much for all that she had done!


"If you move an inch, I don't mind-blowing your head off! You bitch!" A sinister voice said from behind her.


It was Dan and some other gang members who came to capture her.


Mona's heart swayed like a ship in the middle of a raging storm. How was she going to get out of this place? She closed her eyes tightly, clenching the phone in her hand.


"Turn around gently and don't you dare move a muscle," Dan said, anger evident in his words.


" Do you fucking think you can escape this place? It's a well-guarded hideout on the outskirts of the town. Even if you manage to escape from this place, do you think you will be able to make it outside without being caught?" Dan continued in anger.


Having no other choice, Mona turned around to face the gangsters. There were more than a dozen of them with face masks on.


Her heart leaped when she saw the guns pointed at her. She was filled with fright and her body trembled.


Though Mona lived in the slums, she had never had encounters with dangerous people like these.


Most times when she goes to the gambling den to get her father, it was her father's friend, Uncle Greg that usually brings her father out for her.


Besides, they rarely show off guns in that particular den unlike some games. Fights might break out but they don't solve it with guns.


It was the first time a gun was pointed at Mona and she was as scared as a frightened kitten. While in this den, the men that guard her had their guns hidden in their pockets and she doesn't communicate with them except when they bring her food.


"Please…please don't kill me…I won't…I won't move an inch" Mona stuttered. She was really scared!


"I thought you were one brave feisty girl. Did you also know how to beg? Are you afraid now?"


" Please!"


" This would be the last time. I promise"


" Take her back to the room and lock her up with extra security. I hate promises…don't promise. Make sure you don't try to escape again"


" I swear I won't escape! I will be very humble from now on…just don't kill me, okay?" Mona said, putting on an exaggerated frightened expression.


Mona sighed in relief and obediently followed the men.


Though she was scared shit of guns doesn't make her lose her focus! She would surely plan for another escape but for now, she needs to be docile.


And when she finally got out of this damn place, she was cutting ties with her father. He doesn't deserve her love.


As she walked past Dan, he stopped her. He seems to notice the phone clasped in her hands.


"You damn bitch! You have the guts to call someone!" He roared, raising his hands to slap her.


But he stopped as he controlled his anger. This woman was lucky his boss gave orders not to touch her. What the hell! She was able to get a phone? It must be Jake's phone.


She must have taken it when she attacked him. Fucking bitch! And it was obvious she made a call already. They had to leave here as soon as possible or they would be caught by the police.


"All of you! Get ready to leave here now! The police might be here anytime soon! Move to our secret penthouse right away. Get the blood we bought yesterday and pour it on the ground. Let them think she is dead!" Dan shouted orders.


He collected the phone from her and scrolled through the dialed calls." This call was made about twenty minutes ago. We have just ten minutes more to get our ass out of here or we are screwed!."


There was so much rush as everybody tried to make an effort to flee from the den. They rushed towards the entrance of the warehouse and began fleeing.


Dan grabbed Mona's hair in anger and dragged her with him. They don't have much time left, he has to use the secret exit.


They got to a wall and Dan pushed it a little for it to open a secret passage. It was all dark and scary but Mona's screams filled the air.


"Let go of my hair! It hurts, you bastard!" Mona said as she screamed.


"I swear if you don't shut the fuck up right now, I don't mind killing you and making it look like an accident!"


He really could do it, Mona thought as she quickly stopped screaming but the pain of being pulled by her hair was excruciating.


"Can you let go of my hair, please!" Mona begged.


But all her pleading fell on deaf ears as they continued dragging her towards an underground exit.


There were sounds of sirens as they bundled her into a parked van. She let out a shout but was quickly held down by one of the men who covered her mouth with his hands.


She bit his hands and wanted to scream again, but a handkerchief was placed over her nose. She suddenly felt dizzy.


Before she slipped into unconsciousness, Mona watched as she started to see darkness all around her and she grew weaker. She wanted to scream, yell and call out to anyone but it seemed impossible.


Slowly she succumbed to the darkness enveloping her.




Ella was desperate to get to see Mona and she got ready to follow the police van. But the inspector seems to disapprove of taking her along on this dangerous mission.


They were not regular gangsters. They are likely going to be with guns.


"Miss Bryan, I don't think you should risk yourself following us. We will surely get her for you" Inspector Dave said to Ella.


" I am not going to stay around waiting for you to come back. I want to be there too" Ella replied.


"It's  not advisable…they are not your everyday thugs"


" It's my safety and I know what's best for me. Even if you don't allow me into your car, I will surely follow behind. Your choice" Ella said stubbornly.


When the Inspector saw that she was adamant. He signalled for everyone to get in the van while he took her to his car.


In about thirty minutes, they got to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the town. It was owned by a popular company that went bankrupt some few years back.


"Are you sure this is the place, inspector?" Ella asked .


" It's the location according to the call. Many criminals use abandoned warehouses as a hideout spot" he replied.


" But it's just a warehouse. How can someone live here for days? It's…it's not comfortable"


" Miss Bryan, don't be surprised to see something else when you get into the warehouse. It might have been refurbished inside but they leave the outside untouched"


" Why?"


The officer signalled to his men to make a move, while he scanned the area for possible movement.


"It's pretty obvious why. The gang leader had hidden her here so they can't be traced easily because people will think it's abandoned and there was no one in"


Then he stopped talking as they started moving in slowly with their guns out." Walk-behind me quietly."


As they got closer to the entrance, there was a faint scream from somewhere. Inspector Dan took hold of his gun tightly and made for where the sound was coming from.


"Jason, take Miss Bryan to the car and guard her over there," Inspector Dave said.


The officer escorted Ella who was frightened but trying to act brave. Ella decided to obey the inspector's order. It's not like she would be able to do anything.


Inspector Dave followed the sound and it was coming from the back of the warehouse. He continued keeping watch as he moved forward.


He saw the car pack and searched it thoroughly. But there was nothing in the pack. The only thing he saw was the mark of a screeching car. The mark was still fresh which means that it wasn't long before they left.


Inspector Dan kicked the air in frustration. They must have found out she made a call to her friend.


He walked slowly towards the entrance again and saw that they had all fled or hidden somewhere.


"What did you find?" He asked.


"There are traces of fresh blood but no bodies. It can't be determined whose blood it is" one of the officers said.


"Everyone get into your car. It seems they had left not too long ago. We might still be able to track them down" Inspector Dan said.


Ella who just heard what the inspector said closed her eyes in sorrow.


Where are you, Mona? Please don't die on me!