Chapter 20

An elegantly dressed man in his late sixties was seated opposite the two young couples. His eyes never left the woman beside his grandson.


Grandpa Leon forced out a smile at the woman his grandson brought with him. He kept staring at her.


"Why are you staring at my woman?" Lester said in a deep voice, cleaning his mouth with a handkerchief.


"You brat! Why can't I stare at my future granddaughter?" Grandpa Leon said, humping at his grandson.


" You can Keep on staring as much as you want" Lester could not be bothered with his grandfather.


The woman looked very familiar to someone he had met but he really can't remember where or when. Grandpa Leon was certain he had met this young woman somewhere.


"Have we met somewhere before, young lady?" Grandpa Leon asked.


" I don't think so, Grandpa. I have been living abroad all my life" Alvina replied with a smile.


She wondered where the old man must have met her. Could it be…? It's impossible. Alvina smiled, pouring a cup of tea for him.


"You surely do look familiar," the old man muttered.


He wondered if his grandson was being real or not. He was well aware of his grandson's tricks and this could be one of them.


"She is quite beautiful. And elegant…"


"I guess the dinner should be over now. I just came to show her to you. Are you satisfied?" Lester responded.


" Not until you make her your wife. Besides, we need to know her family too" Grandpa Leon said, sipping on a cup of tea.


" Not happening soon, Grandpa. As for her family, you will know about them very soon when I make it official" Lester said.


"The wedding is going to happen, anyway," Grandpa Leon said.


"Till then."


"Don't even think you are going to fool me, brat! Since you brought her as your fiance she will remain one until you make her your wife!" Grandpa Leon said, sternly.


" We are not yet ready."


" You had better be ready or else you want me to die with a grieving heart. I want to see my great-grandchildren before I leave this world"


" Aren't you being greedy, grandpa? Many people at your age would only wish for a grandchild. You have me already, why are you adamant about making me have a child?" Lester said, pouring himself a glass of wine.


" Shut up you good-for-nothing brat! All you ever think about his work! What use is your wealth when you don't have someone to share it with? And…I am so lonely alone in that house!"


" You have Aunt Serena and Uncle Charles' children? Aren't they your grandchildren too? Get them to bear you a great-grandson" Lester said, calmly.


" Don't you dare change the topic? I am talking about you, not them" Grandpa Leon said.


" And I am telling you about me too, grandpa. Don't expect a marriage so quickly. You know I still have a lot to do regarding the company" Lester said.


" The company will survive…"


"And marriage and children will naturally come too. I already have someone I want to marry. That's the criteria you gave me, so please stop pestering me about grandchildren" Lester told his grandfather sternly.


Alvina tried to keep up with the smile on her face. How could he say all of this to his grandfather in her presence? Isn't he humiliating her?


"Lester, why don't we…" Alvina wanted to say something.


But Lester leaned closer to her ears while smiling." Stay out of it. Is it that you didn't read the contract?"


She smiled before nodding her head in understanding. Fuck you, Lester! I will surely have you wrapped around my fingers very soon.


"I have a business meeting in less than an hour, grandpa. I hope you had a great dinner" Lester said, looking at his watch.


" When have I ever had a great dinner with a rebellious grandson like you? Go, leave this old man in peace. Do whatever you want" Grandpa Leon said, resignedly.


Lester knew this was just an act. Give the old man three days at most and he would start his ranting again.


As he was trying to talk to his grandpa his phone rang.


"What is it, Gerald?" He asked.


"The thing is the contract for the acquisition of the casino with Mr. Benedict had been approved. He came to town not long ago and wants to meet up so he can sign the contract" Gerald said, excitingly.


" Where?"


" It's at a Foursome Pub or something like that. We have less than two hours for the meeting. We will get there in an hour and a half"


" It means we have just thirty minutes to get moving?" Lester asked.


" Yeah, I am on my way to the hotel and I will be there in fifteen minutes"


" No need. I will meet you up at the nearest point. Just take the documents with you" Lester said.


" How is the dinner with Grandpa…"


Lester cut off the phone. He wanted to explain to his grandfather but he waved him off.


"You can leave. Don't forget to bring her to the ancestral home sometimes" Grandpa Leon said.


" I will do that, grandpa," Lester said, kissing him goodbye.


Lester turned to Alvina." Will you be okay going back alone?"


"Yeah. I will just call my driver to come and pick me up"


" Alright. Call me when you get home. Let's go" Lester said as he led her out of the room.


Grandpa Leon watched as Lester led Alvina out of the room. He squinted his eyes. He knew he wasn't mistaken.


He had seen that lady somewhere. She must be the granddaughter of one of his acquaintances.


If only this arrangement will lead to marriage, then he can die a happy death.




Mona woke up to see herself tied up on a huge bed. How did she get here? Flashes of what happened not too long ago replayed in her memory.


"My head feels like it's about to crack! These heartless pricks! How could that man hold my hair for so long without an ounce of feeling! My head was on fire with the excruciating pain"


" He is lucky I just don't want to fight, I would have punched and kicked his ass! Ouch! It hurts like hell! Does he have a problem with my hair?"


Mona continued boasting as she held her head in pain.


"Stop whining already or I will do more than just pull your hair!" Dan's voice threatened from outside.


" I will get you, asshole!" Mona said in a hushed tone.


As she was thinking of what to do in this new cell that had been put in, she heard heavy footsteps approaching her door.


The door was flung open and the face I was dreading to see showed up in front of me.


"How have you been, Miss Anderson? I hope my boys are doing you good? They have to because you are worth fifty million dollars" Me Santiago said, grinning.


" If I was worth that much, u don't think they would want to make me bald!" Mona retorted.


" Bald? What do you mean? You were just taught a lesson or two. Don't worry, they know the extent of their punishment. They wouldn't punish you more than you can handle"


Mona was filled with anger at his words but she smiled instead. She wouldn't let them think she was rebellious. She would have to act obediently till she finds a way to get out of this hell hole.


"Understood, Miss Anderson? Or do you want private tutoring?" He grinned with his tobacco-stained teeth and stinking breath.


The smell from it was making Mona nauseous. She felt like puking but she swallowed it in. She had been feeling sick and nauseous these days.


It seems that the environment was telling on her health. She needs to get away from here.


"Tonight, you will start your payment. You will entertain our guest tonight"


" What?"


" Exactly what you heard. You are going to be with a client tonight"


" I will never!" Mona said.


" Really? You will my dear or else, I will not only kill you but I will wipe out everyone connected to you"


Then before leaving, he added." Your friend, what's the name again? Ella Bryan would make a hot sale before being killed. Think about it, cupcake. Get laid or get everyone laid six feet under."


How could he be so heartless!


" I wasn't the one who owe you money! Why don't you go and meet my father! What has his debt got to do with me!" Mona screamed.


Mona was confused about what to do because at this stage, these guys weren't playing nice anymore.


Did her father abandon her? Didn't he know that she was being captured by these people? All he had to do was return the money and everything would be back to normal.


She broke down in tears as the door was shut tightly. Why are they still holding on to her? She wasn't a virgin anymore!