Chapter 21

Staring into the space, Ella was filled with worry over her friend. Thankfully, the blood found in the warehouse didn't match Mona's blood. That means Mona was still alive and probably trapped with them somewhere.

Ella was becoming restless. It's been two days, yet the police haven't found any leads on the case. She wondered where those thugs must have hidden.

"Still worried about your friend? I thought she was already found by the police?" Her colleague asked.

" She was almost found. We lost her by some minutes. I guess they are not the regular gangsters on the street" Ella said.

" Why do you think so?"

" They knew the exact time that the police would arrive according to the call time. We got there two minutes later than them. They calculated the time it will take us to get there and even made a diversion plan" Ella said.

" Don't worry, Ella. She would be found sooner than you expect" her colleague reassures her.

" Thanks, Vivian" Ella smiled gratefully.

An hour later, she got off from work earlier than usual. She wants to check on the police's progress on Mona's case. When she got to the station, the policeman in charge of Mona's case wasn't in.

"Just wait for five minutes. Inspector Dave is with our superior" one of the officers replied, pulling a chair for Ella.

" Thanks. I appreciate your gesture" Ella said, smiling.

At exactly five minutes, inspector Dave came out. When he saw Ella, he was a bit surprised.

"Miss Bryan, what a surprise to see you," Inspector Dave said.

" You will keep seeing me here until you solve my friend's case"

The inspector just smiled without saying anything. This case was still dragging on because these people were highly connected one way or the other.

They have several hideouts all over the city, and it's not easy getting a permit for every one of them. If only they could have a tip on one or two locations, then they could swap in.

"We are still working on it. The thing is… they're hidden. There are so many that it would be difficult to trace the exact one your friend was taken to, but it's not impossible. Give us some time, we will surely come up with a plan"

" Please, inspector. I don't want anything to happen to my friend" Ella said, weakly.

She got up slowly and walked out of the office looking dejected. She doesn't know what to do anymore.

Ella got home and slumped on the couch with a tired and worried expression. If only Mona had left a clue, there would have been a little luck. She heard her phone ringing loudly.

"Hi, Gary!" She answered the call. It was her brother and she dared not let him know what was happening or else he would come rushing over.

"Why do you sound so tired and kind of worried?" Gary asked over the phone.

"Why won't I be tired when I start working immediately after graduation. Dad isn't treating them as his daughter either! He keeps piling work up for me" Ella complained.

" You are lucky over there. Do you know how I have to work all night just to grow the company over here? He even sent spies to check up on me! It's been terrible since last year that I graduated"

" Haay! What a father!" They both said together before bursting into laughter.

"Ella, it's been days since I talked to Mona. Her phone is not connecting" Gary said.

" Oh, that! I forgot to tell you that she went on a trip with her father to see her grandmother somewhere where there is no reception. She is the one calling instead"

" Is there a place like that in this state?" Gary asked in disbelief.

" Yeah. Even I was surprised but luckily she will be back by next week" Ella said.

" Ella, I don't feel right about this"

" Hey! Are you trying to jinx her trip?"

" Not that. It's just…"

" Mona is fine, Gary. I just spoke to her some hours back"

" Okay. If you say so" Gary responded in a resigned tone.

They chatted for some time after which Gary hung up. Ella smiled bitterly at the lies she just told. She prayed that Mona would be rescued very soon.

Standing up from the cushion she went to take a cold shower to cool her mind.


George was shivering as he hid in a room at an abandoned construction site. He had run away that night after Greg told him he was being chased by Mr. Santiago's men.

If not for Greg, he had starved to death in the place he was hiding. He was not only running from Mr. Santiago's men but also from those he was owing.

Greg had been coming once a day to give him some food. As he was feeling hungry, he caught sight of Greg coming toward him. He was happy and he quickly grabbed and ran to meet Greg with the hunger-stricken face.

"I am a starving man!" He said, staring at the plastic bag hungrily.

"Let's go and sit over there. There might be people passing" Greg pointed at a spot.

" That's a good idea. I don't want to be caught, especially by Mr. Santiago's men" George said, putting on a terrified expression.

"Man, are you going to leave her with those monsters?" Greg asked, dropping the plastic bag on the floor.

" Do I have a choice? They will sell me and make my life a living hell if I am caught!" George replied, sitting down.

Greg looked at his friend." Are you sure you are her father?"

"What the fuck do you mean by that, man? Of course, she is my daughter!" George roared in anger.

" Then I bet she had a terrible stroke of bad luck to have a father like you. I expected you to feel a bit remorseful and try to get her out!"

" Why are you being all righteous? It's not like you are any better!"

" I know I don't have a daughter but I would never sell out my niece no matter how much money I crave"

" It's none of your business! Don't poke your nose into my business just because you are giving me some pieces of shit as food. It's not even enough to feed a dog!" George said, ungratefully.

" Pieces of shit? I took the risk of coming to see you and bringing food for your sorry ass and you dare call it a piece of shit! You ungrateful bastard!" Greg said, getting angry.

" You started it! How could you call me a terrible stroke of bad luck? How dare you!"

" It seems you are overfed today, that's why you keep ranting at me. Good, I will leave you and take my piece of shit with me" Greg said angrily, grabbing the plastic bag.

George who had been all fired up immediately took a turn around as he began to flatter his friend.

"Greg, it's my fault. I think the hunger got me losing the screw in my head. I am fucking stupid to shout at you" George said, holding his friend back.

" Get your freaking hands off me! I am taking my piece of shit and I am staying clear of your business" Greg said, hitting his hands off.

" Greg, you know how awful and foul my mouth is. I will never repeat what I said again. And I now realize how wrong I was" George said, trying to sound remorseful.

Greg wasn't hearing any of his excuses." I don't care, man. Just get yourself another delivery guy!"

" I was wrong, dude. I was wrong. I promise to go to Mr. Santiago tomorrow night so that Mona can be released" George said.

" You mean it? Are you going to submit yourself? " Greg asked, delightedly.

" Yeah, man. She is my daughter and I can't watch her being sold as a prostitute. I will surrender to Mr. Santiago" George replied, looking pained.

" That is good. You are a good father!" Greg said, patting his friend's back.

" No, Greg. I am a bad father! I did not only sell her out but I also abandoned her!"

" It's okay, as long as you make amends," Greg said, handing him the plastic bag.

" Thank you, Greg. Please can you do me a favor?"

"What is that?"

" Can you please find out the exact place my daughter has been brought to? I want to go to the hideout myself" George said.

" That's easy. I will get the location to you by tomorrow morning when I will bring your food. I will be back in the evening so that we can go together" Greg said.

" That's great, Greg. Thank you! " George said, his eyes filled with happiness.

After a while, Greg left the place and George lay on the cold hard floor. His eyes were filled with mockery at the conversation he just had with Greg.

"That fool thinks I was going to surrender myself to Mr. Santiago? Not a chance! I think I have a better use for it!" George said with an evil smirk.

" Mona, you had better be lucky!" He said, looking into space.