*At The Restaurant*
I entered the restaurant and saw Sara standing in front of a reception. I waved at her and she noticed me immediately. I walked over to her smiling. We hugged and had little chat but before we could go to the dining area she held my hand and said....
"Y-N please whatever happens just hold yourself stronger ok and don't react suddenly because we don't know the reason behind it yet."
She squeezed my hand reassuring me.
I don't know what she's talking about but listening to her I got uncomfortable and nervous.
We got into the V.I.P dining and as I looked around I found something which made my heart stop beating. My legs wouldn't let me walk any further as they were wobbling.
"Y-N"... Sara held me tight before I could fall.
My tears were streaming down my cheeks the more I look at the sight in front of me.
There was Jungkook! Yes my Jungkook and his Ex girlfriend Lisa kissing eachother and not only that, she is even pregnant. They were smiling and I can see they were having a good time together. Jungkook turned around and our eyes met. He was stunned for a second then called my name.
I stepped back as he marched towards me .
"Y-N listen to me!"
He exclaimed
I shook my head and ran out from there.
All the way to home I couldn't stop crying. I reached home and locked myself in the bedroom.
' Oh i see now why you were acting like that with me Jungkook because you wanted to kick me out of your life. Atleast you should have told me and I would happily ended our relationship when you have Lisa pregnant. What did I do to deserve this? Well it's a big slap for you Y-N for thinking he chose you over all the girls because he truly loves you. But now I'm sure it wasn't for love because if it is you wouldn't be crying here while he is with another girl out there.'
I sobbed harder.
*Jk Pov*
I was in the office looking after some work when I got a call from Lisa. I sighed and picked it up answering...
"What is it?"
"J-jungkook, I'm at the restaurant to have lunch but now I'm not feeling well. Can you please pick me up?"
She stated.
"Tell the staff what is wrong and they'll be able to help you before I get there."
I told her.
"No Jungkook. They are saying anyone from my contact should come and take me to the hospital they can't do anything."
She replied.
"Ok, calm down. I am coming!"
I said and cut the call.
I left the building and immediately drive to the location she has texted me.
I got there and asked them about the pregnant lady who was not feeling well. One of the staff guided me to where she was and when I noticed that she is all fine and casually using her phone, I got angry and to avoid unnecessary drama I was about to leave when she called me.
I still avoided her and continued walking out but she came to me and grabbed my arm halting me. I yanked my arm away from her and turned my face to other side gritting my teeth to control my anger so I won't do anything stupid.
"I'm sorry Jungkook for worrying you. Actually I wanted to spend time with you since it's your birthday and I've done all the arrangements to celebrate and surprise you."
"Who told you to do that. I had to leave all the important work aside to reach up here because someone told me she is sick and needs me. But turns out it was just a game to celebrate my fucking birthday!"
I raised my voice a little which grabbed other's attention.
Lisa apologized to them and took me to the place she was at before.
"You are already here now so please stop being grumpy and enjoy it."
She said to me.
I rolled my eyes and she nodded to the waiter who was standing there at the corner. After some seconds he came to us with a cake which is my fav one. I got a flashback of Y-N bringing me this cake on my birthday's. I was deep in thought remembering the best time of my life with Y-N but then Lisa knock me out of my thoughts.
"What are you waiting for? Slice it I'm drooling over this delicious chocolate cake and can't wait anymore to have it."
Lisa said cheerfully.
I frustratedly cut the cake while Lisa sang the song. An hour has passed and we are having the lunch. Lisa was done with the food so she ordered an ice cream in deserts. During that time she came up with dad jokes which weren't funny at all but I still managed to fake a laugh not to piss her off. After some time we were done. I got up and held a hand out for her but suddenly my phone started ringing. I talked on phone for a minute before Lisa complained that something got into her eyes. I leaned closer to her and by a check it seemed fine to me so I pulled away but lisa was quick giving me a peck on lips. I turned my face and wiped my lips when I noticed Y-N standing there totally a crying mess and Sara by her side having disgusted look on her face.
I was stunned and felt like my soul left the body. It was the last thing on planet I wanted to happen. Building up the courage I called out her name to explain and took steps forward but she ran out of there.
"Y-N wait please!"
I ran behind her but she drove away.
Ahh... I punched my car in frustration.
"What should I do now!"
I mumbled under my breath stroking my hair back.
"Jungkook, is everything okay?"
I heard Lisa asking when she reached upto me
"No it's not and this is your fault. Why did you come back in my life when I was all happy with my Y-N."
I yelled angrily at her.
"I'm sorry JK!"
She said whimpering.
I took a deep breath calming myself down. I grabbed her shoulders and replied...
"I'm sorry for acting like that, I just couldn't control my anger."
"It's okay!"
She nodded.
"Can you take a cab and go back to your apartment?"
I asked her.
"I already did!"
She looked up at me and replied.
I sighed in relief before continuing...
"That's great, call me if you need anything. I'm going home now."
"Hmm ok. Take care!"
She smiled.
"You too!"
I replied and hurriedly got into my car and started driving.
"You can't loose her Jk, you can't just loose Y-N!"
I exclaimed all the way worried sick thinking what will happen to us.