
I get into the house and saw Y-N dragging her suitcase in the hallway. Her eyes was swollen and face flushed. I ran closer to her and took the stuff from her hands.

"Where are you going Y-N?" 

I asked her even though I knew the answer but I can't let it happen.

"It's not your concern , give me my bags!" She said looking down on my hand and tried to take it but I throw them little away from us and hold her face.

"Y-N I'm sorry, it's not like you are thinking. Let me explain please!"

I stated.

"Don't touch me and I don't want any explanations from you so just let me go!" She yanked my hands before replying and started walking off to the door crying.

"You can't leave me Y-N...

I love you so much!"

I yelled at her back.

"I am leaving because I hate you...

I hate you Jeon Jungkook!"

She replied and left while I'm still processing the words she told me.

                *Time Skip*

I'm sitting in the office thinking about Y-N. It's been a week and I didn't see her again after that day since she isn't coming to office nor her family is letting me to meet her. She don't pick up my calls and never replies to the texts either. I wonder how she's doing! 

I let out a sigh when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

I said.

"Sir it's time for the meeting!"

My PA exclaimed.

"Ok I'll be there!"

I replied, he nodded and left.

I got up fixing my tie and hair before taking some important files I left to the conference room.


"So it's the deal right?"

I asked the investors.

"Yeah yeah. It's our honour to work with you and your company Mr.Jeon!"

The man replied and got up from his seat for a handshake. After the endments they left and I was also about to leave when an employee told me that....

"Sir Ms.Y-N is here to meet you! You were busy in the meeting so we made her sit in your office."

"Y-N is really here?"

I asked shocked and excited.

"Yes Sir!"

The employee replied with a smile.

And with that I ran to my office not wasting anymore time to see the love of my life.

                   *Y-N Pov*

I'm sitting in his office waiting for him from half an hour. I decided to play with my phone because I'm bored and just want to head back home. The door clicked open revealing Jungkook.

"Y-N I- ... "

He was about to speak something but I immediately interupted him by standing and bowing down to him.

Good afternoon Sir!

I exclaimed.

He looked at me for a minute with his glistening big doe eyes then proceed to walk over his chair. He sat down and waited for me to continue. I took the envelope from my bag and placed it on the desk.

"Sir this is my resignation letter. I'm sorry but I can't continue working here due to some personal reasons. Kindly accept it and issue my experience letter."

"Who said you can resign?"

He replied raising his brow.

I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

I asked him frowning.

"I think you forgot it but don't worry let me help you."

By saying this he called his PA.

"Bring Ms.Y-N contract file in my office!"

Jungkook said to him and he left to do the task.

After few minutes his PA walked in and handed him a file. It took no time for Jungkook to throw it in front of me.

"So Ms.Y-N as for the policies you can't leave this company until and unless I want you to."

He said laying back in his chair.

"What the hell?"

I asked him completely frustrated.

"Well it is clearly mentioned in the contract that if you ever want to resign you have to tell us prior 3 months before doing it. If you don't then you will have to work here for next 3 months to approve your resignation or else you need to pay 5 million to the company as compensation."

I picked the file and looked at it briefly.

'Damn.' I thought.

It was really written under rules and regulations. How could I not notice it before.

"See you have a beautiful sign there."

He said smirking and I can feel my blood boiling out of anger. I took a deep breath and tore the fucking contract in front of his eyes.

"Now what?"

I asked him putting my hands on the table smirking back.

"Not a problem it was a copy anyway. We still have the original one with us."

He replied shrugging his shoulders.

I stood straight not keeping my calm anymore.

"You know what I shouldn't have bothered coming here. Keep the fucking resignation, contract and my experience letter with you. I don't need it."

I told him and walked to the door.

"We can take legal action against you Ms.Y-N for manipulating the contract, talking to your boss in inappropriate language and moreover leaving the company without our consent! 

You better give 5 million or come to office from tomorrow."

He replied to which I shut the door behind me with a loud thud and left from their annoyed.

"I'm sorry babe but I had to do it this way because I can't loose you again. Atleast I'll stand a chance to explain everything to you!" Jk ...