
                         *Y-N Pov*

I was making data sheet in my laptop when my phone ringed. I checked and it was a text from OP saying...

"I'm here!"

I looked at the time and realized it was lunch time. "Shit" I murmured and hurriedly finish the remaining work. When I was about to leave, Jungkook's PA told me that everyone is asked to be in the hall right now.

'Ugh what he wants now?' I thought and dragged my feet there.

Everyone was already present and when Jungkook noticed me he started...

"I won't take much of your time, just wanted to let you guys know that a new rule has been made that no one is allowed to leave the office for lunch anymore!"

'What the hell!' I thought and looked at him. He was smirking which only irritated me more.

"But Sir-" Nancy tried to speak and was immediately interupted by Jungkook.

"No But's and tell me why have I made the cafeteria in the company if you can't eat here. If you want to order something  from outside that's fine but no one is going out until and unless it's an emergency and for that also you will have to ask for my permission first.

Is that clear?"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in one voice even tho none of them want to agree to this stupid rule.

"Great, you can go now."

Jungkook exclaimed.

I get back in my cabin and replied to the text telling the OP not to wait for me and explained the situation. I sighed after that and decided to go at the cafe since I'm feeling hungry and there's nothing I can do about going out.

                *At Reception*

Receptionist: "Good afternoon! How can I help you?"

OP: Uh Hi! Actually I am looking for Ms.Y-N so could you please guide me to her?

Receptionist: "Oh I see. But may I know who you are and regarding what you want to meet her?"

OP: "I'm her friend and I was just passing by here so thought of seeing her."

Receptionist: "Okay. You can go to the 3rd floor and in the left it's her cabin. But it's lunch time now so I'm not sure if she's there or not. I would recommend you to check the cafeteria on the 2nd floor first!"

OP: "Got it, thank you!"

               (Author's Pov)

He took the elevator and first went to cafe. Everyone was amazed looking at him, girls mouth were wide open whereas boys were envious. He looked around in search of Y-N but couldn't trace her there so he marched to the 3rd floor eyes still following him. He spot Y-N in one of the corridors and smiled widely.

"Hey Y-N!"

                    *Y-N Pov*

I was busy in my phone when I heard someone call my name. I looked upto see who it was and got shocked.

"Hi! What are you doing here?"

I asked in amusement.

"Well I thought of bringing you your fav food because unfortunately you aren't allowed to go out."

He replied smiling.

"Ahh you didn't had to do this but thanks anyway. You are the sweetest."

I told him and he turned his face.

'Wait, is he blushing?' In my mind.

"You are the first person to call me sweet!" He said scratching his nape.

"Really? I can't believe this." I replied narrowing my eyes teasing him.

"Forget it and let's eat, the food must have turned cold till now." He said making me realize it too.

"Yeah right, let's go to my cabin!" He nodded and we started walking there talking and chuckling.

                     *Jk's Pov*

I was on the call talking to Lisa when my eyes landed on Y-N. But who's with her? I thought and tried to look more but they already got in.

(On call)

Lisa: "You listening?"

JK: "I have to go, I'll call you back later bye!"

I ended the call and went behind them.

                    *Y-N Pov*

"Isn't the time for the break to get over?" He asked me looking at his watch.

"Umm yes but it's ok. The boss has extended it for wasting our time in that stupid meeting!"

I replied while munching my food.

"Haha ok and why you so cute?"

He said wiping the corner of my lips with tissue and smiling fondly at me.

I was taken aback with his action and shuddered when the door busted open revealing Jungkook. He was about to say something but stopped after noticing certain someone with me.

"K-kim Taehyung?"

Jungkook stuttered out.

"How have you been Jungkook?"

Tae replied mischievously.

"Wait how do you guys know eachother?"

I asked pointing at each one.

By now the three of us are just standing there in questions until Tae replied...

Actually Y-N, we are good friends but I didn't knew he was your boss though.

'If they are friends then why did Jungkook never once mentioned him to me? Oh yeah, I wasn't so important to him in the first place to share anything.' I thought and looked over to him who was still standing by the door frozen looking at me and Tae in disbelief. Before I could ask him what's wrong my phone started ringing. I looked and see it was *Sara Calling*.

"Excuse me for two minutes, I need to pick this call!" I told them and went aside.

(On Call)

"Hey wassup!" I asked her

"Y-N I'm sorry to disturb you like this but I'm not feeling well. Can you come home please?" She said in a low voice.

"What happened, you were good in the morning?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I'm having a bad fever now and *coughs* just want someone by side!"

She replied.

"Okay okay, don't worry. I'm coming!"

I told her and ended the call.

I turned towards them and saw Tae eating his food and Jungkook was stroking his hair back in frustration.

'What's wrong with him now?' I thought and later realized I don't have time for this.

"Mr.Jeon I need to go home now my sister is sick." I told him.

"Ok come I-" before he could finish his sentence Tae spoke getting up from the couch.

"Let's go Y-N I'll drop you off!"

I felt Jungkook giving him death glares but I ignored him and replied...

"I'm fine but I think you two have met after a long time so you should enjoy each others company today."

"Yeah right." Tae chuckled.

I picked up my things and stormed out of there leaving the two behind.