
                          *JK POV*

I was so busy in the meetings and all that, I have forgotten about Y-N. I had called my PA before and asked him about her and he told me that she hasn't come back yet after break and we are almost at the end of a day now. It made me worried for her but I shook the feeling right away.

'After our talk, it must be hard for her so she probably had gone home to take rest.' I thought.

Lisa has been continuously ringing my phone but since I'm in no mood for her, I had put my phone on silent while laying back in my chair sighing.

I closed my eyes but all I can see is Y-N here and there. Thinking how I'm gonna live without her the tears escaped from the corner of my eyes. Suddenly the door busted open breaking the chain of my thoughts. I looked at who it was and saw Lisa getting in breathing heavily.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed and walked closer to her. She sat down on a nearby couch. Looking at her in this condition I couldn't held myself from helping her. I quickly get her water and patted her back so she could calm down before speaking. I'm confused, as to why is she here like this when I have told her to not visit me at the office even if it's so urgent.

"Why aren't you picking up my calls?"

She asked looking at me annoyed.

"I was busy and can't always pick up your calls anyway!"

I replied and she rolled her eyes at me until I started speaking again...

"What happened, why are you here?"

I asked and waited for her response but she just glanced down at her hands and started playing with some rings.

"I-Uh ....."

She started.

"We don't have all day so please hurry up!"

"I'm sorry JK, I know it's my fault but promise I didn't knew that the outcome would be like this. Taehyung had manipulated me so much that I became selfish and only did what he told me!"

She said frowning.

I don't understand a single word but by the mention of Taehyung's name, I know it's something serious which made me nervous.

"What do you mean by that Lisa. Please explain briefly?"

I asked her and she told me everything. My blood started to boil now.

"How dare he abduct Y-N? I will kill him if he put his dirty hands on my Y-N" I growled angrily which made Lisa shuddered.

I looked at her in disgust before saying...

"I'll take care of you later because first I need to save my Y-N from that freak!"

I stormed out of the office and rushed to my car. I started driving and waited for my PA to send me details of Taehyung since I had asked him to track down Taehyung before dashing out of the office. I drove two blocks from my office when my phone beeped indicating a message. I looked at it and it was Taehyung's residence address. My PA has also mentioned that the place is highly secured with guards and going there would be dangerous but I don't care about it. The only thing which is running on mind is to save Y-N from him. God knows what he's is planning to do next to take his revenge on me. He should've come man to man without involving Lisa and Y-N into this mess. While driving I thought of the time from where it all started.....


Me and Taehyung were best friends more like brothers from kindergarden. Everyone envied us but some wanted a relationship like us. We played, studied and had always lived together. Well because he never usually goes to his big ass mansion while mine was just a normal size home. His parents were filthy rich but never gave him much love and attention. They always travelled abroad for business trips and were mostly busy with work when at home. Meanwhile, I had a single mom who does a job to support us but is always loving and caring towards me. Not only me though, even Taehyung too. She treated him like her own son and sometimes loved him more than me. I'm not complaining because it's quite understandable. She once told me that she feels bad for Tae and doesn't want him to think he's been left alone in this world. I am more than grateful to my mom for this because Tae really means like a family to me even though we are not related by blood. Some relationships made by heart and feelings are more than that.

Everything was perfect between us until we graduated from the high school. I had been always interested in business and wanted to establish one of my own company so I started emerging myself more into achieving my goal. Whereas, Taehyung got interested in power and underworld and soon he got into the activities related to them. We were so involved in what we were doing that we rearly spent time together. However, I still took some time to check on him and when I found that he's really getting deep in that shit, I asked him to be my partner so we could do the business together but he declined my request. I tried to make him stop in his tracks before it's too late but he never once listened to me. There was a time, I had punched him in the face infront of all his men and after that we had a good fight over this argument until we were tired. When we calmed down and tried to fix things between us, he told me to stop persuading him about it because he has already gone too far in this underworld from where he can't get back now. He begged me to stop fighting him and be by his side like I always used to do. I didn't knew what to do to make him change his mind from that, but for all I know was to not leave him on his own. He promised me that he doesn't do anything which could hurt someone but to me it still didn't change the fact that there are many other bad things involved in this field.

One day I went to see him at his base without informing him beforehand. When I got there, it was hell of a chaos. There were bunch of people who were firing gun shots at eachother, some were fighting, and others were hiding and attacking while many laid injured or shall I say dead on the floor. The whole sight gave me the goosebumps and I didn't realize that I was standing frozen at my spot until a voice echoed in my ears. "Watch out!" 

In a blink of an eye, I was pushed aside by a large force which made me fell hard on the ground. I got up on my elbows and saw Tae holding his shoulder whining in pain. He was on his knees and still shooting at those who aimed at us. My eyes widened in realization and I hurriedly ran over his side. I put my arms around his shoulders and lifted him up, I noticed big boxes more like containers not so far from we were so we started moving to that place to hide behind them. Tae was panting heavily and blood was oozing out of his wound like water. I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and wasted no time in tying it over his wound to stop it from bleeding anymore. He hissed in pain and asked me.....

"What are you doing here? You know it's so dangerous and if I hadn't seen you standing there like a fool you might have gotten killed by now!"

"Shut the fuck up and tell me if you are okay, did you got any other severe injuries and what the hell is going on here? I spatted half worried and angrily.

"Yah, calm down I'm okay and the enemies just attacked us out of nowhere when we were planning to break down their trade with us and with other powerful gangs!" He replied sighing.

"Taehyung do you even realize that you are playing with death by being the member of a Mafia group." I told him frowning.

"I know, I know and you won't believe me it's so fun. Also soon I'll be the leader of this gang and then I'll take over the whole underworld so only I can rule it. No one would ever dare to held a war against me Jungkook!" He replied dreamily and I gulped in fear not believing he's the same Taehyung I've known my entire life.

"You- ...." I was stopped mid sentence by so many bullets hitting the stack in front of us. We both sat down to protect ourselves from the flying bullets, Tae also started shooting at them in defense. He had knocked down two of them when the police started chiming. Everyone stopped and rushed out of the area immediately. Tae grabbed my hand and dragged me with him to the other exit which I guess is a back door or some secret door. We ran out from there and I stopped the cab on a road. I told the driver to take us at the hospital, Tae did open his mouth to argue but instantly shut it after seeing my deadly glare pointed towards him. He laid back at the seat rest and closed his eyes exhaling a deep breath. My heart ached noticing his bruised face. There were cuts on his hands, clothes were ripped and there was not a single place from where he wasn't bleeding. I realized that by hook or crook I need to stop him before I'd loose him forever.

We reached hospital and the doctors immediately assisted him. I explained to the nurse that he got into a fight with some street goons. She agreed with my statement and did not inquire furthermore about it because cases like this happens normally these days. I was pacing back and forth in the corridor when the doctor came out of the emergency room and informed me that Taehyung is doing fine and needs some rest. He told me that they've taken care of all his injuries for now but he have to take medicines on time for the fast recovery. I nodded and thanked the doctor before walking inside the room to check on Tae. He looked at me and gave a weak smile. I walked closer to him and sat on the stool beside his bed.

"You look like a mummy from Egypt with all these bandages wrapped around you!" I said in a teasing tone to relieve some tension and he laughed loudly. By the time my mom also came with lot's of food. She doesn't know anything about Taehyung working with Mafia because he insisted me onto not telling her otherwise she would get worried sick and even beat the the crap out of him for choosing a bad path and practically destroying his life. So we managed to tell her that he runs his family business with the parents and the same story of this incident which I have told the nurse earlier. She was cooing him like a baby and tbh I wanted to throw up looking at them because she doesn't know the reality behind him getting injured. Well we all ate together before mom left for her office. I stayed with Tae at the hospital. After awhile he was fast asleep and I also doze off on the couch.

Next days went by me and Tae arguing non-stop about the same topic over and over again. No matter how much I told him to leave everything behind and start a new life with me but he never heard a single word from me and returned to his work more like danger zone like nothing happened. I finally had enough of him and to save him, I decided to take a step which would lead everything to an end even our friendship but I don't care at this point. Atleast, it would be better than to see him dead. Before passing to that step I told everything to the mom and I remember how she cried all day but then she consoled and told me it's the best decision I could make for him since there is no option left.