
Even if the door was open I'm still going to knock because I'm the girl with manners but I heard someone talking inside which made me stop from doing that.

"You've told me that I just need to take care of JK and the rest you would take care of but I don't see anything happening like that even though I did great job from my side!"

This voice sounded like a female but why the hell did she mentioned JK and what does she mean by that. I thought and tried to peek through the door. My jaw dropped seeing Lisa with Taehyung.

"Good things comes to those who wait Lisa!" Taehyung replied leaning back in his chair while crisscrossing his legs on the desk. Lisa rolled her eyes at him before speaking again....

'Taehyung you don't understand, after everything which had happened between them, doesn't make much difference yet. They are still working together in the office. I'm concerned now, what if they'll get back together since we both know that Y-N still loves JK and he has never stopped loving her. Moreover, he's just taking care of me and the child thinking it as his responsibility nothing else."

"Take it easy Lisa, you are worrying for nothing. I know Y-N, she won't ever get back with that moron no matter what because her conscience is bigger than her love. As for JK, he'll eventually like you back again afterall you are his first love!" He replied with a smirk.

"Okay, but if he'll find out that it's not his child and nothing happened between me and him that night, also that I mixed something in his juice which you gave me to make him stay there so that our plan could work, he won't think twice before killing me for this." She said in a scared tone.

My mind got blank not understanding a single thing which is happening here. My legs are shaking so bad and I'll surely faint if I don't stand strong. I continued eavesdropping on them not minding the consequences which would happen to me if I get caught now.

"Well, it's upto you that how you gonna handle this now and for your kind information, I would've taken Y-N away from him without your help also. It's just that I felt pity for you knowing that your asshole boyfriend (Bambam) left you after finding about your pregnancy. And you know what, this world makes single mother life a living hell and killing the innocent life inside you wasn't the right choice either so don't forget, I stepped into your life as an angel and saved you from all this. I'm even letting go of my revenge on that bastard JK for you by just taking Y-N away from him otherwise he would have been on the road by now or worse.... Might not be breathing!"

He said the last sentence with a clenched jaw and anger reflected in his eyes. Lisa shift uncomfortably in her seat while a shiver ran through my spine listening to him. My whole body feels numb. The sweat which is formed on my forehead is running down my face. I'm shocked and still processing all this when a voice came from across me making me stumble back in fear.

"Hey, what are you doing there?"

A man spoke and angrily strolled towards me. Suddenly I could not utter a word out my mouth. I tried to speak and not look scared but instead I failed miserably as he had already took ahold of my arm and dragged me inside the room with him.

"Boss, this girl was sneaking on you from outside the door. What should I do to her?"

The man told Taehyung still holding onto my arm tightly that I can tell the grip would leave bruises later on my arm. I looked over at Taehyung angrily, scared and disgusted. He and Lisa had gotten up from their places. Lisa was getting panic seeing me there but Taehyung's eyes were fixated on me with his hands turning into a fist.

"I'll take care of her myself, you can leave now!" 

He replied to the man who brought me in the room. The man nodded and left from there immediately.

"Y-N, what are you doing here?"

Tae asked approaching me but was instantly met with a tight slap on his face. I could tell it was a hard one though because my hand started aching after that but he didn't even winced. 'Is he made of steel or what?' I thought.

"It doesn't matter anymore why I'm here because if I didn't came here today, I would've never known your real face and intensions behind a good boy image!" I sputtered out to him.

"Well, my poor Y-N you still don't know my real face yet because if you did you wouldn't have dared to slap me. You know why?"

He came closer to me and whispered in my ear... 

"Because I can do 10x more worse to you for this!"

I trembled in fear and tried to push him away from me.

" I- I'm going to tell JK about all of your evil deeds and he will take care of you himself!" I replied and headed towards the door when some guys came in before and stood by the door. I heard a sinister laugh from my behind.

"It's your first time in here Y-N, atleast give me a chance to do some hospitality for you!" Taehyung said.

I turned around with a scowl on my face before replying...

"Taehyung just let me go. You don't know Jungkook, if he'd get to know that you did any harm to me he won't spare your life."

"Believe me Y-N, I know that bastard better than you. This is the time I have been waiting for all my life to see him fight me like a real man and not just a coward who only backstabs people!"

He replied and gave a nod to his mans. I panicked understanding the hint and tried to get away from there but they were quick to take ahold of me and put a cloth on my face.

"Oh no, it's chloroform!"

I thought when I felt myself getting unconscious.

"Jungkook!" I mumbled under my breath before darkness took over me.

"Don't hurt her and carefully take her to my place!"

"Ok boss."

Taehyung gave instructions to his man before they left.

"See, your problems has been solved now, so get lost and never show me your face ever again!" 

Taehyung warned Lisa to which she nodded and quickly got out of there.

Lisa is so shocked and scared after seeing what he did to Y-N. She cursed herself for getting caught into Taehyung's manipulation and for doing all the stuff to break Jungkook's and Y-N relationship for selfish reasons. A sudden wave of regret and guilt took over her body and so she decided to make things right even a little by helping them.

                       *Taehyung's POV*

I was startled by Y-N's sudden appearance in my office. I did all this behind her back to win her heart without of her knowing anything about it but I think it's over now. But still, I can't just let myself get down in front of her eyes otherwise all my hardwork would go to waste. 

I thought and casually walked closer to her asking why is she here but instead she slapped me hard on my left cheek. My blood started boiling at this. No one has ever dared to raise a hand on me, not even my parents so who does she think she is?

I exhaled deeply and fisted my hands trying to calm myself down but after listening to her rant I lost my control. She was going back to JK like really? I've planned to take things slowly but I guess it won't work now. I called my men into the room and they instantly understood what I wanted from them. Y-N warned me to let her go or her boyfriend would kill me blah blah... I got bored listening to same thing over and over so I gave a nod to my men standing behind Y-N and they put chloroform on her face and in a second or two she fainted. I was feeling bad for doing it to my love but she had left me with no choice. I know it's an era of needles but Y-N is afraid of them so I chose chloroform to make it easy for her. Aren't I such a good guy? Only if she could see that but no worries we both have alot of time and she'll soon realize who is truly best for her as a life partner.

I told them to take her carefully at my house, they nodded and left from there. I turned over to Lisa who was shivering out of fear. I made a remark at her and afraid of me she hurriedly dashed off from my sight. I stroked my hair back when Baekhyun stormed in making me look at him in confusion.

"Now what's up with you?" I asked him annoyingly.

"I saw Mark and Lucas taking Y-N somewhere and she was unconscious. What did you do to her?"

He questioned me raising his brows.

"Don't worry, I didn't do much and she'll be fine. They are just taking her home for me!"

"Have you gone crazy Taehyung? 

If you think she'll happily accept you after all this so let me tell you Mr, she would be afraid of you and probably hate you also. Please think before taking your next step because it would leave a huge impact in everyone's life."

He spat on my face and turned onto his heels leaving me dumfounded. I threw the things from my table, punched the wall taking out my frustration and pulling my hair in agony slumping down on the couch closing my eyes. A single tear left from the corner of my eye later followed by many. The only thing which was running on mind was....

"Why just why did he do that to me back then? Whatever is happening now is all his fault because what goes around comes around and I'm not doing anything out of circle. It's our fate which cannot be changed but must be faced!" I talked to myself before wiping my tears and walked out of the office.