
                       *JK Pov*

It got dark when I reached at Taehyung's place. I knew that I couldn't just get in there so I wore a mask and a cap took a bouquet of flower on the way to here so I could pretend like a delivery boy. Why flowers because it's understandable to the guards that Taehyung might have ordered it for the girl he brought with him earlier. I know, I'm smart. With a smirk lingering on lips, I parked the car a little away from the house. I walked over to the entrance and as expected the guards stopped me. "Who are you and why are you here?" Exclaimed one of them.

"Mr.Taehyung has ordered these flowers, I'm delivering this package to him!" I replied and the guard looked at me for a second then said....

"Give it to me, I'll pass it to him!" By hearing this I legit panicked from inside but still continued my act.

'Thank you, but I was ordered to give this personally to him and I need his signature's also." I tried to convince this stubborn guard who's now getting on my nerves but he shook his head in denial before replying...

'It's okay you can go now, we'll take the responsibility if he'll ask about this!" By saying this he returned to his place. I cursed under my breath. I failed at few attempts like this until I climbed up the backyard wall, but as I landed there, I saw all the guards gathered up in there and were looking at me with their arms fold on the chest and smug face. One of the man chuckled loudly pointing at the cameras and I chuckled back nervously and started running towards the main door of house to get my Y-N but they caught me and we had a good fight until a voice came from their microphones.... "Bring him inside!"

They instantly came to an halt and took me inside still holding onto me tightly. I was busy in shrugging them off from me when I heard a voice. I looked around and saw Taehyung holding Y-N hand and she was struggling to get free from him. She looked at me helpless and I noticed how her face turned pale  because of the hard grip on her sensitive hands. My blood started boiling and I yelled at Taehyung to leave her but when I was marching towards them someone kicked me from behind and I fell down on my knees. The guards quickly grabbed my arms and tucked them on my back harshly.

What Taehyung did next made me want to kill him right at this moment. I couldn't believe that he's so blinded and don't even aware what he's doing just to take his revenge on me for what I did. He was touching Y-N inappropriately and the beast in me got awaken seeing my Y-N being touched by other man. I dodge the man who was beside me holding me onto the ground and started beating others who came near me. Out of nowhere a hard punch landed on my face, and before I could retreat I got a kick on my stomach making me stumble back on my steps but I quickly restrained myself and looked over to see who dare to pick a hand on me and saw Taehyung smirking. He then cracked his neck and knuckles before attacking on me again but this time I was ahead of him and hold the punch in mid way which was about to land on me. I spit some blood first and smirked threwing him a punch this time. I grabbed his hair and slammed him on the side wall.

I saw him slumped down on the floor and as I was about to kick him, he rolled aside at the last moment saving himself. He got up and instantly grabbed a vase from the corner table threwing it at me. I moved in a reflex from where I was standing and the vase shattered in pieces hitting the ground. We both took a shred of a broken vase and came face to face placing it on each other's neck while grabbing the shirt collar's from other hand. I glared at him gritting my teeth before saying.... "How dare you touch Y-N!"

"How dare you put me in jail and live your life happily!" He replied in the same way as me.

"I did what I thought was right at that time!"

"And I did what I think is right this time!"

"When did you get out of jail and why didn't you come to me?" I asked him.

"Huh really? I should've told you so that you could plan on how to hurt me again right?" He replied pushing me and I stumbled back with my hands loosely felling either sides of my body and the glass piece fell down on the floor with a shriek. He also throwed it away pulling his hair back.

"I never meant to hurt you in first place, and it was better to see you in jail than getting killed by some mafia enemy's of yours!" I told him really meaning it.

"I preferred getting killed rather than getting rot in that hell alone!" He spat fisting his hands like thinking of it only makes him go crazy.

I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking how hard was it for him to make my TaeTae turn into someone who doesn't care about anyone now.

"I'm sorry, I know that I failed as a friend but believe me I missed you so much this wholetime. I hated myself for doing it to you, I even begged the lawyer to get you out of there but he raised his hands. I couldn't bring myself to see you because I was ashamed and you didn't want to meet me either. After mom passed I was just lonely as you and became depressed also. I dated Lisa only to find out she cheated on me and that time I had broken down completely. At some point, I had to see the psychiatrist until Y-N came into my life. I looked over at her and she was a crying mess by now. I chuckled at her cuteness and continued. Soon she became the light in my dark world. She stood by my side when I was afraid that my shadow could leave me. She healed me and it's because of her who I am today. I love her with all my heart and soul, even a thought of living without her makes me want to die!"

I looked at Taehyung but he turned his face away not wanting to meet my eyes.

"You tried to take her away from me and tbh you succeeded in taking your revenge with that. These past months were so suffocating for me. I was in guilt, regret and left heartbroken. You've hurt me to the core with all your plannings and stuff that we are on equal level now. Let's forget everything and move on please, I'm really tired fighting!" I didn't realize when the tears started to escape my eyes. I slowly trailed towards Tae but he stepped back from me whimpering. I heard Y-N yell...

"Yah, stop being so stubborn and mean to my boyfriend Mr. Taehyung!" By saying that she pushed Taehyung towards me and I pulled him in a hug. He tried to get out of my hold but I held onto him more tightly not letting him go. Eventually, he gave up. His shoulders slumped down lazily and he started crying like a baby even though he's older than me.

"I was so angry at you and tried my best to hate you but that doesn't made me miss you any less bastard-!" He stammered choking on his hiccups and continued... "When you stopped coming to see me I thought you didn't care about me anymore. I lost my mind when Mom passed away and I was left on my own. Those fucking 5 years of misery were the worst of worst. Even thinking of that makes me want to dig my grave-" I interupted him in mid sentence. "It's all over now don't say such ridiculous thing!" I told him and we stayed there like this for some time. All the years of being together flashed in front of my eye's, like I have gotten back to my childhood where I was complete and happy.  

"Excuse me guys, I am also here!" Y-N spoke scratching her nape. We both laughed and took her in a hug with us. "I'm sorry Y-N, I didn't wanted to hurt you. It just anger took control of me and I did all the stupid things one can do!" Taehyung told her embarrassed. "It's okay, I understand! I'm so happy that the conflict between all of us has finally came to an end!" She replied smiling and Taehyung continued.... "But you are still my bestfriend right? I mean, since you and Jungkook has has gotten together it doesn't mean you'll stop being my friend. I really like spending time with you." Taehyung replied back fidgeting his fingers looking like a winter bear.  I rolled my eyes and Y-N started laughing. "Well, I am not sure but will think about. First let's go to the hospital and get you both treated!" She stood between us and held our arms dragging us along with her.