
               *Y-N Pov*

Thank God, these punks don't have any serious injuries. The doctor has prescribed some medicines and suggested them to take a good rest to get better soon. Taehyung went to meet his clients after that, even though me and Jungkook has persuaded him so much to go home and take rest but he didn't listen to anyone us saying it's something important. When we got home together, Jungkook pulled me in a passionate kiss as soon we entered the lounge. We broke the kiss to take a breath, panting he smiled and pressed his forehead against mine saying.... "I love you Y-N!" I giggled shyly and replied... "I love you too Jungkook!"

Our makeout session was interrupted by Jungkook's stomach growling. "You are hungry right? Let me make you something delicious real quick!" I told him and he nodded excitedly. I pecked his lips one last time before walking to the kitchen. He was trailing behind me like a puppy. It was so difficult to cook with him hugging me all the time like I would disappear if he'd let go of me. Soon I finished making a yummy soup and tasty cheese sandwiches. The moment I placed the food in front of him, he gobbled it down as if he didn't ate anything in age's. "I missed your cooking so much Y-N!" He said while munching. "Only cooking, what about me huh?" I asked with a fake frown. "Ofcourse you too!" He replied.

I smiled and got busy in cleaning the dishes. "So, you are still gonna resign now?" He asked me taking a sip of water. "Uhm yes, I have applied in few companies who can offer me 10 times better wages than yours!" I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Oh okay, I was planning on making you the director but it's fine I'll give this opportunity to Eun Wo! He said and walked away. My eyes became wide and jaw dropped at his words. "Yah Jungkook, come here I was joking. I yelled and ran towards him threwing my arms over his shoulder jumping on his back from behind. He catched my legs giving me a piggy back ride to our bedroom. "But I'm serious!" He exclaimed turning to face me. I smacked his head and he yelped in pain. The instant regret hit me. "Omo sorry, I forgot you have a headache." I told him rubbing the place I had hit him. "It's okay princess!" He replied smiling widely at me.

              *4 months later*

It's Christmas day and I've arranged a small reunion party at our house. It's snowing outside and the house is filled with aroma of delicious food along with the beautiful decoration. Everything is just perfect as it should. I wore an elegant Turquoise colour off shoulder dress going with the season, it has cut on the right leg. Matching with the contrast I wore a pair of silver heels. I styled my hair in curls today and finished my makeup with bold red lips and smokey eyes. "I'm looking damn hot today!" I complimented myself looking at the mirror for the last time and went downstairs. Jungkook was on call when I walked down the stairs. He looked at me stunned and the phone dropped out of his hands. I smirked proudly at his reaction.

"Y-N you are looking so gorgeous today, I can't stop myself from drooling over you!" I blushed at his comment and replied shyly. "Thank you mister!" He smiled coming closer to me and held my waist placing a slender kiss on my bare shoulder. "Can we cancel the party and have a alone time together please?" He asked me with excitement. "No Jungkook, they'll be here anytime soon!" In a matter of second the door bell started ringing. "See, I told you. Now go open the door quickly!" I said in a mocking tone he sighed and followed the order.

Sarah entered the house and complained why it took us so long to open the door. Meanwhile, Taehyung hugged Jungkook and they started taking about something. Sarah handed me the bottle of expensive wine which I gladly accepted. Now you must be thinking why did Sarah and Taehyung came together right? Actually, my sister has been flirting with Taehyung since the first day she met him but Taehyung never gave her any attention. Yet, it doesn't made Sarah to give up on trying and finally Taehyung agreed on to be her boyfriend and they are happily in a relationship.

The second door bell rang and this time I went to open the door for our next guests. There was Lisa and Bambam standing by the door with their beautiful little angel. I invited them in with a huge smile. Bambam joined the two men while Lisa went to sit with Sarah after placing the baby in my arms. She is so beautiful just like her parents. I'm so glad Bambam realized his mistake of leaving Lisa and got back together with her. They are now a complete family. After some time Nancy also arrived with her husband Baekhyun. Yes Baekhyun! He liked her so much when he first laid his eyes on her at the time he came to our office with Taehyung for a business meeting. He took her on few dates and then decided to get marry.

We all chatted, laughed and teased eachother alot. We had a fancy dinner and later played games together. We also watched Christmas special movie. I can't tell you how much I'm greatful to have everyone like this around me. The baby fell asleep in my lap and since I don't want her to get disturb, I went upstairs to put her on my bed. When I was going back down, I saw all the lights were switched off. "Hey, why is it so dark and where are you guys?" I questioned getting down on steps carefully and looked around. "I swear, if you plan on scaring me, I'll beat you all!" And with that the lights came back. I saw Jungkook sitting on his one knee in front of me holding a red box containing a beautiful diamond ring. My heart fluttered realising what is happening. He cleared his throat before speaking....

"Choi Y-N, will you marry me?" I chuckled at him and replied....

"I thought you would never ask!" He rolled his eyes.

"I did today, so hurry up and answer me. My legs are hurting!" Jungkook said and everyone started laughing.

"Ofcourse yes stupid, I'm dying to be officially yours!" I replied excitedly and claps echoed in the room along with the shouting. Jungkook smiled and put the ring on my finger. He kissed my forehead and pulled me in a warm hug. I sighed in relief and mumbled....

"This is the best day of my life and many more to come!"

The End....

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

- Martin Luther King Jr.