Arlo diagnosis Roy! A wonderful News!

Roy was sitting in a chair next to a round table like a sick person.

He was surrounded by several people.

Delilah was still sitting by the window, leaning against the wall and gazing at the moon. 

The horrifying thoughts that plagued her when she saw Roy in a coma vanished as soon as he woke up and was diagnosed to be in good shape. 

He just needed to take the medicine that was ordered by Arlo and was soon to arrive, and he would be fine. 

Suddenly, a thought struck her.

'I wouldn't be fretting over him like this if I was not serious about him. I can't believe I have seriously taken someone as my Lord. I find joy in being his maid and hidden blade. Unbelievable!'

Amelia, on the other hand, was packing up for almost everyone in the room.

"I will be done soon." She thought as she swept away the sweat on her face with a wave of her hand.