Soul Herding Ability True Side Effects is revealed!

Roy looked around in search of a certain someone.

The person who had supposedly saved him was nowhere to be seen.

Roy's eyes landed on Julian, and he asked, "Where is he?" 

Julian answered, "Are you talking about Uncle Arlo? He went out to get medicine for you."

"Why, what's wrong with me?"

"While you were out cold, you developed a high fever. It lowered after he fed you an advanced-grade healing potion. But it's still there."

Hearing Julian's words, Roy realized that he was sick.

He touched his forehead with the back of his hand.

'It's hot. I'm slightly feverish.' Roy thought.

"Master, get some rest," Amelia said as she helped him lie down on the bed.

Delilah, on the other hand, could be seen putting the blanket on him, "You can ask questions after he returns." 

Assaulted with a headache and sleepiness, it didn't take long for Roy to fall into a slumber after he closed his eyes.

Then, he dreamt.