Teaching & Learning

The intensity with which Aydin's magic spell model was shining in his magic sea increased by several times, and a wonderful eye-catching glow crept out of his body, causing his chest and torso to glow blue.

Rays of a similar color could also be seen coming out of his collar and brightening his face. 

"Eh, what's happening to him? Why is he glowing blue like an alien?"

Maya saw his upper body glowing blue through his sleeveless white shirt and wondered why he was releasing such a shine.

"It's hot!"

Suddenly, Aydin started sweating profusely as his body heated well above room temperature. 

Droplets of sweat oozed out of his forehead and pores.

Quickly, his back was drenched in sweat. 

Sweat puddles also formed on his shirt. 

The glow started to die down an instant later, and Aydin felt as if he was being poked by the thin and heated tips of slender needles.

"It hurts. Sister, help me!"

"What's wrong? What should I do to help you?"