Sharing a secret

Who caused this mess?"

An angry Arlo walked into the living room and looked down at the two twins.

They looked at his brooding eyes and felt nervous. Maya stepped back, letting Aydin face him alone.

"Me," Aydin admitted to Arlo. "But I didn't mean to."

Aydin explained how he had indirectly destroyed the living room while learning three spells in a row.

After hearing him out, Arlo realized that his bloodline was unique and his potential was terrifying. Such people shouldn't be harmed. They should be treated with care. It's a known fact that the emperor loved talented individuals, and if someone caught his eye, he would help them realize their potential. As his follower, Arlo had the same mentality, and he felt the desire to train this mad brat into an archmage.

'But he is Roy's slave. It's up to Roy to decide his life, not me.' Arlo suppressed his desire to train Aydin.

Seeing him so silent, Aydin feared for the worst, and he humbly bowed to him, "Please accept my apology."