
Sandra's ears perked up like a fluffy dog as she picked up Damien's words. She had been with him for several years, but this was the first time he had spoken so highly of her cooking that too in front of guests.

'I never thought he would openly express his like towards my cooking.'

She was not expecting this, and thus, she blushed out of embarrassment, and her pretty face turned red like cherries.

The scene of her master praising her played in her mind again and again like a movie on repeat.

The next moment, happiness overtook her embarrassment. She lowered her head, and a sweet smile blossomed on her face. Secretly, she was happy to gain his recognization. Her eyes curved up like a cat as she thought to herself, 'My efforts haven't gone to waste. I learned to cook for his sake, and it's finally paying off. I stand a chance to win his heart through his stomach.'