Count Constantine's letter (1/2)

After unlocking his third limiter, Roy discovered that he could increase his stats to 300-320 points. A normal person, even with four limiters removed, might be unable to do it. It was possible for him because he was a dragonkin. Most importantly, after he became a dragon's disciple and gained a lord-rank physique in the ancestral land, his physical limit surged to 500 points for every basic stat. That's why after having a meal extremely high in medicinal and power-boosting values, his stats shot past 300 points.

"Exactly what kind of precious ingredients were used to make these dishes?" It was Roy who questioned the excellent chef and her master.

All the dishes were to his taste, but the ones he found the most delicious had the most chunk of meat in them. It wasn't because they tasted better than the rice and the vegetables, but because they were of a higher quality than them.