A Fearsome Fight (A)

Teleportation was her trump card, and it heavily depended on her aura reserve. When she was at the first level, she could use it a total of seven times before running dry of her aura. After advancing to the second level of the weapon master stage, that number had increased to 15 times. She had already activated it twice since the beginning of the battle and could only cast it 13 more times. But if she used aura techniques, that number would decrease.

On the side of the battlefield, a bunch of weaklings pounced on Roy. He didn't retaliate, simply choosing to jump high into the air. The hyenas thought that he would come down. After all, he was a level 10 trainee in their eyes. A trainee couldn't fly. A weapon master couldn't fly either. But their expectations were bound to be betrayed today. He firmly remained flying in the sky as if there were a platform beneath his form.