A Fearsome Fight (B)

Her silky, smooth skin was without a mark, while the furs of the hyenas were dyed red with blood!

Roy squinted his eyes as another important detail entered his mind when he inspected her opponents. "The shallow wounds might not seem much at first glance, but they've induced multiple bleeding debuffs on them. They are losing blood rapidly. It won't take long before they collapse."

The grievous wound was a cover-up.

From the very start, Delilah was aiming to make them bleed to death!

"It's just that she has miscalculated. The Fire-Clawed Laughing Hyenas are the most cowardly magical beasts, but they are also the smartest. They will change their tactics before her plan can succeed." Roy seemed to already see things become unfavorable for her.

Magical beasts were prideful, especially if they were the leader of their pack.

They would die rather than admit that their opponent was stronger than them.

But what if they had no pride?

What if they took pride in being cowardly?!