A shocking breakthrough!

She calmly met their stare. Dozens of pairs of bloodshot eyes met her two crimson ones.

"Why didn't you bother looking at what you were putting in your mouth? You only have yourself to blame."

Saying so, she beheaded their leader and showed them its face.

This act might seem barbaric, but Roy could tell a lot of thought went into it.

'She is making full use of my advice.'

He had told her that she wouldn't win if she didn't kill the pack leader at the start, but the opposite side of this statement is now that she has killed it, she won't lose!

When the hyenas saw the head of their leader, they panicked.

And in their panic… they made countless mistakes!

Their leader was dead.

The best candidates that could lead them in place of their leader were also dead. Dead as hell!

With no one to lead them, they were like headless chickens, scampering here and there as Delilah picked them up one by one.