The other side of the battlefield

Roy could feel his heart pounding in his chest as the carriage sped through the treacherous terrain towards Constantine County. He knew that they were nearing their destination, the imperial capital, but he could sense that danger lurked around every corner. It was a feeling unique to him as he had the sixth sense.

He didn't know what the danger was, but he knew it was there, somewhere in Constantine County, waiting to wreak havoc, and he might have to face it.

Luckily enough, he was ready for whatever lay ahead. His confidence was at an all-time high as he had faced down an army of vicious humanoid rats and emerged victorious.

There was this odd feeling in his heart which was telling him that he could handle anything that came his way!

The carriage moved like lightning, its passage unchallenged and unopposed. The Baldwin clan's symbol was etched upon its side like a warning to anyone who dared to stand in their path.