Lucas vs Zarathas Part 1

Lucas stood tall against the crimson bolts of blood that hurtled towards him at breakneck speed as he brandished his sword multiple times in the blink of an eye.

With each swing of his blade, he deftly deflected the deadly projectiles, his bloodshot eyes fixed firmly on Zarathas.

Lucas knew that he could not let his guard down for even a second, especially now that his entire private force was annihilated. The safety of Constantine county was at stake, prompting him to remain steadfast in the face of an overwhelming responsibility, one that would have caused even the most experienced warrior to tremble with nervousness.

Unlike others, he felt no fear or uncertainty. Instead, he was consumed by a fiery rage and an unrelenting desire to fight until his very last breath. The flames of determination burned within him vividly, urging him to defend his homeland with all his might. He was resolved to give everything he had to shield his people from harm, even his life.