

You must learn everything in the series How to start in spirituality

Of course, you've heard some information about the human companion, right?

But do you really know what a companion is!

There are a lot of questions revolving around the subject of the consort, and everyone speaks what he likes, but can you see?

Is the consort really and can be harnessed to serve you and meet your needs?

the answer is no

If we search in the language books, we find that scholars have defined the companion as the companion or companion, but in the Arabic language it is all

A word that has its own meaning. A friend, for example, or a friend, has some common characteristics with his friend, as for the boyfriend

The common traits are more between the two people than between the two companions.

Are you really really able to prepare the companion to meet your request? The question is: Who are you to be able to do this?

The secret to reading spells and the success of their effect

I know, may God grant you success, that I am writing to you to learn everything in this about the most important elements that you must start with and focus on

It has to be so that you can actually use your spiritual sciences properly.

Many fail when they read the invocations and invocations, and they do not succeed with them. Of course, you ask about the reason and actually

The reason is simple, and it is why these spells or supplications do not work for you. The main problem with spirituality not responding to you is the problem of pronouncing names correctly.

Yes, yes, it is the biggest problem of spirituality not responding to you.

Continue after taking another sip of coffee

Spiritual captivity consists of pomegranate sticks, and two types of pomegranate are used:

Sweet pomegranate sticks, which are used for charity

Bitter pomegranate sticks, which are used in evil deeds

In most spiritual works, captivity is sought to dress the spiritual work in order to work much more powerfully.

The woman spoke from next to him and said,

"I understand very well that inner meditation is a very powerful and powerful kind of force, and of course we will explain in the coming lessons some very powerful metaphysical methods. Such as telepathy and getting out of the body correctly. You must first understand that deep meditation is based on 3 basic principles that you must have when meditating, which are:




Another meaning is that when you meditate, you must trust blindly that any kind of thinking must be an absolute truth, and that

You really imagine what you're thinking about It really works and you are doing it personally. When the secret of inner meditation is breathing, the best breathing technique comes in slowly drawing the air out of the mouth.

Until the number 10 and then exhale from the nose slowly until the number 10 and you must do this while learning this

Science This is of course the reason is to withdraw fear and control yourself when you work spiritually.

If you notice, I have asked you to start with an inner meditation, and this is the true secret of the subject of revealing insight, because spiritual knowledge is based on all sciences, the most important of which is the inner power, and this is the difference. Between the spiritualist and the sorcerer, because each of them resorts to different methods that revealing insight to see the jinn is a simple matter, but the most important thing is not to see the jinn, but to learn more sciences

And to elevate ourselves in the first place, but the question remains (Have you asked yourself why you want to reveal your insight)

Do you know when you reveal your insight, you will see what your eyes have not seen before, of course you will be happy that you are a person

Distinguished, but are you ready not to reveal people's secrets and cover them up and not reveal their secrets?

Then that man spoke and said, "Calm down, calm down, girl, if you don't know what this man's nationality is, because you've never seen his clan before, so you shouldn't say a lot of nonsense to him."

She sighed and asked without thinking, "Do you know my clan?"

He replied to me and said, "Wait, don't be in a hurry. If you don't know, you will know everything will appear before you, so don't be afraid of the future," he said as if he were some charlatan.

He continued and said, "Okay, let me start with you. Do you know where the insight detection center is?"

Yes, the answer is wrong, not the eye but the heart.

The opening of insight is from a sheikh whose knee touches yours and wipes your heart, and you do not know what he is doing and what

It runs but then it will reveal your full sight and this is a fact but there is definitely a way too Follow with me

How is insight revealed?

Insight detection depends on the opening of the seven chakras in the body and also on two very important techniques

You must begin to open all the chakras of your body during this spiritual fast."

Then that man suddenly said, "Do you want to marry my girl?"

The woman replied quickly and loudly, "Dad!!"