marriage proposal

Then that man suddenly said, "Do you want to marry my girl?"

The woman replied quickly and loudly, "Dad!!"

Then he looked at that man as if he was waiting for my reply I had never thought of marriage before

There are two aspects of responsibility, which are the material and moral aspect, the material aspect, which is all the requirements of married life and means of subsistence from food and drink to those who need daily expenses. Individuals can overcome the material conditions if the wife understands the nature of the material conditions experienced by his partner.

But we are talking about a woman I don't know who she is, and about myself, who I don't know what my clan is and who I really am

With the scientific and social development that our society is experiencing at the present time, the responsibility for marriage has become shared between the husband and wife. The forms of bearing the responsibility for business differ between both men and women.

Given the responsibility, I don't have time for that

Then I told him in a calm voice, "What will I gain from it?"

He said "spiritual covenant"

I asked him, "The spiritual covenant?"

He replied to me as if he was a teacher explaining to me "the spiritual covenant"

What is the spiritual covenant: It is the covenant that is taken between you and the one who has been extracted and is made through terms that are agreed upon

It is between the spiritual and the revealed, and it will be in the form of a contract between you and not be used

These spiritual acts harm or harm people, in addition to other spiritual conditions."

Many of us here on Earth are searching for our purpose as we go through life.

For those who believe in the soul contract theory, we all have a destiny that predetermines our lives. Before we are born, the universe makes a plan for each of us.

When you look inside, you can tell who you are. It takes a lot of soul searching, understanding what you are looking for, and learning how to connect with your soul guides to be able to access your individual soul contract.

Ali replied, "A Soul Contract is an agreement you make with spiritual guides before you incarnate on earth. It is the blueprint for your life. It defines what you want to do while you are here, what you want to experience, 'Exactly what's the lessons you're going to learn, want to learn, or feel the emotions you want to feel.

Explain this as the way you experience higher powers What your soul might react to with free will if this was or was a situation.

In fact, Grandfather says that many souls return to Earth more than once to experience things differently.

Grandfather explains that from a scientific perspective, soul knots are 'energy frequencies embedded in your DNA'. Your energy to hold your soul is rooted in your birth name', Explaining that the order of the letters in your name and the resulting sounds have a huge impact on you.

According to the grandfather, your soul can reach 'enlightenment' which can eventually upgrade your DNA.

Your soul contract affects your life purpose.

According to Grandfather, a Soul Contract is 'it will provide you with your karma, talent, and goals'.

She says, 'I like to describe the Soul Contract as kind of a birth chart, but your birth chart breaks your personality, your soul chart breaks your behaviours.'

your karma.

According to Grandfather, we should not think of karma as a punishment. Instead, she describes karma as occurring when 'your free will gets in the way and you can't learn that lesson.

She explains that when your soul does not have the opportunity to do what it came in this life to do, it will reincarnate again, and the new lesson will be the exact opposite of what the previous soul did."

Having access to your records can help you find information from when your soul was created, about your past life, current situations, and also future possibilities. He has always revealed to you what you need to learn in that moment, at that time, to support you on your journey.

Then he said "If you meditate deeply enough, You can access the records through your spirit guide. While it is not an easy process, anyone can do it.

You don't have to be a psychic. Wood explained that the degree and amount of information you receive will vary based on your unique and personal gifts ، But everyone has this access. Some people are very interested in details, so they will probably receive more complex informationBut everyone has this access. Some people are very interested in details, so they will probably receive more complex information a. Some people see through colors, or they may encounter messages through music or dance. But everyone has the ability to tap into their records and learn that."

Then I told him, "Okay, I agree to marry your daughter."