"Ugh, I feel so bored." I couldn't help but mumble it at that point.
I mean, everything I wanted to accomplish up until that point, I managed to pull it off. However, right now I was in the lag phase where nothing sort of happened, which is fine, but since this is a place with no modern technology, that meant that it is hella boring. Like, who would've imagined that I would be spending my time like this without a phone in my hand. Not me!
"Well, why don't you go to the library and try to jog your memory like you did before?" Jerome, who happened to hear me say that, suggested.
"I mean, don't you know how boring reading stuff is? And it's like there's literally no fiction in that library. Where's the excitement in that dim lit room?" I asked.
"Ah, fiction, huh? I presume that you're probably thinking about those romantic novels that have been quite famous in the streets these days." Jerome spoke.
"Well, I guess you are right about that. At least, that's a breath of fresh air if anything." I replied.
"You see, the breath of fresh air that you're talking about is something that is shunned by everyone in the nobility. They think that it is somewhat of a trash taste if anything." Jerome replied.
"Hmm, I mean who cares if the others think those are trash. If I'm conditioning my taste according to what the others think, then I'll be doing it for others, not for myself. And it sucks living like that. Like, what's the point of doing that shit?" I asked.
I mean, if giving into other people's opinions was the thing I used to do, then I would've pursued medicine like my parents asked me to. Like, it was guaranteed money and shit, but what's the point of all that if you aren't happy? It's the same here. Why should I follow the noblesse oblige when I'm not conventional?
"One for the people, huh? I feel like you will have the public sentiment strongly on your side if you take that sort of stance." Jerome replied.
"Yea, maybe. I guess that would be nice." I nodded my head as I said that.
And with that, our conversation came to a stalemate. And this is exactly the problem with silent days like this. I'm someone who likes to talk and rant a lot! And when that doesn't tend to happen, it really sucks, like what's happening right now. However, little did I know that it wasn't gonna be the same.
"My Lord!" One of the servants barged into my room calling me out.
"Who is he?" I turned towards Jerome and asked quite sneakily.
"Well, he is the newly appointed butler. After all, it's not like I could do this forever, right?" Jerome shrugged as he said that.
"Ah, I see. And why is he barging in like that? Did he see you do that and thought that it was fine if he did that as well?" I asked.
"I mean, if that is the case, then you should probably be punishing him for this, right? But I would suggest that you listen to what he has to say before you make drastic decisions like that." Jerome spoke.
"Yea, I was planning to do that anyway, don't worry about it." I gave a cheeky smile as I said that before turning to the butler who seemed really impatient. "What is it?"
"My Lord, there is a letter for you." He replied.
"So it's just a letter, huh? You didn't have to barge in like you did for a freaking letter. Make sure you don't do that next time around." I spoke.
"But my Lord! This is a letter that you should respond to as soon as possible!" The butler cried.
"What do you mean? What is so important that I might have to respond to it right now?" I asked.
"I have an idea about that." Jerome spoke.
"Well, you could've just said what it is rather than doing what you just did. Like, what's the point of putting up the suspense?" I couldn't help but ask at that point. I mean, it's taking too long for them to explain what's going on and it is annoying me a lot.
"I believe it is from the palace, my Lord." Jerome replied.
"Oh, is that so?" I turned towards the butler as I asked that question.
"Yes, my Lord. They are summoning the Lord to come to the main palace as soon as possible." The butler replied.
"Ah, and here I thought that today was gonna be boring." I just happened to smile as bright as I could at that point.
"I miss cars now. Hell, even basic public transport looks golden right now." I mumbled.
After all, riding to places in a carriage is a mess. Like, I don't know if it's cuz I'm using a cheap version, but I really don't think the one I'm riding is cheap, which means the carriage in itself is the problem.
I remember getting back pains from just sitting in public transport, but now I feel thankful for the times I got to travel in those. After all, rather than just getting back pains, I'm feeling pain all over my body.
"What are you talking about, my Lord?" Jerome looked confused as he saw me muttering like that.
"Nothing, Jerome. It's not like you would understand what I'm talking about anyway." I shrugged as I said that.
"Well, even though you're not saying it out loud, I can see that you really hate riding carriages like this." Jerome smiled as he said that.
"Is there any other mode of transport here? Because I would pay good money to get the hell out of this carriage and have a more comfortable ride. I mean, I have no idea how long this journey is gonna be and I don't wanna look all tired when I'm trying to assert my presence in the palace today, you know?" I spoke.
"Well, you don't have to worry about all that. Because we are here." Jerome replied.