Chapter Six

                                Ava's pov

         I felt really bad for Avery , I had no other choice , if I didn't want to get whipped by Astrid . I wanted to run after her , but I had to stay put till Astrid would signal me to leave , so she could talk privately with my soon to be parents, but it felt like it wasn't soon coming .

            " I would like you two to be comfortable around us and if you have any specifications about your rooms let me know and we'll get it ready for you by tomorrow", The woman said , and I liked her already .

      I still kept quiet as if I didn't hear her and Avan seemed to have noticed , because he did the same thing too .

             " Come on , don't be shy , feel free around us ", She said and I felt the urge to speak up .


            " I think I want a barbie wall paper and lots and lots of dolls and I'd like my bed to have a tent net , more like all this canopies in princess cartoons and I'd also love a nice gothic dresser , my bed should have the same gothic design , all of them should be pink , and it should be a soft pink . I would like a pink laptop as well ", I said in a breath and I realized that I had said alot and everyone started laughing .


          " That's my princess ", The man said and he smiled at me and that was the first time I saw his smile that day .

           " I'd like mine to be simple , nothing much ", Avan said , and I was confused at how he managed to say nothing to this free and open chance we got .

            " I think it's getting late and we should get going , but we'll be here to pick them up , early tomorrow morning ", the man said and Astrid smiled .

           " No problem ", Astrid said and they got up .

           " Bye princess ", the man said to me and the woman ruffled Avan's hair and they waved us good bye .

     I was going up the stairs , when I felt a hand pull me , I turned to see Cassie and she pulled me into a room .

         " What it is ", I said , struggling to pull free from her firm grip on my hand .

         " Hey tigress chill , let's talk ", she said and I didn't trust her one bit .

       " Make it snappy ", I said and I liked the hint of sassy in my tone .

       " It's about your sister ", she said and I was about to flare up , I didn't want anyone talking about Avery , she was my sister and no one had the right to stick their traps into family business .

        " Shut your mouth and think twice before you speak about Avery ", I said angrily and I turned to leave .

        " It's not my business anyway , you go around defending someone who's jealous of you ", she said and I stopped walking .

       " What do you have to say ", I said , without turning .

        " Your innocent little sister or so to say , is jealous of you ", she said . She was really testing my patience .

       " Don't you dare say such about Avery , and how do you even know that ", I asked and he began to laugh sarcastically .

      " Unlike you , I'm not blind , I can see the truth . She's always trying to steal the spotlight from you , always crying , oh she's such a drama queen ", Cassie said and I shot her a glance , I sure didn't like anyone taking the spotlight from me , I sure loved attention and I was afraid Cassie was right about Avery always stealing my spotlight .

    " Shut up ! ", I yelled and she smiled .

    " What do you want ", I asked , I knew she was up to something .

    " Well , I just wanted you to know your enemies and your friends ", she said and I wasn't ready for her games . I was really scared and confused , I was hoping that what she was claiming wasn't the truth and that she was lying .

    " I'm not ready for his , I need to rest ", I said and made to leave .

    " You don't trust me do you , but it's not like I care if you do , it's just that ... You know Ava , I really care , but you really don't see me as a friend . Everyone thinks I'm just the girl who hates happiness and likes to spoil people's joy , but I'm not that ", she explained and I felt pity for her . I always thought she had all she wanted , I mean after Rosa , you could Count Cassie as the cutest , sassy girl and I would envy her sometimes , but this , I immediately dismissed that she was up to something .

   " I really need to go Cassie ", I said , not wanting to be rude , I was getting tired .

     " I just want you to know that I overheard your sister , talking to Claire about how she feels , that you aren't cuter than her , so you don't deserve the many adoption offers you get ", Cassie said , finally spilling the beans . I felt shattered , I fell to the ground . I was devastated , was it this bad ? that Avery now envied me .

       I knew I couldn't trust Cassie , but seeing the way Avery left the meeting with my soon- to-be-parents , apparently , she was jealous and I felt pretty bad that my own sister would envy me .

          " Yeah , she's not , I know I deserve better ", I heard Avery yell from upstairs , wasn't she ashamed to show her hate out in the open . I got so angry that I stormed upstairs and I didn't even realize that Cassie didn't go with me .

       I walk into the room and open the door , to see her sitting on her bed , she had some fresh tears on her face , and she was on her phone .

           " Don't you have any shame ", I said in disgust , I couldn't believe that the girl I called my sister since I was little , disliked me , she envied me , she was only a wolf in sheep's clothing .

        She looked up at me with innocent eyes that I would compliment while I condemned her poor choice of dressing . I got disgusted by looking into those same eyes . She turned as soon as our eyes met .