Chapter Seven

Avery's pov

I was crying into a pillow , when I heard the door open and I heard someone's footsteps .

" Go away ", I said with out looking up .

" Hey , don't cry ", I heard freddie say . Freddie was a tall lean guy , he was a year older than me , so he liked to treat me as his kid sister .

I felt him pull me up .

" Claire said she called you , but you didn't respond ", he mentioned , and I remember hearing my phone ring , but I put it in airplane mode , instead of answering my call . I should have known it was Claire my best friend .

" Okay ", I said and he left , while I took out my phone and called Claire .

" Hey Claire ", I said weakly , I was tired of crying , my eyes were red , and my head aching real bad , I feared that I might go down with a fever , but I could only hope I was wrong .

" Avery , you don't sound good ", Claire , said , I knew she was right , but I didn't want her to be worried for me , I could handle my own problems myself , without anybody's help , and without getting anyone entangled in my world of sadness .

" No I'm just fine , it's probably just the signs of fever , but I hope not ", I said and I put up a fake smile , even though I knew she couldn't see me .

" No need to hide it Avery , because I already know that you are going to be separated from Avan and Ava , so you are really angry , freddie told me ", Claire said , and I was confused at the fact that she knew . Anyway , she knew me too well for me to lie to her , so she probably picked my emotions up from my tone , plus I think freddie already told her all that happened at the orphanage , with , Avan , Ava and I .

" Yeah , he was right ", I said looking outside the window , as a teardrop ran down my face , why did all this have to happen to me , parents die , relations abandon us , and now we were separated . Was I destined for sadness , why was the worst the earth could give , designed for me .

" And Ava , is she sad ", Claire asked , snapping me out of memory lane , and taking me down reality . My sister was happy to leave , she didn't even want to stay , she didn't even stop to think about me , but she was fast to settle into luxury and make demands .

" No she wasn't ", I Replied briskly . A new batch of tears fell down my face , I was broken beyond repair , I was hurt , I was chattered and I was destroyed , I was far away from my place of solace , and I began to ask myself the reason of my existence , to test run every new scheme of sadness , to live my life hurt and broken , to watch others smile , while I cry , I didn't seem to be getting my answers , and I got impatient , I needed an answer , I needed someone to answer me , and I was ghosted , mother nature stood there poostaring at me , probably laughing as well , while God sat on his throne , watching me pay for my sind , as Jesus begged him to have mercy

" You know you can still make things better ", I heard Claire say , and she was right but , I knew I couldn't do it .

" I know ", I said and I reduced my voice .

" So do something , and stop crying ", Claire said , and it was really harder than it looked , apparently , I couldn't do it on my own .

" I just don't understand why they have to leave ", I said and paused . " I deserve better ", I said finally . And soon , I heard the door open and someone walked in , and I turned to see Ava who was staring at me . What did I do wrong ? She was the one that fooled me , she deceived and betrayed me , and now , she was looking at me , like I was the traitor .

" I'll call you back ", I said to Claire , and I hung up .

" Don't you have any shame ", Ava said , and I got really angry . I knew she had some nerves , but why would she pick a fight with me , instead of letting us savour our last moments .

" If being shameless means not breaking other people's hearts , or not being deceitful , then I agree , I don't have any shame , but what do you have to say ", I replied instead , I tried my best not to be toxic to people , but that didn't mean , that I didn't have savage replies for bullies , I just tried to stay out of trouble .

" You shut up , and don't you dare speak to me about shame ", Ava said .

" How could you , you were so jealous that I'm really pretty , and everyone wants to adopt me , but I loved you as a sister would love , but all you could do is stab me in the back ", Ava continued , and I couldn't help but laugh , how could she say such ? I knew I was desperate to get offers , but that was only anxious about my first offer , because I wanted to prove my bullies wrong , and now , she's calling it jealousy ?

" I was never jealous of you Ava , what's up with you , you are not like this ", I said , wondering what happened to her , over the past few minutes .

" You were never jealous of me ? Trying to steal Matt from me , always crying , so you could get attention , pretending to have lots of allergies , so everyone treats you like they treat me , and so you feel like you're the queen , when you are nothing but my ugly Little sister ", Ava said , and tears fell down my eyes , how could she make such comments about me , she was my sister , I had never done or said something wrong to her , this was our first actual fight , and she was calling me ugly , she thinks I was pretending . Who knew she had all this in mind , right from the start .

" You can think whatever you like ", I said amidst tears , and tears fell down my face , I left the room without turning to see her , and I ran to the stairs at the back of the house , where I sat and cried my eyes out .

This was where I belonged , dwelling in my sadness , soaked in my own tears , and haunted by my fears .