384. Bards? More Like Spies

The Week of Bards was supposed to be the first of its kind gathering out of many planned. Sylvester wanted to gauge them first and filter out some prospective bards for the job he had planned. 

So, that whole evening as the food was served and the music was played, he checked all of them through their emotions. But their physical features told a story too. 

'Strange, why are there so many fat bards? Don't they have to travel a lot? Or perhaps their jobs are too lucrative already?' 

It was a problem for Sylvester since the method of brainwashing was different for the rich and the poor. For the poor, Sylvester only had to appear like a beacon of hope for a better future while looking like a sage that they must never offend. But when it came to the rich ones, their loyalty would be hard to gain.