385. Sylvester's Specialisation In Magic.

Sylvester's announcement didn't go unquestioned, as the world was not made of stupid men. The bards were not fools and knew that Sylvester would likely be making the books something akin to a tool for reporting to the masses about what was happening around Sol. That would mean it will become quite popular since it's human nature to thirst for information and gossip. 

Hence, the richest of the Bards smelled a lot of money coming to Sylvester and not flowing down to them. Money reigns supreme, no matter how great Sylvester may be. Praying to him could not feed or ornate their bodies with the finest silk. 

But as the Pope was there, all the voices of 'suggestions' and acceptance remained silent. The feast went on as usual, and the Pope ate right there alongside Sylvester. 

"I see greed in the eyes of some." The Pope whispered as Sylvester sat around the reserved bonfire for the clergy. "You will need my help."