Rin‘s small speech.

Imagine this: a place filled with anticipation, with 200 pairs of eyes fixed on me. It's a daunting prospect, isn't it? I can't help but wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew by promising to step into the shoes of another. But there's no turning back now.

"You can do it, Takahashi! I believe in you!" Namie's words, brimming with enthusiasm, reverberate through my mind.

Yet, they also manage to heighten my already mounting nervousness. It's a paradoxical mix of encouragement and anxiety.

With each step up the stairs, the stage looms closer. A kaleidoscope of expressions greets me: unfamiliar gazes and familiar visages like Yukari's and Araya's. The sight of them instantly transforms my complexion into a ripe tomato, my embarrassment intensifying in an instant.

But here I am, ready to face the challenge head-on, my heart pounding in my chest. The journey begins, fraught with uncertainty and excitement, as I prepare to address the attentive audience that awaits me.

"A-ahem, esteemed audience, I, Rin Takahashi, find myself in the most peculiar situation today. Against my introverted nature, I have been bestowed the honor of delivering this student council speech. How did I end up here, you ask? Well, let's just say I was abducted, conned, and generally tricked into this whole affair. Life truly has a wicked sense of humor, doesn't it?"

As I gaze upon your startled faces, a mixture of shock and surprise, I can't help but revel in the irony of it all. Oh, and that teacher's disgruntled expression? Classic…haha…

"But enough about the circumstances. Instead of answering your burning questions, let me share a glimpse into the world of Rin Takahashi, the self-proclaimed loner. Brace yourselves for a riveting tale of introversion, my friends.

At the tender age of sixteen, I have mastered the art of movie-watching in glorious solitude. The theater becomes my sanctuary, where I immerse myself in captivating stories without the hassle of small talk or sharing popcorn. Books, too, offer a refuge from the cacophony of social obligations. Lost in the pages of adventure, I traverse worlds unknown, accompanied only by the company of my own thoughts.

And, as you may have deduced, I am quite the connoisseur of solo excursions. A lone wolf, if you will, who savors the pleasure of dining alone. No need for awkward conversations or battling over who gets the last piece of sushi. It's just me, my plate, and the serene bliss of solitude.

Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting that the path of isolation is the ideal one. Oh no, my dear listeners. What I truly wish to convey is the importance of being true to oneself, embracing individuality without fear of societal expectations. It's a lesson I learned the hard way, and I'm here to spare you the trouble.

But hey, I must admit, I've done a stellar job of it, haven't I? Sure, I've used my own introverted quirks as an example, but let me assure you, I'm not advocating for a life devoid of connections. Friends, after all, are like the extra life in a video game. They lift you up, provide the much-needed banter, and help you conquer those pesky, challenging levels we call life.

So, my dear friends, let this speech be a reminder to stay true to yourselves, whether you're an introvert, an extrovert, or an extraterrestrial. Embrace your quirks, march to the beat of your own drum, and never forget the importance of genuine connections. And with that, I bid you adieu, with the hope that you'll find your own path to happiness and fulfillment, no matter how unconventional it may be."

"He really pulled off his own version of 'doing it his way,' huh, Yukiji?"

"Oh, he's a real character, but at least he had the audacity to be honest," Namie chuckled.

"What on earth was he even attempting? What was the point of it all?" Seiki asked, bemused.

"He was trying to make them understand that they shouldn't end up like him, so that people would actually start listening to their own voices and embracing their true selves. Though, he didn't quite nail the explanation, the ironic twist still shines through."

You know what's ironic? I think I did a pretty good job at it, don't you? I mean, come on, I used myself as an example of a loner disconnected from society. But let me clarify, I'm not saying I don't have anyone supporting me, or anything like that. I'm simply saying, being alone is the last thing you want, guys. You should always strive to surround yourself with friends and cultivate those connections like a pro. Friends are like magical energy drinks, they give you the boost you need to conquer the toughest days life throws at you. So, ditch the loner vibes and go make some extraordinary friends who'll have your back through thick and thin.

As I descended the staircase, my eyes fell upon Araya and Yukari, patiently waiting for me.

"Seriously, Takahashi? When did you give that speech?!" they exclaimed in unison, their tone filled with both surprise and amusement.

"Well, it sort of just happened. Can't really say it was my fault, you know," I replied, trying to defend myself.

"You could have at least given us a heads-up, you know," Araya chimed in, her playful sarcasm evident.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind for next time. It all happened so fast, I couldn't even catch my breath," I admitted with a sheepish grin.

I'm not even kidding. The words just tumbled out of my mouth at lightning speed, leaving me no chance to refute or retract anything. And let's face it, even if I tried, it would be a tangled mess of contradictions.

"Hm, sure!" they both said, exchanging amused glances.

"So, what's the plan now, you two? I should probably go back and have a chat with them," I suggested, eager to fix any potential misunderstandings.

"Don't worry, Takahashi. We can catch up later, right?" Yukari said, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

"Absolutely! I promise!" I assured them, hoping to ease any concerns.

Man, I still can't believe how stunning these two are. They're like the perfect combination of sunshine and moonlight, lighting up my world in a good way…

"Interesting speech, Rin, hahaha!" said Seiki, oozing with pride.

"Of course it is. I suppose you all thought I couldn't pull it off my way, huh?"

"By 'my way,' do you mean just saying random things?" Yukiji quipped.

"Regardless, I went ahead and did it anyway, and surprisingly, people seemed to enjoy it."

"Fair enough I guess."

Namie remained surprisingly composed, her gaze piercing through me. I hesitated to approach her; maybe I screwed up somehow?

"Well, it's time to eat again, we still have two hours."

As per our agreement, we indulged in a meal, gathered our belongings, and commenced our return to the central station.

"Ah, what a tiresome day it has been. Finally, we have arrived!" I exclaimed upon reaching the station's exit.

"Takahashi! Takahashi!" A voice called out my name with fervor, repeating it for emphasis.

As I turned my head, a familiar countenance came into view. It was none other than Hirata Namie. Had I truly blundered?

"Y-yes? Namie... hey!"

"Uh hey!"

"Um Takahashi, I wanted to have a private conversation with you, you know!"

"Have I erred? Are you angry because my actions deviated from your expectations?"

"Oh, wait - no! It's not like that. I just wanted you to know that you are an exceptional person and not a failure."

Was that intended as a compliment or a insult? I am perplexed.

"W-what do you mean? I don't quite grasp your meaning."

"You have spoken ill of yourself, making claims that are completely untrue. I believe you possess a wonderful sense of humor, compassion, and reliability."

Reliability is indeed a quality that I embody, because I always stand by my word and my commitments.

"I understand now, that's how you perceive me. I'm truly grateful to hear that, thank you," I replied, a genuine smile gracing my face.

The moment I smiled, she averted her gaze, leaving me perplexed. Could my smile truly be so repulsive?

"You can genuinely smile, can't you, Takahashi?" she uttered, turning her back to me.

"I'll see you again tomorrow at school, and you better be punctual."

Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not even a school day? What could she possibly be thinking?!

"Ayy Namie!" I called out loudly, hoping she would hear.

Upon hearing my call, she halted, turned her head back, and queried,

"What's up?"

Oh dear, oh dear.

"There's no school tomorrow, what nonsense are you spouting!"

She paused and stared at me, taken aback. A few seconds later, despite the distance between us, I noticed her cheeks turning a shade of red.

"You fool! I was merely testing you! Ugh, goodbye, idiot!"

And just like that, she vanished.

When I arrived home, I found myself all alone. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, compelling me to waste no time and surrender to a well-deserved sleep.

Looking ahead to tomorrow, I realized it was Saturday. A thought crossed my mind – why not purchase some new clothes, just in case I ever need to step out? It sounded like a good plan to me.

"Beep Beep Beep."

The piercing sound of my phone's vibrations and ringtone jolted me awake, my drowsy state preventing me from immediately registering the caller's identity.

"Yes, Rin Takahashi speaking. May I know who's calling?"


"It's Araya! Yukari and I were wondering if you were available today. We're utterly bored and thought it would be delightful to spend some time with you. How about catching a movie? Sounds fun, right?

"Sure, just let me know the details, and I'll be there," I mumbled absentmindedly, once again acting without much thought.

"How about 5 pm? It's not too late, yet not too early either."


After ending the call, a wave of realization washed over me.

"I actually agreed to go out alone with two girls. I must be quite foolish."

"But the real conundrum lies in my lack of suitable attire, stuck with these outmoded clothes!"

But maybe luck is on my side. If I'm lucky, my sister will be preparing breakfast, so I can ask her to help me shop, even if she makes fun of me.

As I contemplated this, I hastily descended to the kitchen and approached her directly.

"Sure, I was planning to go shopping anyway, but it would be even better with my dear brother, fufu," she chuckled.