First time out with girls.

Well, I let out a sigh of relief when she said yes. Dodged a bullet there, or else I'd be digging my own grave. At least I can splurge on some new clothes. But what kind of style should I go for?

"Hey Rinny, you ready to roll?" my sister Ayumi called out.

"Yeah, just give me a sec."

I knew we were headed to the popular shopping street where all the kids from my school hang out. Talk about feeling out of place.

We left a message for Mom, letting her know we'd be gone for a few hours and offering to grab anything she needed from there. Going out with my sister was a good idea since we never really got to do normal sibling stuff.

"So, Rinny, what's your style gonna be? Baggy? Classy? Or something in between, not too plain but not too boring either?"

"Well, you pick. I'm clueless about clothes. I just don't..."

"Hahhhh~ I get it, I get it. I've got the perfect style in mind for you!"

Hope it works out.

"Oh, and after shopping, let's hit the hair salon and give you a whole new look!"

"A fresh haircut? Yeah, that sounds cool, I guess."

Once we reached the shopping street, we went into different stores, snagging a few items that were clearly made for someone like me.

"Damn, bro! When did you become such a heartthrob? If that ain't proof that anyone can look good, I don't know what is, haha!"

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult, but thanks, I guess..."

"Well, those baggy clothes are totally your thing. I mean, you're not exactly skinny, but you're not Mr. Muscles either, you know?"

"Yeah, I know that better than you. So, do these clothes actually suit me?" I asked, feeling a bit unsure.

"I think so. You look pretty different in this style. I'd even say cute... Well, if you stopped being a zombie and started acting like a real human, that is."

Women can be so complicated. One minute they're complimenting you, the next they're throwing shade. Am I cute or what?

"Hey, if you're gonna crack jokes like that, you're the one who's dumb, you know that?"

"Oh, did I hurt your feelings? My bad. Maybe I'll be more direct and honest next time, haha."

"Anyway, I hope you were honest about these clothes suiting me. Today's a big day, you know…"

"Yeah, going out with two nonchalant girls, right? Fufufu."

She knows I'm nervous. It's not even that embarrassing—it's just my first time going out with a girl, scratch that, two girls at once. They're just friends, no need to get worked up. Probably half the school would be seething or envious if they knew. I mean, who wouldn't be? Two school princesses dating a loser like me. What a freaking dream.

So, after we finished what we had planned for the day, we thought it would be fun to head to the hairdresser and get ourselves some fresh new haircuts. And guess what? I didn't settle for just any ordinary haircut—I went all out and got myself a mullet. Yeah, you heard it right, a mullet! You know, like Jay from Windbreaker. I wanted to rock that same cool, edgy style.

Of course, my sister couldn't help but boast about my new look.

"Hey, Mom, don't just take my word for it! Check out how amazing he looks with that mullet. Seriously, I wouldn't lie about this!" she exclaimed with a mischievous smile.

My mom's reaction was priceless. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Wow, he looks completely different! Like a whole new person, oh my goodness!" she exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

As we continued chatting, the realization hit us that it was almost 4 pm, and our meeting was scheduled for 5 pm. My sister asked, "Hey, what time did you agree to meet? Was it 5 pm?"

"Yeah, something like that. So, should I just stick with what I'm wearing, or should I change?" I asked, knowing full well what she was thinking. I could see the amusement in her eyes. "Ah, my brother is actually concerned about looking presentable for the appointment!"

We finished getting ready, and I made my way to the meeting point, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. I hadn't anticipated this sudden change in appearance. Should I act the same as always, or maybe try to come off as more serious and cool? I pondered over this dilemma, ultimately deciding to go for a nonchalant vibe, as if I were engrossed in reading a manga. Acting composed and concealing my true feelings seemed like the smart move. After all, even if they felt a bit awkward, they were experts at maintaining a poker face. Yes, that would surely work, I thought to myself.

My sister had always complimented my looks, but I never paid much attention to it. It's not that I didn't appreciate her kind words, but the thought of engaging with more people and creating new connections always made me anxious. I had always shied away from that, and truth be told, I still do. But today is different. I need to be prepared and put my best foot forward.

As I was in the middle of my conversation, I couldn't help but feel a tad nervous about my fresh new haircut. So, to play it safe, I decided to keep a cap on, covering it up. It was a bit of a shaky move on my part, which made me chuckle awkwardly.

Right in front of me, there was a group of girls who seemed to have their eyes locked on me. Their intense gazes felt like they were drilling right through me. Trying my best not to draw attention, I resorted to pretending to be engrossed in my phone, although it was nearly impossible to ignore their piercing looks.

After mustering up some courage, I finally took off my cap, only to find that one particular girl from the group kept shooting me peculiar glances, as if I had somehow offended her.

Someone chimed in.

"Hey, is that seat still available?"

Out of nowhere, this girl with long brown hair and a mesmerizing blend of brown-green eyes appeared next to me. She had a sporty vibe about her, like she trained as an athlete. She made her point by saying that intentionally ignoring someone is mean, and then she confidently took a seat beside me.

"So, you're still giving me the silent treatment, huh? You really know how to play hard to get," she teased with a playful grin.

In a soft voice, I replied.

"Well, I'm doing my best, thanks."

"Are you new here? I don't recall ever seeing you before, and it got me wondering."

Wondering? Please, her intense stares almost made me lose my cool.

"Is there any specific reason you decided to strike up a conversation? If not, could you do me a favor and back off a bit? I get a bit anxious talking to strangers."

"Come on, don't label me as some kind of weirdo just because we're strangers. I'm just a girl who wants to get to know you better. Oh, and by the way, there is a reason behind my approach."

"Alright then, care to share that reason?"

Her next words caught me off guard, "Perhaps you'd be so kind as to share your phone number with me?"

Phone number? What on earth...

I stuttered, "Wait, my phone number for what?"

Amused by my flustered response, she let out a chuckle, finding my nervousness rather endearing.

"You're quite the nervous type, aren't you? It only adds to your charm."

"I'm sorry, but I can't just hand out my number like that," I managed to say, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"What's there to be sorry about? Do you have a girlfriend or something?"

"No, but..."

"Then why the hesitation? I'm just someone who wants to connect with you on a deeper level! Don't be so uptight," she playfully retorted.

My original intention was to ignore her and peacefully reach my destination, but how did it turn into this?

The train's announcement interrupted our conversation, "Next stop: the mall. Next stop: the mall." Panic washed over me.

"Sorry, but I really have to go. This is my stop," I exclaimed, attempting to get up and leave.

However, just as I was about to make my escape, she gently held onto my shirt with two fingers. Her face turned a shade of red, and in a soft mutter, she pleaded,

„Please, just give me your phone number."

Caught off guard, I was left speechless.

That's how I ended up succumbing to this girl's persistence. As the train carried on, she cheekily stuck out her tongue and flashed me a mischievous smile. Unbelievable.

The mall was something else, man. It turned out to be much bigger and fancier than I had anticipated. The sunlight permeated every nook and cranny, infusing the atmosphere with a vibrant energy. Melodies filled the air as talented individuals showcased their musical prowess on pianos and guitars.

"I have a boyfriend!" The declaration echoed loudly, reaching the ears of those several feet away.

"Come on, he's not here, is he? Just one night," a voice pleaded desperately.

"I said no, what's so hard to understand!"

Gradually, that voice became increasingly familiar, as if it belonged to someone I had encountered before.

Ah, it's Araya! She's in trouble!

"You don't understand Japanese, do you? Stop acting so strange and leave!" Yukari interjected.

Over time, I had pondered countless scenarios, contemplating the best approach to handle this situation. In the end, I concluded that directness trumped all other strategies.

"Excuse me," I uttered with a serious tone, placing my hand on his shoulder. He stood at a similar height to mine, possessing an average physique but a repugnant personality. His two companions loitered nearby, reveling in their own amusement.

"Who are you?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself for your behavior. Clearly, these girls have no interest in you or your friends. Back off," I declared.

I'm not sure why, but this guy struck a nerve within me.

"Hmm, who are you, I asked?" he inquired once more.

"Oh, just someone who doesn't tolerate guys like you around girls."

Yet, my resolve remained unyielding. I projected an aura that indicated I could slap him at any moment without flinching.

"Tzz, what a pain in the ass. Come on, guys, let's go."

"What? Seriously..." one of them muttered.

Phew, that was a close call. Fear coursed through me; I had come perilously close to engaging in a physical altercation.

"Are you guys all right? Araya, Yukari?"

"Uh, who are you? Maybe someone from our school?" Araya asked, her confusion evident.

"Ah, right... there was something. It's Rin, you know."

I suppose my sister was correct. They didn't recognize me in the slightest; even the girl who had previously expressed interest in me failed to recall my face.

"Like, you look so... so different, don't you, Yukari?"

"Yeah, wow, I'm speechless. When did you transform like that?"

I couldn't be sure, but it seemed as though both of them blushed slightly, the faint hue gracing their cheeks.

"Well, my sister gave me a little makeover, I guess, haha."

"A little? That's an understatement...."

"We should probably head out, guys. This might not be the best time to discuss appearances, right? Ahaha."

After finalizing our decision, we headed out to grab a bite to eat. The place we chose wasn't too shabby—I remember going there once before with my mom and sister when we first moved to that area. Honestly, the food was pretty darn amazing. It had that mouthwatering factor, and the drinks were on point. Plus, they had this soothing background music that really set a fun and relaxed vibe.

"Oh man, this food is out of this world! I can't get enough of it. So freaking delicious!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

Araya chimed in, cautioning me, "Hey, don't go overboard or you'll end up with a stomachache!"

"Come on, leave him be. He's having a blast, and you know how rare that is. What a guy!"


The atmosphere was perfect for us to enjoy a good chat, crack some jokes, and delve into life's conversations. These two companions of mine were truly amazing—caring, fun, and the kind of people I wished I could spend more time with.

"Hey, Rin! Araya! Let's capture our moments together in a photo album!" Yukari suggested excitedly.

"A photo album? What's that for?"

"What do you mean? Obviously, it's to document the time we've spent together. It'll be a blast!"

"Yeah, Yukari's right. It'd be a blast!" Araya agreed, catching on to the idea.

As we continued chatting, some faces appeared in the background, mere passersby in the grand scheme of things. Yet, I cherished every moment of the experience. Gratitude welled up within me as I silently thanked my sister for being a part of it all.

"Hey Yukari, who was on the other end of that call?"

"Oh, it was my mom. She rang me up and insisted I head back home. Seems like my sister got herself into some serious trouble."

"I see. So you're actually leaving us?"

"Yeah, unfortunately... But hey, I had a blast hanging out with you all, so don't get too down, you know."

We started off by offering to escort her to the train station, and as luck would have it, I ended up alone with Araya. It was only 8 p.m., and since there was no school the next day, the world was our oyster. You know what I mean?

Curiosity danced in Araya's eyes as she turned to me and asked, "Rin, are you planning to head home too?".

"Well, it all depends on what you feel like doing. What's on your mind?"

Her mind whirred with contemplation, and a mischievous smile graced her lips as she suggested, "How about a late-night walk, just the two of us? Does that sound enticing?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's do it."

As we ventured into the night, a sense of serenity enveloped us. The weather was a symphony of perfection—neither oppressively hot nor bone-chillingly cold. A gentle breeze caressed our skin, offering respite from the remnants of the day's warmth. Above us, the moon emerged from its celestial slumber, casting an ethereal glow upon the world. Its luminescence mesmerized, casting delicate shadows and illuminating our path.

Caught in the moonlit ambiance, Araya's voice rang out, breaking the tranquil silence.

"You look cute today, you know, Rin."

Startled by the unexpected compliment, my mind raced to process the words. It wasn't just the compliment itself that bewildered me; it was the source—a beautiful girl who had never referred to me in such a manner. The significance was not lost on me; she was the first girl...

"Um, thanks, I guess?" I responded, unsure of how to react.

Giggling softly, Araya teasingly observed, "You really struggle with taking compliments, don't you?"

"It's not that I can't take them, but I'm just not used to it. I do try, though," I explained.

"I can see that. Your efforts make me happy," she said, her smile brightening.

It feels good to know that I can bring happiness to someone's life.

"By the way," she inquired, her voice laden with curiosity.

"If you can look this good, why do you resist showing it? What holds you back?"

"It's not resistance, but rather fear. I'm uncertain about how to act or what to say when I'm not hiding behind my usual facade. I feel somewhat lost. Nevertheless, I am trying, so please don't worry about it."

As her worry for me became apparent, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me. It was both overwhelming and endearing to witness such kindness from a sweet girl who genuinely cared about my well-being.

"Hey Rin, look at the moon! It's so incredibly beautiful!"

Agreeing with her statement, I replied.

"Yes, just as you mentioned, it truly is a stunning sight."

She pointed to her flushed ears and added with enthusiasm.

„The moon is beautiful isn't it, Rin?"

Noticing her blushing and appreciating the breathtaking beauty of the moon, I wholeheartedly agreed, "You're absolutely right. However, I suggest we make our way back slowly. I wouldn't want you to catch a fever."

Following my words, we made our way back at a leisurely pace. Suddenly, she turned to me and blurted out.

„You dummy!"