Meet of the titans

After the death of Ryo and Malaya, for the first time in history, five of the Seven Great Servants meet. The atmosphere is charged with suspense and intrigue as the five great servants, each representing a distinct force of power and influence, meet to discuss their common goal of eliminating Elert and seizing the power of Chaos and Angra Mainyu.

The meeting takes place in a secret location, shrouded in secrecy and guarded by powerful magic. Tension flares as these powerful entities gather, their presence radiating an aura of raw energy and power.

They reluctantly put their differences aside, forming a fragile alliance. They agree to pool their resources and knowledge in order to devise a comprehensive plan to get rid of Elert once and for all. This alliance is not without its challenges, as trust is rare between these formidable beings. However, they realize that their collective strength far exceeds what they can achieve individually.

The Five Great Servants bring with them their unique abilities and perspectives. With its scorching heat and destructive flames, the Servant of Flame represents passion and unbridled rage. The Frost Servant embodies icy coolness and calculated precision, as his every move is calculated to perfection. The Storm Servant controls the forces of nature itself, unleashing thunderstorms and devastating winds. The Servant of the Forest stands firm as a steadfast force, harnessing the power of mountains and valleys. Finally, the Servant of Light lurks in the darkness, using stealth and deception as his weapons.

When they meet, tensions rise between these powerful beings. Each Grand Servant presents his strategy to eliminate me and secure his dominance over Chaos. Debates ensue, alliances are made and broken as you grapple with conflicting ideologies and personal ambitions.

Each senior server brings their own unique perspective and abilities to the table. The Flame Giant, in his fiery rage, calls for a direct and aggressive approach, seeking to overwhelm me with sheer force.

The Frost Servant, on the other hand, calls for a more subtle and calculated strategy, exploiting Eilert's weaknesses with icy precision.

The Servant of Flame, in his fiery rage, calls for a direct and aggressive approach, and seeks to overwhelm Elert with sheer force.

Commanding the forces of nature itself, the Servant of the Storm proposes to harness the elements to launch a storm attack against me.

The Forest Servant, who embodies resilience and resilience, suggests draining my defenses through attrition and endurance.

This meeting is not without challenges. Vanity collides, nerves flare up, and rivalries flare up. But amidst this chaos, a glimmer of unity emerges. The Servant of Light broke the silence, saying, "I have an idea that will take us one step ahead of that gap." Everyone replied in astonishment: "Don't tell it???" And he replied, "Yes, it is treason. I have a trump card in my sleeve. It is the girl Serafina, the Lady of Illusions."