Awakening the King's Blade

Everyone was in shock about what Seraphina had done and despite the overwhelming victory over the army of Chaos and the killing of Commander Arion, frustration iswasrawn on our faces. While we were in this situation, Alayaa said to me: "Hello, boy, how are you?" I answered her with frustration: "Ah! I'm fine... kind of." She replied: "There is no need to be sad, young man... You must now train in the power of ANGRA MANIYUU." I was surprised when she said these words and I said to her: "Didn't her power disappear in the void?" She answered me: "No, what you saw in the air was the energy field preventing its exit." Now, stop playing around and go to the black mountain of Majora. You will find someone there. You will find a monk. Tell him that you were sent by ALAYAA." At dawn, I got up and prepared myself to go in front of the door and found Laila standing and saying: "Are you going?" I replied, saying: "Yes, please take care of Scarlett."

The trip was a week's walk. After I arrived, the place was a dense green forest, and the morning sun cast its golden rays on its dense trees, to create a mosaic of light and shadow amid all that scene that captures the eyes of an old man whose face is engraved with the lines of life that he lived well. His hair, once thick and dark, turned silvery white, framing a weathered face that told stories of wisdom and experience. His eyes, though tired, still held a spark of curiosity and kindness. Behind his glasses, memories of a lifetime glisten.

His stance may be a little stooped, a testament to the weight of the past years, but his spirit remains strong. He moves with deliberate steps, each bearing the weight of countless journeys. His wrinkled hands and veins bear the marks of hard work and perseverance.

And in his presence an air of dignity and quiet grace. He exudes a sense of wisdom that can only come from lessons learned in a lifetime. His voice carries the timbre of age but is filled with warmth and gentleness.

The old man's clothes reflect his timeless style. He wears a well-tailored suit or perhaps a well-worn jacket with comfortable trousers. There might be a pocket watch peeking out from his jacket or a hat floating over his head. Then I said to him: "You, Master Amateras, do not seem to be as strong as I heard about you?" He replied, saying: "Strength is not measured by education, but rather by faith." Then he patted me on the shoulder and said: "Do not judge a book by its cover. Do you understand, young?" And as it filled me with his presence The place and the air pressure changed to the point that I vomited blood. I couldn't believe this was all his strength. I shouted, saying: "The Gates of Babylon ." I tied his hand, at least, and he smiled and told me that I should train well and rule the chain. I said to myself: "This is Impossible. Look at that weak hand. How could it break a chain made specifically for chaos? Even the strongest monsters could not break it." Then I realized that our levels were very far away, and for the first time, I announced my loss.

The old man smiled at a kind father and then said: "Healthy energy is in the right vessel." Then he added, holding a wooden sword: "Take, practice with this sword. If you can raise it to the top of the greatest mountain Rattikor and then bring it back here in three days, then we will pass." The next stage." I answered him, saying: "A wooden sword, do not mock me." Then I fell on the ground trying to lift it, so I said with astonishment on my face: "Is this sword wooden? It is heavier than a neutron star." He answered me: "I will see you later, after three days, if you can lift it.".

A day passed and I tried to upload it. This was the millionth time. I tried the methods. Well, I'll waste another day for an inevitable solution. I entered a state of complete meditation, my aura disappeared as if I had become inanimate. I woke up and found myself in a wide white room. Whenever I entered it, I saw something standing with red eyes and a smile that even the greatest fighters and leaders shudder in horror. If I stop where I am, I return to where I started, going deeper and deeper as I hear chilling voices and incomprehensible murmurs, and all I hear is destruction, hatred, hatred, and darkness. The deeper I go, the more terrified and Sudanese I become, and suddenly I hear someone's voice telling me to stop.

I asked him: "Who are you?" He answered me: "I do not deserve to be defined, I am ANGRA MANIYUU." Finally, I found my goal, so I said to him: "Hey!

You must forget your humanity and then unite with me.

I woke up after a day of complete meditation and my aura was in a state of madness. I took the wooden sword and it was easy to hold. My speed was unknown to an incredible degree, but the situation was reflecting on me negatively. I was distressed since I was so far away from the power seal that Scarlett placed on… After two years, I learned a lot of techniques. But before I left, I told the teacher that something was bothering me. Yes, it is a sword weapon with a dark black blade, blacker than the darkness of the night, with a dark red handle and a silver edge. He said hesitantly: "Show it to me!" I said: "I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD, the gates of Babylon." He said: "It is him." The sword of the King of Hell, which has been missing for days." Then he continued his words: "Beyond chaos are the monsters of the void."