The First Sinners




Oh she was beautiful, what a beautiful one you were Eve, elegant in your physique and so exquisite in your creation from the gods.

I love you more than I love my own-self. You're worth protecting more than this beautiful garden for you're more amazing than it.

"Eve, I love you."

I talked to her as we both sat off the edge with our legs dove into the pond in front of us.

"And I love you my dear Adam..."

She spoke so smoothly, her voice would make the beautiful golden butterflies between our faces dance in their lightweight bodies. I couldn't bear to stare any longer, I eventually turned my face away from hers, a small blush on me had shown.

"You know Eve, I was wondering... our reason to be here is something of importance, we are the first of mortals aren't we? And our purpose is to create other mortals, as the first two. Of course we can do such a thing but there's one thing on my mind."

My soothing tone of voice suddenly changed as I spoke. She glanced at me while braiding her hair.

"Adam what is it? For this entire week something has been bothering you, and not knowing what it is bothers me as well, so please tell me everything that's on your mind my love!"

She grasped my hand and looked at me, pulling herself closer as her legs in the pond swayed the water back and forth.

"It's the thought in my mind of the gods, I always wondered; if we truly were born in order to create other mortals from reproduction, then why is it we're held captive...? We are held by Yggdrasil, she won't allow us to escape."

Yggdrasil, beautiful in her nature as she was in her existence. Yet beautiful but so concerning, she wasn't allowing me nor Eve to leave the garden of Eden as if she was protecting us from something... or rather some threat.

"She is the one who controls the Garden of Eden, My dear Adam. Whatever her purpose is, it has been an absolute must!"

Eve, she was always the one following the right path while I had my mind stray off from what I was supposed to be doing, and that's enjoying the garden as much as I can.

But I just cannot sit around and wonder about all my passing days. I had to get to the bottom of this, it hadn't made a lick of sense to me.

"I suppose you're right, then I will take a stroll along the Herd. Perhaps I will end up finding Yggdrasil, after all she wanders about in this world without much care.."

I took my legs from the water and placed a kiss upon Eve's head, leaving our peaceful setting and into a world of the unknown that I wish I had never seen.

Why must I have been so curious? It was mortal nature to be curious, that is true, but sometimes curiosity could lead to the worst, and that's what had happened to me.

"The air is warm, my feet are already drying the beautiful sun above... how wonderful this truly is."


As I walked along the herd of lions and elephants, mixed in with the glorious sight of chimpanzees and Ostriches, I ended up in a beautiful open field, above the horizon the sun set in its beautiful light.

I closed my eyes and smiled, allowing the cool breeze to blow my hair back. It smelled wonderful, the breeze of many flowers and many cleanseful rivers. Natural in its own way, the smell would calm me but that only lasted so shortly...

"...What is that stench...?"

I spoke as I frowned my face.

"It is repulsive... I have never smelt it in my life—"

Then it hit me. This was the first time I've experienced death... it was natural right? Some may call death a blessing to escape life while others would call it a curse of life.

I call it both, I am neutral of it, however seeing it? Dear me... seeing it happen before you is one thing you wish you could never see.


I yelled and ran. The animals around me made all sorts of noises, never hearing me scream at the top of my lungs as I did this day. My feet crushed the leaves underneath me and I carried myself forward, unable to stop.

What I could see was her body laying in the ground, blood spilling down the hill. I didn't even see her until the sun lifted itself down more over the hill which took the shadow away and gave me a clear view.

I held my arms over my nose and coughed, falling to my hands and knees... I couldn't reach her, what was happening to me? I wish I would've known truly.

"My body... this smell is intoxicating my scent of nature with gore... guts! Disgust! What foul entity would do such a thing...!?"

Only a dozen meters in front of me I could see Yggdrasil lifeless on the ground. Her head had been cut off, however the way her body was laying confused me. I've never seen death, yes, but even someone with common sense could realize the way she had died wasn't normal...

"Her head is gone... but her... her stomach is squirming with something? What is this...?"

It happened before me. Something had bursted from her stomach and blood and guts shot through the air and rained like a satanic parade.


Before me was some creature. It's name I didn't know. His or her identity even I couldn't have known or explained, but the best I could say was it was an Eldritch Horror in front of my eyes.

"What is the meaning of this...!? What's happening...?"

One mustn't Sin. I was told to never sin... don't commit sin! It mustn't happen! Anger built within me.

"...Foolish...Foolish First mortals... so this is what they're like? This is what mortals will be? Weak and fragile, easy to break... bowing and crying, VULNERABLE IN THEIR EXISTENCE!?"

It spoke. This creature that bursted from Yggdrasil talked to me with wriggling tentacle-legs, a hoodie over its entire body, and even yellow glowing eyes shown inside of the hoodie but with no face.

"...What do you mean...?"

I looked at him, my fist balled with it punched into the ground.

"Born and created from The Nothingness that we were. Your gods, the Supremes, yes... they made this world for your kind and for the others. To be equal as 'One' they say... HAHAHAHA! They've failed in those regards I suppose..."

It mocked my original creators, it had the boldness to do such a thing, it must've been powerful if so...

"You mocked the supremes? Who truly are you?"

Its yellow glowing eyes and overlapping multitude of voices had disappeared. It seemed as if it was thinking to itself.

"It's whatever you wish to call us, we will take many names."

I stood up, after bearing witness to fear and death, I finally stood.

"What do you mean my gods 'failed in those regards'? You speak boldly, I give you that, but I still have no clue of what you mean..."

"This world, created and named after the first two original gods Belo and Veno. That's how this entire structure... this creation! Had been born in their name and fused into one. It's a failure as I said, it's not complete, it will have errors and flaws in its work, even for the omnipotent gods you two mortals worship!"

Errors in its working? I understood partly what this creature had meant, but a part of me still doubted.

"And you exist out in that same world of my gods?"

Its yellow eyes came back and this time I could see a curving red smile.

"We do..."

And thus it hit me. This creature was far beyond what I could ever do... I couldn't stop it... have my gods abandoned me?

"My gods... they've forsaken me... they allowed a creature like you to take the life of the World Tree, Yggdrasil. The connection to the mortal world and the gods' world..."

It laughed as I spoke, looking down in hopelessness. It's laugh was a multitude of them stacked on top of each other reverberating my head like a drum.

"Outer... Outer gods..."

I said at the lowest tone of my voice. A befitting name for these vile creatures, they were out of my world and thus I gave them the name of such...

"Reason be, we can interact and destroy this world if we want to... it's unbalanced and imperfect, anyone on their same level could do such a thing. Your gods have truly left you Adam... EVE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Its laugh sank deep into my skin and I had already given up hope, my eyes were already lifeless.



Behind someone spoke... It was my beloved.


"She's dead Eve... she's long gone..."

I had gained back the life in my eyes. Hearing my beloved has given me hope once again, bringing her close into my arms...

"Eve, we have been forsaken..."

I told her how I felt, and what I felt was true. We were face to face with a monster yet the Supreme Gods didn't bother to save us.

"Forsaken us...? Adam no! You're wrong, they would never do such a thing—"

"EVE! They have left us! We are already dealing with one on their same level of power, the one who destroyed Yggdrasil! Can't you see...? Don't deny it... I did so but then I accepted that this is reality!"

Eve whimpered at my frustration and held her hand over her mouth. Her once dazzling eyes had been filled with crystal clear tears, crying.


I saw her drop her head, each tear falling into the grass beneath our feet.

"I won't settle for this Eve... I-I have to do something..."

Looking at the side of me it was the Sacred Tree. It bore the fruits of life... the forbidden fruits.

"Creature, If what you say is true, what should I refer to you as?"

It hummed in thought before replying unto me.

"My lord and master has told me that my true name is Lilith... why must you ask?"

I turned to Lilith and smiled.

"Lilith, I thank you..."

Eve looked up at me, her face seemed worried... even the eldritch Creature wondered what I was talking about.

"Thank me for what mortal...? Have you lost your mind?"

I walked away as she talked, my eyes focused only on one thing and that was the apple in front of me... it was the only thing I could think of.


Eve yelled my name, but I could only hear my thoughts rather her yelling of desperation: 'Eat, eat it! Eat it! Protect what you love Adam! Protect it!'

The Tree wasn't far only Fifty meters away. My hand rose and grabbed one of the fruits, turning around with a stern expression.

"So you finally decided to go against your gods?"

I held the Apple in my hand staring at Eve before glancing over towards the monster.

"These fruits, they're forbidden. Whatever their purpose was, it was to never take a bite in them or we'll forever curse the mortals, for we're the ones who will give life to them. I'm sorry my future children to come, but this is a must..."

Eve ran towards me, she ran faster than she could, the leaves covering her breasts had even fallen from her, having only her long blonde hair covering her cleavage.


She had thus taken an apple from the tree, the creature in front of us only watched in mockery of our 'betrayal'.

"This is amusing... two lovers joining together to commit sin, how wonderful. This generation and on will forever be cursed by your ignorant actions to eat the fruit! Go ahead! DO IT! EAT THE FRUIT!"

We didn't hesitate, we both took a bite into the red apple. And thus it struck us...

"So this is forbidden... is it? What I see in front of me..."

We spoke in sync, I and eve.

"Is the truth of..."

She spoke curiously as I.

"Reality?" (Both)

We could see it. The true underlying nature of reality, our desires, was in the form of creatures... Mine was the form of an Angel while Eves was the form of a Valkyrie.

"Our desires formed these creatures... they're who we're?"

I said so in awe, but then our manifested desires suddenly vanished and fused with us... I could feel myself grow in strength, obtaining something I've never had.

"My Origin... I feel my entire origin, who I am! I can feel it through my body...!"

Eve said frantically.

"Yes, our origin... I see now. Our Origin is the concept of existence for all living things, and determines all aspects of a me and you, having it hidden away in true reality."

I caught on quickly, it was as if the forbidden fruit itself had told me what an Origin really was—

"Our origin exists beyond the natural world and resides in this world of True Reality, or should I call this world… The Unraveled world?"

I understood it, it made sense. Biting into the fruit awakened our origin and allowed us to see into another reality where we could see walking manifestations of people's desires. These walking manifestations, I would call them Amalgamations, a befitting name.

"My desire was to always look through the eyes of god... and wonder how they felt about us..."

I balled up my fist and the creature in front of us could see a change

"And my desire was to always live and serve the gods... following my duties to be the best mother for the future generation of mortals!"

We both understood what must be done, we must sin.

"For the sake of our world, we would gladly commit sin in order to have the future be set for our children!" (Both)

The creature had gotten tired... It was scared, I could feel it and thus it changed. In front of me and Eve's eyes it had started to change and morph it's body outwards, expanding and expanding until it was the size of one of the cliffs in the vast hills we were on.

We didn't turn an eye nor show fear despite Lilith's new appearance; multiple heads and a bundled up ball of flesh, accompanying itself with multitude of tentacles keeping itself up and used like legs.




We attacked, activating our origin abilities; our deepest desires were taking a part in our ability. I always wanted to see through the eyes of a god and learn how they looked at us, thus in return my ability was to mimic everything I see, and come into contact with, stealing its speed, energy and strength to add it into my own. I was mimicking God's creation after all. Eve was similar, however she wanted to follow our duties from the Gods, and become a great mother for her mortal children, thus she could change the future and endless possibilities which allowed us to win.

"You pathetic mortals won't best me! I am just like any other Outer God you call it! You won't defeat me!"

It could talk all it wanted, but it didn't matter as half of its body was already missing.


I was suddenly going through the other end of Lilith, shattering and blasting through her like a spear. I was covered in blood but my entire arm was morphed into the sight of a tentacle, mimicking its strength and adding it into my very own.


Eve wasn't one to underestimate. I could see the creature suddenly attack her, she was crushed by one of the squirming tentacles, her body reduced to nothing but paste... it did worry me at first... but...

"May god be with us..."

She talked and was alive once again, Eve had truly obtained something fearsome.

"You were just dead... how did you come to life...?"

Eve was once again alive and standing in front of it as if she had never been crushed in the first place

"I simply had created a possibility in which I wasn't destroyed, then I could come back to life... my desire is ever-growing, thus I will eliminate you and make sure you won't interfere with mortal business again, creature of the unknown..."

I smiled at my wife. She was powerful, I even looked at her as if she was a goddess...

"That's impossible... I didn't come down for this... LORD NYARLATHOTEP HOW CAN YOU BETRAY ME!?! HOW COULD YOU!!?"

Eve thus raised her hand and formed a golden-ball of energy inside of it...


A blast of light had shot from the palms of her hands and covered Lilith entirely... she actually managed to cover the entire creature as I was in awe, backing away from the wave of energy.

"Amazing Eve..."

Lilith in front of my eyes had disintegrated entirely... The creature was finally gone, however killed with Sin.


Eve fell to her knees, I had no choice but to drop my surprised look and run towards her catching her in my arms, holding her up just barely.

"Eve, my dear are you alright?"

She winced an eye in pain before staring up at me...

"I'm... I'm fine... it's just... the negative energy from our sin is affecting me...!"

This was a problem for both of us. Sin has never existed until we took a bite in those fruits, and thus we created it...


What is Sin?

Sin is a major element in the beginning Era of Adam and Eve. It is the nature of negative energy that is embedded into the souls of all living beings after being created from Adam and Eve. Sin is not acquired, but inborn in the beginning Era. It is due to Sin that all mortals can wield it and grow stronger from it, the more amount of Sin they commit. People become selfish and commit evil acts without any shame or guilt. Embrace it and live in punishment.

Those who are born with powerful sin can have access to its negative energy, which lies in the higher dimension that is the Garden of Eden. That is what is called Sin of Adam and Eve, the original Sinners that became a stigmata of all humans that they created and their descendants.