Chapter 2: Yggdrasil and the World


After the defeat of our enemy things have went back to normal once again, life and the animals in the vast world of the Garden of Eden were at peace, as was I.

I was sitting underneath a massive tree that stretched on miles upon miles into the sky, actually this tree could be said to be bigger than the entire Mortal world itself. Here beside me was the Tree known as 'Eden', it was the one that grown the forbidden fruits which could awaken one's origin.

The one who guarded the tree Eden was the World Tree Yggdrasil. I could remember it clearly, her death in front of me from that horrible Outergod, Lilith. But now that was over, and Yggdrasil was actually back, sitting front of us on a bench while sipping on some fine tea brewed by the Herbs of the Garden of Eden.

She told us how she could come back after her death, it was because of who she was. Yggdrasil herself has beautiful emerald, green eyes like jewels, and her long vibrant green hair glitter with the sunlight, and even hair of leaves. She embodied the entire world itself, not just the Mortal World, but even the Celestial world as well as the Higher Gods world, she cannot truly die unless the worlds I mentioned died along with her.

Yggdrasil cleared her throat and placed her tea down upon her small blue plate with flowery paintings all over it.

"Indeed, I cannot die unless the Mortal world, Celestial World, and the Higher Gods world perishes along with me. In context, The Celestial World, or the World of the Gods, is the second World, and is the first one of the higher pole, or the side that creates fate for the mortal world. This world in itself is purely abstract in nature. Everything in this world is in a higher dimension above the other, as here it consists of an Infinite hierarchy of worlds, each world contains a god and every god is bound by destiny set by a higher god, and this goes on infinitely. The Gods in this infinite hierarchy rules above the Mortal world and are worshipped by most, and through that infinite hierarchy the gods can also transcend higher into the Celestial world through their transcendence also known as "Taiho". There are other ways to reach the Celestial world, but the only known ways of reaching into it now is by either being led there by a higher being.

Me and Eve listened to her story and smiled. Yggdrasil was amazing, she had so much knowledge, more than what we would ever have. She's lives on for eons in this garden doing her thing and playing her own role, and learning all of this is something I and Eve wanted forever.

"Tell me Yggdrasil, why do you tell us this now? You've kept this secret to us forever. Remember? You said that we shouldn't know what exists out the Garden of Eden for our protection..."

I asked humbly in a soft tone of voice. My voice sounded desperate but I ignored that part

"It's simple Adam, you've experienced it yourself now, haven't you? Both you and Eve stopped a threat that's from outside of this world with your own power. Therefore I cannot babysit you and simply take the role as MOTHER!"

She slammed her fist down upon the table making me jump back, and laugh nervously. She did act like a mother, A TERRIFYING ONE AT THAT! But it was for the sake of our protection, I knew that much.

"Thank you Lady Yggdrasil, for taking care of me and Adam during our times here, and fighting off threats that came upon this world for our survival."

Eve knew it much as I. Ever since we were first created to be the very first mortals, both man and woman, Yggdrasil has been there with us babysitting us and teaching us our purpose in life. We were meant to grow and enjoy the peacefulness of the world, creating mortals soon after with the same reason as us, that was to be humble creatures of nature, mortals.


After we exchanged words, it was time now. We've become ready, strong enough to start civilization of mortals, however there was one thing off; as me and eve held hands next to each other, we walked behind Yggdrasil realizing something in sync.

"That's right..." (Both)

We stopped walking right behind Yggdrasil as she clanked the bottom of her staff onto the ground, eyeing us curiously from in front of us.

"What is it you two?"

She asked us with a worried expression on her face... the face a mother would give their child if they were truly worried as she was.

"Yggdrasil, the main source we used to defeat the Outergod with was called Sin... if we start humanity as it is now, wouldn't they all be born with Sin? And the ability to discover their origins?"

She paused as she glanced from behind her back at us. The glance she given us was saddened, closing her eyes as she looked back ahead facing the vast field.

"I see. When I came back alive after regenerating from death, I noticed something off. The air felt eerie and cruel, corrupted, and even dim. This was the work of Sin was it? Sin can only be used by Mortals, it is a dangerous source of energy, spreading it onto the new generation may be risky, but you both are the only ones who can populate the mortal world, so we have no choice."

Me and Eve tightened our hands before bowing our heads down with a smile.

"I suppose me controlling endless possibilities and the future won't be able to change this will it, Lady Yggdrasil?"

Eve hugged closer into me asking with a accepting smile upon her face.

"Indeed. It is a frightening ability, but that wont change the concepts set in stone by the First Gods, The Supremes."

I turned around and faced off in the vast fields of grass, even eyeing the Eden Tree that stretched its branches up into the sky. The breeze blew past my face before wavering my hair in the wind, now closing my eyes... I inhaled to take within all of the fresh scent of peace once more.

This was the last time we would ever feel what true peace is.

"Let us begin the process of reproduction."


We walked in the vast fields for hours on end, our feet were by now covered in all sorts of leaves and rocks, but once we hiked up a hill we had finally reached our destination. Down below we could see a flat plain of grass stretching on miles, as far as they eye can see. The sun arched overhead of our eyes, I couldn't help but laugh at the glorious sight.

"Ahahahahaaaa! This is wonderful! We've never been here before, why has this been hidden from us so long Yggdrasil? This sight! Me and Eve could've been here ages ago sightseeing together!"

I opened my arms and held them up into a T-pose after arching my back to feel the wind brush against my body. This was truly amazing, I felt like a kid again receiving Yggdrasil's yummy sweet tea before bed. The excitement rushed through my body.

"This feeling... it's..."

Yggdrasil laughed with her fist balled in front of her mouth. Such an motherly laugh, I felt like a kid all over again as Eve laughed at me as well.

"It's called Adrenaline Adam... Yggdrasil taught us that years ago."

I bursted out laughing before jumping down and starting to roll down the steep hill which lead down to the open field. These fun times, they would forever stay with me as I rolled down; tumbling, tossing and turning before I eventually recovered and started sprinting down on my feet while raising my hands into the air screaming like a madman.


I was the first to make it down, dusting myself off all the leafs and pebbles grass stuck to my body, now staring back up at both two beautiful woman, Eve and Yggdrasil.

"Whoops... ahahah, I apologize if I Overreacted. Just seeing such an amazing sight made me want to go towards it even more. ...Well then? Shall you both join me?"

I looked up to see Yggdrasil tap her wooden staff upon the ground a few times, all the sudden they both vanished...?

"Huh? Yggdrasil... Eve—"

"We're both behind you Adam."

I turned around facing them both... well that shocked me. I almost forgot Yggdrasil could do many things with her power, such as teleport as she had just done.

"Well you two, Adam, and Eve. We're now both at the largest vast area of The Garden of Eden, being here we can now open up the gates that connects to the Mortal World and Celestial World, even the Higher Gods world, but my power isn't strong enough to reach the First Gods world... therefore we will use these gates to start the process of reproduction, using both of your bodies to create mortal life in the mortal world. Are you both ready?"

Me and Eve glanced at each other and nodded—

"We are." (Both)

Yggdrasil thus raised her arms into the sky, as if she was casting her grand magical spell. Her wooden staff was still held in one hand, and above the clouds we could see a swirling of golden large clouds hurdle down towards the ground as if it was a tornado forming.


In front of us she chanted some ancient language that both me and Eve couldn't understand. We've seen everything Yggdrasil could do, from: Teleportation, Create life, create diseases, cure diseases, be unbound by fate from the Celestial Gods, send enemies outside of the Garden of Eden into a black abyss of no return, even form her own concept of magic which involves around controlling connecting higher dimensional structures with one another to form either a new plain of existence or even remake the Garden of Eden entirely if it was destroyed.


Eve gasped next to me as we faced into the sky. Before us the golden swirling clouds touched the ground after coming from the sky, blowing away trees to even knocking down cliffs in the distance from its strong winds—

We could now see those golden clouds stop their twirling and spinning, finally disappearing in mist to show a large gate in front of us, opening up to show a Royal Blue Vortex. This vortex was the portal to the Mortal world...

"....Everything you've al done up to now was for a reason. Go my children, go deep into the vortex to the mortal world to start a new Era, may you lead the mortals into new heights... Adam, Eve."

We both stared at the vortex which given off an eerie sound, almost like a blackhole. Walking towards it as our hair blew within the wind and overall power from this vortex, we took a deep breath.

"Yggdrasil, we will miss you greatly... perhaps one day when we create our children, we may be able to come visit you again. But... that is just an ignorant wish from a mortal..."

Eve bowed her head shedding a tear, holding her hair with her hand which blown as if it was in a hurricane, she looked towards Yggdrasil, her crystal clear eyes filled with those sad tears.

"Goodbye, Lady Yggdrasil..."

"Goodbye, Eve. Goodbye, Adam... I love you both, dearly..."

I took lead, not looking back ever again. No... if I was to look back, I would want to stay even more, now pulling eve hand with me, we both jumped into the vortex, her bodies started to distort and twist, matching a spiral just like the vortex itself, tunneling down to the world of the Mortals.

We left the Garden Eden; the birthplace of where origin resides. Me and Eve were born here and created by the supremes to be the first ones to birth the mortals and all the mortals of creation. We were the first mortals to exist inside of Beloveno , and now we will be the first to exist in the mortal world, giving birth to all alike that counts as a mortal. After being pressured by Lilith's appearance and forced into eating the forbidden fruits which is the fruits that governs "true reality", me and Eve defeated her. We learned a lot over our time, even learning that True reality is hidden from normal reality so one cannot see the desires of another one's wish. By eating the fruit it awakens one's origin which brings them into true reality, or something I wanna call... the "unraveled world", making others see another one's desire in the form of a creature. The garden of Eden is not part of the mortal world nor celestial world and Higher Gods world, but is its own world. It connects them both and is the gateway to other worlds. It's completely transcendent over the Mortal World which is a Fifth dimensional hierarchy, leaving The Garden of Eden to be connected in between them all, The Mortals, Celestials, and Higher Gods.

From us coming from a higher dimension, we could see the Mortal world in the shape of a planet, it looked something like a sphere... having the Vortex transport us down into this gray sphere where we'll birth Mortals. We've crashed into the sphere and merged with it, our very origins fused with the sphere, and upon our fusion with the sphere, it birthed infinite worlds where different events will happen with different futures, this was due to Eve's origin which creates endless possibilities, thus creating infinite worlds—

My origin once we fused with the mortal world had kept these infinite worlds balanced and have their own timeline. We were the final piece in finishing the Mortal World, all we had to do was connect with it, thus fusing our origins with its existence.

Now, mortals, other races, different creatures, all would be born. As long as you were born within the mortal world, you would count as a mortal.