Chapter 3: The New Era


After the creation of Mortals, life could now function. Glorious life, precious life, it was a blessing to have; many many universes started to sprout life of their own kind, from something called Humans, to something called Neclokens, to something called Neonites. Each universe had its own species and own race of people, and there were infinite amount of them all.

Down to the birth of Adam and Eve, and after they fused with the Mortal World, everything had been functioning perfectly.

The most known mortals of them all were beings called Humans, they were chaotic and most close with chaos itself. Their existence was confusing upon many other races, even the Gods.

Humans were the ones who could access the energy of Sin easier than most Mortal races, using it to their advantage in a battle.

The Humans population were most highest in 'Universe 1',  a universe where humans were everywhere, but more located on a planet called earth.

Here in this planet, you can even call it the center of chaos. These humans... they were creatures that defied logic from even the Celestial Gods. Their source of energy known as Sin, it made them powerful.

Sin itself is a major element in the beginning Era of Adam and Eve when they joined forces to defeat Lilith. It is the nature of negative energy that is embedded into the souls of all living beings after being created from Adam and Eve. Sin is not acquired, but inborn in this beginning Era for Mortals. It is due to Sin that all mortals can wield it and grow stronger from it, from more amount of Sin they commit. People become selfish and commit evil acts without any shame or guilt. Embrace it and live in punishment. Those who are born with powerful sin can have access to its negative energy, which lies in the higher dimension that is the Garden of Eden.

The Negative energy can also be called the Sin of Adam and Eve, the original Sinners that became a stigmata of all humans that they created, and their descendants.

Something awaits with the use of Sin, and finally with it's existence being known, the entirety of mortals will use its power to benefit themselves and much more.


— Current Time Period: Year 820 (8th Century)

Standing upon the edge of a cliff, a young man stared out into the vast horizon. Seth was his name, ah yes the one who harnessed the most Sin energy of all humans.

He carried an rabbit upon his back he finished hunting. By using his negative energy, also called Sin, he took down the rabbit by simply touching it with said energy. No creature full of purity and positive nature could resist the touch of Sin. Those who came across it would simply die if they weren't as sinful as their enemy or had no use of Sin energy.

Such a cruel world, why did an energy such as this even exist? That is what the young man carrying the animal had thought. .....The Young man went by the name of Seth, a growing teenager who harnessed the most energy of sin next to his other two brothers Cain and Abel.

He walked upon the eerie misty forest after turning back around after staring off the cliff, going deep inside of the forest he could hear the sound of wolves to even bears. Nature here was vast and natural; even the slightest sign of fire would start a wildfire from the amount of trees and forest in this world.


Calling far in the distance was Seth's younger brother Cain. He had now made his way towards his voice holding the rabbit on his back, and leaving the other side of the forest, out into the open where it shown a large open area full of residences. To Straw-houses, tents, horses mounted upon their stables, and the smell of burning iron from blacksmiths. The typical smell of iron and dung, it was the time where humans were still advancing after all.

"Seth you've been gone far too long, it doesn't take that long to hunt a silly rabbit does it?"

Cain asked Seth as they both walked towards a small tent in the village ahead of them.

"I suppose it doesn't brother, but you know I have plenty of woman also waiting for me, do you not?"


Cain looked up to his bigger Brother Seth, even though they were two years apart. Seth was Eighteen while Cain was Sixteen, the only thing they had different was charisma and age, as Seth was the most charismatic child of all in their village called 'Etobu'.

As they walked towards the tent, they had both opened it together walking inside as Seth placed the rabbit down upon a handmade table. He had to skin the rabbit and prepare for a cook tonight, the village was starving and just a bite of this rabbit could fill their bellies in no time, their appetite wasn't that big.

"This rabbit is enough for the entire village, usually we fast for weeks in order to respect our first Father and Mother, Adam and Eve. When we fast we're respecting nature and animals as they did, therefore we must suffer with a growling stomach. Ahahaha, over time we evolved to achieve a short stomach, making an entire stew enough to fill you for a few days."

Seth spoke his knowledge on their culture, it was amazing hearing this, Cain didn't know much as Seth did. Even if Cain and Abel were younger by two years to Seth, it still made a big difference.


Outside the Tent the villagers had yelled and cheered for Abel's return. The one who had done the most Sin for power, thus making him stronger than even Cain and Seth combined, however with his most Sin, he eventually grown to let sinful actions corrupt him, thus making him an evil bastard.

Cain had peeked his head outside to stare towards Abel that had returned, his aura was red with deep dark eyes of an abyss. It looked as if he no longer had his soul—

"Abel is back..."


"Morning Sir Abel."

"Good morning sir Abel! You have returned back just in enough time for a feast. Young Seth had went out and hunted a rabbit we can eat before we start our week fast again."

The villagers speaking to Abel had respected him well, even addressing him with a sir. This seemed to make Cain frown the most, he seemed to be most uncomfortable even around his brother...

"Ngh... why is he back... out of all times?"

Seth walked towards Cain and placed his hand upon his shoulder. He knew Cain was uncomfortable in front of Abel's presence, but his reason for it made most sense.

"Seth... he used to be so kind, he was always the most happiest one, he always played with other kids and helped those in need... but now? He's just a cruel savage, he's committed so much sin until the point where he's absorbed into his own actions of evil."

Seth sighed as he bowed his head in shame, hearing this story again. He knew it well, but what could they do?

"Brother Cain, you can see that he sacrificed his own well-being in order to become strong for a reason. Abel won't tell me and you anything, I just remember that day when Abel left..."

Long ago after Abel departed from the village of Etobu, he had a look of shame upon his face. Seth saw him leave with this look, not questioning him only believing he was departing for a hunt... but he was far from wrong. A week passed once he left and returned finally, coming back as a different person, his eyes had no life within them anymore, however his energy of Sin was at a stage where it could even destroy an entire mountain if even a spec of it was released. Me and Abel had the same strength in terms of our Sin Energy, but he had more experience.

"I understand that... but I do not know what's the reason for it? Why risk your entire wellbeing for something and not tell anyone what it is?"

Cain spoke in a nervous tone, his body gotten chills all over it... despite Cain's very courageous personality, he was most scared of his brother Abel.

"I see... brother Seth went out on a hunt... did he?"

Abel spoke in his lightened voice, walking his way over where Seth and Cain was. His negative energy slowly vanished until he closed their distance from one another, standing a few feet in front of Seth.

"One more time and it should be complete... it will finally be accomplished brothers... so please, don't worry... I just hate the look on your faces, so I want you two to know it's almost finished. A little bit more of sinful deeds and I'll have enough... to finally accomplish our goal..."

Seth looked down at Abel who was an inch smaller than him. He closed his eyes before crossing his arms, Seth stepping out of Abel's way now.

"Go inside Abel, get some sleep... you've done enough, I'll have your food ready for when you wake."

Abel stumbled inside the room and made his way past Cain... however he glanced at him as he made his way through, having the tents curtain close shut. Cain looked down, unable to greet his brother just from anxiety... he felt the most concerned.

"Cain, don't worry about it too much. Abel is doing this for a reason, let's rely on him, okay? Me, you, and Abel are said to be the closest to Adam and Eve from our sin potential being highest. We're here for a reason, little bro."

Seth looked at Cain and rubbed his head, walking past him towards the one who ran the village. He was about to do something that will forever change his life...

"I'll be back, Cain... Abel..."

He spoke as if he was taking lead, to fix this, and discover what Abel's true motive was.