Chapter 10: The Blade Dàinsleif


"Dáinsleif, the blade crafted from the Spirit Hephaestus. It can slay immortals, Origin users, and even kill abstract entities, with the power to deny any Phenomenon. This blade was crafted to be the strongest blade for any Mortal or even God, it can even deny one's abstract embodiment and take it for itself. For example, you can even attack Providence and strip her title away as the Goddess of Destiny, absorbing it into Dáinsleif, and using her power in return."

Pendragon told me the potential of this weapon, at first I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but it also pretty much confirmed that Providence was a Celestial as well.

"You're giving me something that powerful? Are you sure with this, Pendragon!? How did you manage to even get something so powerful?"

The dragon chuckled as it exhaled from its nose above me.

"As said before, I am the first dragon of the entire mortal world. There wasn't infinite parallel worlds during my time of living, it was all just a big vast space. I've met many mortals to even Celestials such as Providence. I was born here before Adam and Eve had even decided to birth mortals into existence and create infinite parallel worlds with their arrival. But once mortals came, I decided why not make my own race as well? Thus I created the dragons and migrated into Shinshui."

A grin crept upon my face, and I rubbed the back of my head.

"So in other words you didn't want to be the only dragon since Mortals came to be? You know, if you maybe stayed as the only dragon, I think that would be cooler."

Pendragon lifted his head up laughing, this was the third time I made him laugh at me, I started to feel like a Jester.

"Ahahahaha! Nay, before mortals came to be, the Celestials had occasionally visited the Mortal world to use it as either a battleground or... other things I wish to not speak about."


The dragon cleared his throat and decided he shouldn't have wasted anymore time.

"Stand back young traveler..."

I started to slowly walk back now, the area around me had suddenly shook rapidly, the trees to even the terrain looked as if it was vibrating—

"What's going on?"

I asked while I looked at Providence.

"An Upgrade... like I said, child of mortality!"

Providence replied back to me with a smug grin on her face, crossing her arms.


Words of alien language had went into an ear throughout the other. I hadn't a clue what Pendragon said, but I assumed it was the language of dragons.


The Dragon opened its mouth releasing a concentrated wave of flames. The flames sprawled out of his mouth in a pillar of fire as if it was being manipulated to not spread out and burn the forest... the dragon had perfect control.


My mouth opened wide, in front of me the blade was forming in thin air, slowly creating itself into existence.

I slowly walked forward now and reached out despite the pillar of fire.

"Bwahahaha, you just couldn't wait could you Seth?"

My entire arm had went through the pillar of fire but it had no effect on me, flames at this level wouldn't be able to scar me.


This time I called unto it. My hand grasped its hilt before I pulled it out, seeing its glorious design; It was too big to even be called a sword. Massive, semi-thick, and far too deformed at its edge. Indeed, it was a weapon of ancient legends, created by a spirit meant to create the strongest weapon of Beloveno.


"I'll use this blade, in order to save my Brothers..."

Those words that came from me had something ignite within Dàinsleif, it started to vibrate inside of my hand and ooze a white mist from its interior outwards and around my body, covering me whole.

"What's happening—"

I asked the two of them, but I couldn't hear them anymore, it was as if I was transported somewhere, realizing the white mist had sent me into some unknown blank void of whiteness.

"Providence, Pendragon?"

I looked around me and heard a deep voice from above.

"Prophecy child, the prophecy child of destiny... the first Hero who would change the world and unite god and men. Seth, I have chosen you."

I didn't have Dàinsleif with me, so I had no protection. As of now I felt vulnerable, but this voice did sound calm and unthreatening, it was just hard to trust anything nowadays.

"Who are you?"

Asking the question, I didn't bother to say anything else until I got my answer.

"I am Spirit Hephaestus, a Prominent Spirit who's most known for its craft."

I didn't know truly what a spirit was, I was never interested in them.

"Tell me, what is a spirit really? And why're you all so important like legends say you're?"

"Then I shall tell you. After you know of us, you will know that important role we play in this world."

Hephaestus answered my question, explaining to me who he was and what spirits were. The explanation alone had taken me by surprise.


Spirits, they're entities who exist within Beloveno and its structure however apparently it's been known now that Spirits are the living embodiments of traditions, legends, rumors, desires, fears, hopes, even beliefs. When these beliefs become more widespread, a spirit based on them is born.

Sometimes people's fear of death leads to the creation of a spirit of death known as the Grim reaper, and other times their faith in Life leads to the creation of an Spirit known as an Angel. People's beliefs is what forms the origin of a spirit; and as a result, spirits will cease to exist when their belief is forgotten.

Neither resurrection or any form of method in Beloveno will be able to bring them back. They can also die when contradictions in their legends and rumors arise. Unlike demons and humans, spirits have no concept of reincarnation, though it is possible for a spirit to change its nature if the lore that forms its existence is changed.

However, spirits are most influenced by the rumors and traditions that first created them, and contradictions to that can lead to their disappearance. However if a particular rumor doesn't contradict a spirits original lore, it will not cause harm and will be added to the original lore, thus potentially granting new abilities.

They are able to serve humans and other entities who learns their chants, spirits come in various sizes, some looks like normal humans while others can be floating eyeballs, other spirits can look like animals and any other creature possible. The spirit world is similar to earth but more 'fantasy-like' in its nature — many spirits have the need to protect Mortals more than anything and would go to great lengths to do it, only if the mortal knows their language and tongue of spirits.

These entities were powerful enough to even create Excalibur, the all powerful sword who's sole purpose was to protect Shinshui from virtually any threat that comes in its way, however it was only limited to using its full power in Shinshui as a weakness.

Hearing all of this, I was standing in the middle of the empty white void, staring up into a sky of nothing.

"To even create Excalibur? Was it you that created Excalibur then... Hephaestus?"

"Indeed, it was I. Creating Excalibur and Dàinsleif is my most finest work, I am known to be born from a great desire, for Mortals to have help from the greatest blacksmith in the world, and that is me. Many mortals overtime needed weapons that could save them from any threat, and their desire for it had spread out into the world, eventually creating me, and knowing me as the greatest blacksmith. Many worship me, to even have me in their culture, you see."

I looked up into the sky smiling, yes I did understand.

"I see. Then tell me, you called me the first Hero, will there be others in the future?"

The spirit I talked to grown quiet overtime once I asked the question, however he replied in a calming voice to my question.

"Katie Densin, Makoto Musashi, Akira Kojiro, Toshiro Kojiro, Haruo Merlin, Carter Randolph. One day they will come, and soon they'll become future heroes in this world, but as it stands now, you must be the one to have that future come to be. So complete your journey, child of destiny. I have brought you here to let you know, Dàinsleif accepts you as it's wielder."

In front of me was a way out of this void of whiteness, I now walked forward but as I did my clothing began to change — a black trench coat was now on my body as was my pants and boots. All black with a white shirt underneath my trench coat. I felt like a new person—

"Once Dàinsleif chooses its wielder, they go through a change. Their existence becomes the very embodiment of a Hero."

"I'll do my part, and I promise I'll use every ounce of power I have to complete my goal."

I had left the void of pure white, and returned back to reality. My Consciousness had been the thing that had transported into the void rather my body, and now upon my return I had the white mist around my body vanish, showing myself in a new look.

"I know what I must do now. I'm no longer going to the mountain of the gods for my brothers sake..."

Placing the large sword upon my shoulder now.

"This is for Beloveno's sake..."