Chapter 11: Bloody Mary


A faint sound was heard coming from the tent, the sound of ruffling, tossing and turning. Cain and Abel were shown to be fighting, their fight was silenced by the amount of force applied to Abel's choking—

"I can't stand it... I can't stand you anymore! You're no longer my brother! Just leave! Die!"

Cain had choked Abel to the ground who was fatigued and halfway unconscious. He couldn't fight back, instead he could only watch his fearful brother take his life slowly, crushing his neck with his bare hands.

"Nck... ack...! C-Cain..."

Abel called to his brother, placing his hand upon his cheek and feeling his neck finally lose its strength—


Cain let out a deafening scream before using his gripping strength to turn Abel's head to the side, enough to snap his neck... the sight was eerie, as was a brother killing another brother.

Cain looked down at his own flesh and blood dead in front of him, slowly rising up from the ground and tumbling back enough to fall outside of the tent—

"N-No... I-I didn't... mean it... no, no! Brother, brother Abel... I..."

One of the villagers seen how Cain had a look of fear in his eyes, even hearing him mumble. The villager being a poor old man didn't hear that well, instead he slowly walked over to where Cain was sitting, leaning over with the cane in his hand, trying to offer the young man help up from the ground.

"Are you alright, young man? You seemed to look like you've seen a spirit! Ohohoho!"

Cain couldn't even hear the old man's voice, but he soon stood up and pushed him to the side, his eyes looked dreadful, or more in shock before he had ran away.

The old man stumbled back and fell down, however he looked fine from how he sat back up to regain his composure... however something felt off.

"God god, god, god, god! GOD! DAMNIT! NO, NO, NOO!!!"

The villagers were all taken back by Cains sudden change in attitude, walking to look inside of the tent now—


Cain could hear a scream coming from the village, people cried at Abel's death and yelled in bloodcurdling screeches. It sounded horrible, he was the most loved and strongest brother of the three, and yet he took his life—

*Sob* He ran away far enough to be hundreds of meters away from Etobu village. He headed north, his location wasn't even far off from where the devil zone was.

"Brother... I'm sorry... I just... I couldn't do it, I couldn't deal with that look in your eyes... you looked lost, and soulless, I couldn't stand it... I wanted my other brother back, the nice and sweet you. Why? God why..."


He was laying up against a tree with his hands covering his face. Tears streamed down his eyes and riddled the ground below him.

"That isn't true at all. You wanted to do it for so long, didn't you Cain?~"

A voice had brushed against his ears to give him chills—


Cain had looked over to the side of him, he could see a female suddenly appear... his eyes widened in shock before he had tumbled to his side and crab-walked backwards.

"I-I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to kill Abel! It was just a... it was just... he wasn't my brother! He was a different person!"

The lady who he replied back to had seemingly floated into the air.


The girl in front of me was a girl with astonishing beauty. She appeared to be elegant and spoke in a tone that could be described as very good manners.

A girl with White hair in long twintails. Her right eye is completely Blue in color while her left eye is a Red, Swastika in the middle of it.

She wore a magnificent Spirit Dress made out of White and Silver frails, giving her the appearance of an elegant Snow-white Royal with uneven twintails.



"Cain, you've wished this for a very long time. You've always wished to kill, you had a pulse for it haven't you? That magnificent feeling! The feeling to take one's life?"

She was crazy, she had to be crazy... no, she wasn't even human! Cain denied those words, there wasn't anyway in hell Cain was like what she said! He refused to believe in it! There's no way

"The pulse to kill anyone in your way, to bathe in your victims blood! Commit more and more sin until you strive to be the best sinner of them all. Fufufu~ you were just jealous of Abel—"


"Jealous that he had the most sin..."


"Jealous that he was known to be a killer and respected for it more than you would ever be..."


"You were jealous of him and you wanted to be known as a killer instead! You are just a cruel twisted boy with the mind of a devil!"


Cain had stopped speaking. The air felt chilly, everything was quieter than before...

"Heheh...hehehahahahaha— Hahahahahahahahaha!"

Cain bursted out into laughter, his head tilted towards the Pale blue sky, laughing... just laughing.

"Keheh... Kehahahahaha! Yes, yesss! It's wonderful! It's delightful! Taking his life was a joy, a joy of death in my hands!"

The Woman in front of him smiled, she seemed to bring out his other side... the hidden and true side of Cain, now approaching him, she offered her hand.

"My name is Bloody Mary, spirit, and now contracted spirit with you, Sir Cain. I wish to serve a prophecy child to the very end, and fulfill his needs and desires..."

Cain looked up at Mary with tears streaming down his cheeks, however with an evil smile showing on his face. Reaching forward, he grabbed Mary's hand and shook it in response.

"Well then Mary, if you know so much about me, you know what I want to do right now the most."

"Indeed, I do. Let us cause havoc, My Lord Cain."