Chapter 12: Demons of Purgatory


A while has passed now, me, and Providence started our journey once again to the mountain of the gods.

This time I wore a new fit, having a trench coat hang down my back and to my ankles, and holding onto my new weapon Dàinsleif. Apparently I can even cut away abstract entities with it — that alone was dangerous enough.

"H-Hey... Child of Mortality, you're not really thinking of attacking me with that sword are you?"

Next to me floating in the air was Providence, well this was new. I've never seen her act scared before, I had playfully elbowed her with a chuckle escaping my lips.

"What? Pendragon worried you about what he said? I can kill you and take your power for myself... maybe I should do it..."

"Wait, wait huh?"

"Yeah... that sounds nice, maybe I should just kill you and venture out to the mountain with this new power, on my own!"

Providence froze in the air and stopped following me, I could tell she had been scared from those words of mine, and soon as she did, I took advantage—

"I'm sorry Providence, but I didn't ask for your help after all!"

Holding Dàinsleif with two hands, I raised the sword above my head and swinging it down. The sound of a metal clank was heard, however for Providence... well...


She was caught up in the gust of wind forming around us.

"A shadow demon, huh?"

Tracking us the whole time here was a shadow demon. I managed to injure it once Dàinsleif connected with its body, however before I could fully cut through its shadow, it moved underneath the shadow of the bushes surrounding us.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Did you mean everything you said to me? You little twerp!"

"Quiet Providence, you're making this harder to seek out the Shadow demon."

"Oh, really? I'm the one making this harder? Listen here Child of Mortality! I didn't come with you just to be picked on and ignored all the freaking time! Maybe if you start showing some respect and actually address me as MADAM PROVIDENCE, then maybe I'll start helping more often!"

I really couldn't stand her. The fact she hovered in front of my face and pulled onto my nose as she said these words, distracting me from my enemy.

"Madam... Providence... can you please...."

"Can I pleaseeee??"

"Shut the fuck up!"

*Gasp* she couldn't believe in my words at first, gasping from them. I started pushing her to the side, concentrating my Sin energy into the edge of my blade, and pitched back Dàinsleif.


Dàinsleif was empowered with a bundle of Sinful energy, now casting it straight ahead in a slash.

"Ngh... nguoohh!!!"

I heard the demon scream in agony. A crescent wave of energy released from my blade, it was enough to cover the entire forest section in front of us, slashing through trees to even bushes.


The Shadow demon now appeared in front of us, blood dripping down its chest... red blood that dripped to the ground to even cause a sizzling noise as if its blood was hot as fire.

"Some Demons just attack like mindless muscle heads, what's your reason for following us?"

The demon I spoke too could feel chills up its back. The chills it felt was fear, pure fear by my presence... no one could withstand it, not even these creatures.


"This young man... who is he? He managed to slice against me twice like butter. One scar on my left side, and another on my right... I'm close to death. His presence is stronger than... even that of an A-Class Devil...."


Each Demon inside of Purgatory has ranks that depends on their level of power

• E Class - The weakest class of all. Devils of this strength aren't strong or smart but they are incredibly violent. However, their strength is just above that of the average human. Most humans and supernatural residents fall under this category.

• D Class - The second to lowest class. Like E-class devils, they usually aren't very intelligent or exceptionally powerful; but their strength and endurance is super-human compared to an average human and could destroy even buildings. However, compared to most demons they are very weak.

• C Class - This is about average strength for most devils. They are much stronger than E and D classes, but their power pales in comparison to the stronger classes. These devils are very common and are relatively abundant in both the Mortal world and Purgatory, having the power to wipe out cities.

• Upper C Class - Devils who are ranked higher than the normal C Class can decimate nature mountains with their power if they do wished it.

• B Class - This class is where the strength level skyrockets and is the beginning of the upper class devil strength, where the difference between the previous classes is absolutely enormous. B classes are far more powerful than C classes, but they still can't compete with the higher classes. They can wipe out entire continents with their power alone

• Upper B Class - Those who are in the upper B class even makes normal B class look like fodder, having the power or an origin ability to eradicate entire Large planets

• A Class - The second to highest class, A-class strength where power at this point become a problem for anyone who comes across these devils. Having the power of A Class devils could do much to one and even makes them powerful enough to rule an entire universe, due to their strength being able to annihilate entire cosmos up to an timeline alone.

• Upper A Class - Upper A Class devils are similar to the normal A Classes however they have the power to wipe out an entire infinite multiverse with relative ease, being cosmic threats.

• Low S Class - This is where one reaches the pinnacle of power till the point the mortal world isn't even seen as a threat to them, these devils can battle even Celestials and challenges gods if they wanted too, making them on the rise to dominance.

• S Class - S classes are the highest class (the pinnacle of power). They are so strong that even a "low" S class' strength can completely devastate an Celestial Realm. In Purgatory, they are rare; with only about 20 ever known by name. It is extremely rare for even an A-class to achieve this level, however it has been observed that a strong A-class could achieve upper S-class in less than two years. S Class devils can challenge the might of Higher Gods as they're on par with such entities.

• Upper S Class - The strongest known level of power in Purgatory, being at the highest peak of all, being shown to be able to eradicate even Beloveno with their power alone, they're strong enough to even face Tiamat in a battle however the Upper S class stays to themselves and are mini rulers inside of Purgatory.

• Demon Kings - Unknown...



"My reason...? Heheheh... I'm simply following orders from our leader. You see, he himself is a high ranking demon inside of Purgatory, if my master so wished it, he could come out and destroy you and this pathetic world."


Destroy me and this world? I didn't have a clue to what this freak was talking about. Shadow demons are just all oozy, and pitch black, only having two white eyes and one mouth, however they could bleed.

"The demons of purgatory have ranks Huh? Hm... I suppose that makes sense."

Providence had casted a magical circle in front of her which formed three large runes inside of it.

"This is seriously bad, Child of Mortality..."

I eyed over at Providence, raising a brow.

"Bad? How? We just need to find out the leaders name and be on our way, don't we?"

"Idiot, child of mortality, do you have a brain? If my theory is right, this demons master may be the rank of an Upper A-class devil... if that's the case, there isn't much we can do. At best you're equal to that of an Upper B-Class devil from your evolution into a Hero, and Dàinsleif is equal to an A-Class devil next to me."

I glanced back at the Shadow demon who cackled and vanished back inside of the shadow of a bundle of tree branches, however—


As he tried to do so, it was as if Causality warped his actions, bringing him back to frame one.

"How did I return back...? Wasn't I just in—"

"Speak, Shadow demon. Or I'll have to kill you here and now, who is your master? And what is he planning to do with us? I need to know the reason you're stalking me and Providence!"