Chapter 16: Awakening of Origin pt3


My body had been stabbed straight through... I stumbled backwards feeling my life slowly fade away, killing myself... it was risky, but I was the type to take gambles in life.... Everything started to fade away, from Providence screaming, to the birds echoing in the distance from her yelling—

"Seth! Sethhhhh!"

I had been stabbed through by my own blade, slowly dying, from a risky gamble.

"N-No! I'll save you Seth, why did you do that? Are you an idiot?"

Providence hovered over my body that fell limp to the ground, Dàinsleif sticking straight through my gut.

I could feel a warm sensation over my wound, Providence tried to heal me...

"W-Why...? Why can't I heal you? My healing is able to manipulate destiny for one to survive, that's impossible! That's impossible! Seth...! Seth please..."

Manipulate destiny in order to save me? I was an hero, or rather a prophecy child. Fate didn't matter to them, Providence should've known that Better than anyone, it was obvious wasn't it?

"T-Then I'll simply use Rejection!"

She stood up and casted a magical circle, this time one rune was in the middle of it.


The circle glowed bright, and the area flashed. She targeted Dàinsleif and tried to remove it, only for the Ancient blade to deny her phenomena passively, destroying her magical circle.


Rejection was suppose to warp Causality, taking the blade out of my chest, however even that failed.

No matter what Providence had done it failed each time, I could hear her desperate attempts as everything turned black... I fell into a endless abyss of nothingness... was this death?


"Welcome, Seth Genesis. Child of Adam and Eve."

This voice... I could hear it but I couldn't see anything, not even my body. Everything around me was dark... as if it was nothingness itself?

"Who speaks to me?"

I moved my head in all directions to see even a glimpse of light, but nothing came.

"Spirit, Grim Reaper. I am the one who guides souls to their death."

So Grim Reaper himself was an empty void of darkness. I could understand it somewhat, since he was a spirit, people would think of death as dark and gloomy, thus giving Grim Reaper his appearance and representation as Darkness itself.

"So you're this darkness are you? Grim Reaper..."

"Indeed I am. Kuhuhuh... I didn't expect to be guiding a second Prophecy child into the afterlife, this is interesting."

"Well, I did kill myself for a reason, this isn't what I expected from it..."

I didn't expect to be sent into the Grim Reaper, but I supposed it made sense... however I was trying to awaken my Origin through a risky suicide.

"There's no going back is it?"

I asked in a quiet mumble.

"There is not, the only ones I cannot take is those of Mavericks, they're out of my control since death to them is nothing more than a foolish concept."

This place... it was as if it Embodied and represented nonexistence from which all of existence and nonexistence comes back to at their death. This place alone felt like existence as a whole is absent, and nothing but unstructured, raw information resides from the souls who died and were sent here.

"So Origin users aren't affected by death... then what about Heroes?"

I was a hero after all, or prophecy child, whatever you wanted to call it. If I had meaning, then my meaning should be the most important of them all—

"Heroes? How can I tell when you're the second hero I've taken?"

What is it about me being the second hero he's taken? Aren't I the first hero? I grew confused by his words now, and more-so curious.

"Who was the first hero you've taken?"

*Kukuku* I could hear the Grim Reapers chuckle... he sounded as if he's been waiting to see this to me for the longest.

"Abel, one of the prophecy brothers next to you and Cain. He's long gone, into the afterlife..."

I had for a moment thought it was just a game... a trick from the dead? No... why would the grim reaper lie to me...? Abel... dead? No... it couldn't be, Cain was there with him, does that mean—

"Who.... Who killed him...?"

"That I cannot tell you. It isn't my job to let others know of one's death."

"Then how did he die!??"

The Reapers voice paused for a moment...

"Suffocation, the lack of oxygen. He was strangled to death."

Everything around me seemed as if it went hazy... as if I wasn't already in nothingness itself.

My emotions poured out of my body stronger than it's ever have done in my life... I reached forward into the pitch black void and shouted.


My ancient blade had called back to my hands, in that moment I empowered it with my Sin energy, slashing it forward into the abyss of the darkness.

"To think you can even function in my domain... you're worthy of being known as a hero, Seth Genesis. Your parents would be proud..."

My parents I had no clue to who they were, but the one thing I learned from the Grim Reaper is my last name was Genesis, that indeed had meaning to me.

As my wave of Sin energy released from my blade, it cut straight through the darkness, opening out a way for my soul to escape the Nothingness.

I flew straight ahead, feeling as if I was in a pool of darkness, reaching the very surface and into the world again, bringing my soul back into my body after I escaped.


"Sethhh!! Don't die! Seth come back-"

Hearing her voice again as I returned, my soul returned back into my body. A loud gasp for air had been heard once I returned, pulling Dàinsleif out of my body soon as I had seen it stuck in my chest.

"S-Seth... Seth!"

Providence had leapt forward and grasped my forearm hugging me, tears streamed down her face, more than the last time I seen her cry.

"How did you return Seth *Sniffle* your heart was stabbed through?"

She was right, my heart was pierced straight through, right now I should be dead...

"I suppose this means I obtained my Origin?"

Holding onto my blades hilt, I tilted down my head in a relieved sigh.

"You've obtained.... Your origin...? But how...?"

Even I didn't know myself, but there was one conclusion I could think of.

"I guess being a Hero creates possibilities that benefits me in a long Run, allowing me to obtain what I want, or need in order to fulfill my prophecy?"

Providence stood up on my forearm wiping away her tears before pointing up at my face.

"I-I knew that! I knew that was the reason to why! Despite Dàinsleif denying concepts from denying Phenomena, it's only logical the Prophecy child is able to do wonders as well!"

I laughed as my head leaned back, the amount of joy covering my body was wonderful..~ I felt as if I obtained the last and final step to help me on my journey. I couldn't have done this without providence.

"Hahahahahaha! Ahahaahahaha!"

I placed my hands behind my back onto the ground, my head leaning upwards to face the sky...

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on, Provy."

She didn't even mind the nickname this time around — she was too happy to see me alive right now.

"Let's, Seth!"