Chapter 15: Awakening of Origin p2


Me and Providence had been at this all night. No not our arguing but actually the training to getting my Origin. By far, this was the hardest training I've ever done, in a long time.

"Remember what I told you, Child of Mortality. You must understand it, understand the true reality."

She's told me this the tenth time already. I didn't understand what true reality was, and even if I did, how would I tell the difference between them?

My training was simple. I was told by providence to awaken my third eye, or in other words my Origin. She explained what it was to me, and I did understand somewhat to what an Origin was; For someone to discover their origin, they need to discover who they're as a whole, digging deep into their soul and their concept  itself. This is only obtainable to those who have discovered or awakened their real "selves" which is essentially their origin.

As of now I was trying to do this, in order to travel upwards to the Mountain of the Gods.

"Adam and Eve called true reality the Unraveled world, it's the world unraveled before your eyes, being mysterious to even us Celestials. We have no clue on why it was made, but apparently the First Gods such as the Supreme Gods made it for Mortals specifically, however over time us Celestials learned to access it as well."

*Scoff* so the Supreme Gods made it for only mortals, and now Celestials got a hold to it? Talk about failures in their own work.

"What's with that Scoff? I have you know, no one other than Mortals can interact with Amalgamations that exists inside of the Unraveled world."

Things took a quick turn, I took back my mocking smirk I had on my face as I stood in the middle of a field meditating with the cool chilly breeze hitting my face.

These concepts she spoke of, were alien to me.

"What's an Amalgamation?"

Asking this, Providence lazily laid down in mid-air, placing her hand underneath her chin.

"Listen closely if you wish to know."


Providence explained it clearly, Amalgamations are creatures born from human and or other creatures desires.

Amalgamations are essentially someone's desires brought into "True reality", or the Unraveled World, in the shape of a creature or any form of creature that their desires would likely embody.

If someone has a good desire then their desire would likely represent an angel or good creature without the creature being hideous enough or scary enough to instill fear into someone.

Large influencers or world leaders have massive desires, big enough to where their amalgamation is the strongest in the unraveled world, being able to attract other amalgamations in the unraveled world and even build an army from them.

Amalgamations exist to hide someone's desire in true reality, allowing an origin user to be able to interact, or kill their amalgamation which would cause the person in normal reality to lose their desire and also confess their sins to the public if they did something bad, giving themselves up. However she explains that there can be instances where if you kill someone's Amalgamation in the Unraveled world, then it can also kill the person in the normal world.

Amalgamations can only be seen by origin users only, as the origin is someone's "True self" allowing them to interact with the Unraveled World.

I looked at providence, understanding what she was talking about, I needed more answers so I could prepare.


"So what happens when you awaken True Reality? What does the Origin user gain in benefits?"

She looked at me with a sluggish gaze before staring up into the sky.

"Wellll, if you awaken your origin, you cannot be killed in normal reality even if your soul is destroyed, since your origin exists in True Reality and is functional now. Not to mention you're essentially Invulnerable to attacks from the Normal world. I put it like this, if I were to be killed right now, I cannot die by any means, only because my origin is residing in the Unraveled World."

She turned around and stood upright in midair.

"Also there's one thing to note, when someone awakens their Origin, their body in the normal world vanishes from history, in such a way as if they never existed. To even interact with their existence in any point of time is impossible. The reason for this is because your Origin isn't bound by cause and effect, and exists outside the system of the normal world, which even includes the Concepts of Celestials such as me."

This started to sound confusing... what was she even talking about? Cause and effect? My body ceasing to exist across history? Wouldn't that change a lot...?

"I see, so I'll even exist outside of Celestial laws?"

"Yes, Child of Mortality. That's actually what we call an Maverick. A Maverick, also called a non-conformist, is someone who exists outside the Celestials framework, and Fate altogether.  Mavericks are usually the ones who discovered there about Origins, and True Reality, giving them protection against the gods fate or pitiful game the Celestials try to put them through."

I stopped meditating for a moment as I eyed Providence.

"And it even protects them to not be

manipulated in any kind of way by the Celestials. Mavericks came about due to the history of Buddha being the first Maverick in the world of the mortals, loving in his nature and kind enough to balance the world of the gods. Mavericks are the only beings who can gain transcendences such as Benoyin's and Taihō's through their evolution. However we won't get through transcendence, that's for another time! As of now, we should focus on gaining your Origin."

Slowly but surely I started to understand this overtime as she explained it. I went back into meditation and exhaled from my mouth, holding onto my blade Dàinsleif, I pointed it into the sky.

"I see now... True Reality is it? Tell me Providence, what happens if one's Origin perishes in the Unraveled world?"

Providence stared up at me wondering what I was getting at. I couldn't blame her, the way I held onto my blade and my question, looked suspicious.

"Well if your origin dies, you die... since it exists above mind and soul, it's the very concept of who you're. What are you planning?"

In that moment I yelled, holding onto Dàinsleif I grabbed its hilt with both hands, jabbing the blade straight into my body—


Blood was drawn from me, I stabbed the blade straight through my heart.